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11026 results found

  1. Mark as unread

    Sometimes we receive messages, we read it and we’re not able to reply immediately, the messages are marked as read and then they get lost when we receive new messages from others users and we forget. It would be great a feature “mark as unread” so we can get back to them later filtering unread messages.

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  2. Color theme change

    It would be great to have a chat background color that looks like your standard iOS or Android messaging window. I’d like to sneak into Grindr without attracting too much attention from snooping peeps around me 😉

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  3. Relationship Status

    Add Polyamorous to relationship status. It’s more than just “Open Relationship” or “Partnered”

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  4. Stop automatic refreshing

    Sometimes when I return to the thumbnail feed after viewing a profile or using another app, I see a guy that I want to message, but then the feed automatically refreshes and the guy disappears :( Sometimes, if I am lucky I can find him again after searching carefully, but most of the time he is completely lost. This has caused me SO much frustration. PLEASE end this!
    (A possible alternative to automatic refreshing would be to make a 'refresh' icon hover at the top of the feed/screen when it comes time to refresh, but allow us USERS to click…

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  5. Destigmatize sex work on the app

    Gay men in the US and around the world have been disenfranchised at varying degrees due to homophobia and other social injustices. Many gay men (especially youth) are struggling to survive and/or may be at constant risk of homelessness. Stop shaming the guys who seek "gen" men, and start facilitating connections between guys who need help and guys who CAN help. After all, NO man is an island, and ALL relationships are essentially an exchange of personal resources, in one way or another.
    Sex workers and masseurs provide comfort, pleasure, and basic human contact to those who need it. Their…

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  6. View who I’ve tapped.

    Have a screen to show who we’ve tapped, similar to how we can see who we have favorited. I think this would be great to see especially when traveling and being able to get back home and reconnect with those we tapped.

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  7. Simultaneous photo sending/unlocking

    Trading photos is a pain. There's always a debate about who is going to send theirs first. There should be an option to send another user your photo but that photo only gets shown or unlocked to them if they have sent one of their own to you. Both photos unlock simultaneously.

    I could see the notification saying, "this user has chosen a photo to send to you through the fair photo trade option. If you wish to make a fair trade choose a photo to send them in return and we will unlock both simultaneously"

    This would reduce the…

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  8. Chatrooms - Find and join public chat rooms by topic or interest

    See a list of public chat rooms/forums to join, organized by topic, interests, geolocation, etc.

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  9. Block

    The block function is broken currently having to block the same users every time I open the app it's become unusable and will have to delete soon as too many creepy people I can't block.

    Please fix the block function it's a safety feature not a paid feature and it's illegal to not allow unlimited blocks on all accounts.

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  10. Notify me when action has been taken against a user I blocked

    I would like some kind of progress or notification that action has been taken against people who I have blocked. I receive far too many nude photos and I want to see that slow down.

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  11. Let me control who can see me

    Some users might not want to interact with profiles with certain parameters. For example, maybe a University professor doesn't want to be seen by anyone under 21 so they can avoid their students. Or maybe someone looking for strictly friends only doesn't want to be seen by anyone who isn't also looking for new friends. With this kind of control over who can see you, users can avoid unwanted contact with other users.

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    planned  ·  15 comments  ·  Admin →
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  12. 679 votes

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  13. Filterable blocked list

    So we can find a specific profile

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  14. 665 votes

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  15. Please allow mock location on Grindr

    Please allow us to use mock location on grindr ASAP. Recently i got to know that my partner is cheating on me and i really wanted to catch him red handed while using grindr, but being not able to use mock location he could trace that my profile is visible to my area using explore.. so he wouldn't reply to me.. by using mock location i could trace and catch him red handed.

    As i stay in a rural area and isolated place and whenever i make a plan to visit another city i could use mock location to explore…

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  16. Plis Return the bar to search for messages :(

    A bar that allows you to search for messages from any chat.

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    Bring back the ethnicity filter as I would like the choice to choose what I like. I don't think it's fair to leave people with absolutely no choice to decide on what they want. I think the ethnicity filter made life easier it made it easier to find what YOU wanted.
    Please bring back the filter so I can finally get what I want again

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  18. Delivery & read receipt reliability improvements

    Fix the message delivery status and read receipt bugs. The message status should update to "Delivered" once it has been delivered, and to "Read" once it's been opened.
    The status of a sent message is supposed to change from Sent to Delivered if the recipient has the app open, but many times I’ve seen people online even hours or days later, and my message still shows as Sent, leading me to assume they haven’t got it. So I send another message, which led to one guy telling me I’m impatient. This bug, combined with Grindr often losing messages altogether, keeps…

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  19. Allow Users to add More Profile Pictures

    It would be really great to have the ability to put more than 5 profile pics.
    Please make that option possible

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  20. Reverse age filter update

    So apparently in the new version update (31 January 2022) it’s no longer possible to filter on one age (min. 18 and max. 18). Now it’s only possible to search for ages with a 3/4 year range (min. 18 and max. 21).

    Since this drastically reduces the amount of people you can find from a specific age, I’d like to recommend Grindr to reverse this decision!

    Hope to count on your vote!

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