Notify me when action has been taken against a user I blocked
I would like some kind of progress or notification that action has been taken against people who I have blocked. I receive far too many nude photos and I want to see that slow down.

LuvsCock commented
xx hey beautiful hope ur weekends and good fun..!!! Family fun…
Adventures…lol -
Mick Frank commented
Blocking people is not a very good idea, I think, because Western civilization has chosen the path of education and democracy. It is better to offer This will help free up a lot of time for students and spend it on useful things, such as hobbies or just spending time with friends
Reece Kaden commented
Dude this is Grindr - there’s profile pics of guys asses, we’re horny and it’s no secret that a lot of people use Grindr just to find a root. If receiving naked pics offends you maybe try tindr. I actually get flattered when someone sends me nudes - shows they think I’m attractive enough to wanna screw.
Anonymous commented
Clearly Grindr should be run the way you want.
Anonymous commented
Maybe use a different app then. Sounds like your problem not those sharing nude pics on a gay cruising app lol
Johnny Anidem commented
I think u have to Report User. If you want to ban them from Grindr
John Ray commented
There is an option in your profile "Accepts NSFW images" or something to that effect. You have the option to choose Yes, always, not at first, and No thank you. The "block" function is how you enforce your "No thank you" choice.
Free2B_USMC commented
Youd really enjoy sites/apps like ChristianMingle or EHarmony. If a grown GAY man can get upset about male nudity on THIS site, maybe the change ned to happen at ChristianMingle or EHarmony to include a category for gays that are THAT sensitive. It starts with banning this kind of nudity x and then R and then PG and thn b4 you know it, showing ankles or feet or bare chest/nipples, or licking your lips will be offensive.
Its a slippery slope and in some places Greek and Roman sculptures and Renaissance paintings become "pornography" and morally offensive. What drew me and millions others to come sign up was to freely interact like the horny guys we are, and with other likeminded men. And since when have gays had to watch their behavior for fer of persecution? Been a good while and you want it to start here in
safe place like Grindr? Censoring PG rated pics, middle fingers, suggestive clothing, sexual terms, etc? Im a registered Republican and find the majority of moderates who make up the party wouldnt even agree to curtail that here. Its denying gays their freedom of expression. For those offended by it, stay off of Grindr. For a mere few and small percentage of oversensitive folks to dictate and push their radical views on the overwhelming majority of this community would not only be unfair, but also a terrible busines decision. Theres a LONG list of apps that sealed their fate with poorly made decisions ignoring their target market. If anything, loosen up on this move to make Grindr feel like some finishing school complete with censorship of any and all that may refer to sex or sexuality. If anything, the first time that ANYONE complains about nudity, enable a feature on their account that restricts ALL incoming images, so they dont have to worry about seeing nudity on Grindr anymore. They can arrange for exchange of pics through email or via text/fax/or mail without spoiling it for the other 99% of the Grindr community. Lol -
biru vinnu commented
It's a good app for men to enjoy everwhere but some people are waste miss using this app
Anonymous commented
If one doesnt enjoy a flooding of nude pics, then one should refrain from using this (or other similar) apps. For ALLLL the rest of us who have no problem with them, and use apps like this actually enjoy them (in part), lets get naked! Nothing like a nice juicy hole in your face to get you hard, ammi rite??
I have place 👇 commented
Please 🙏 halp .
Unbanned my account.xtra -
I have place 👇 commented
Give respect take respect
Lando commented
Getting notification when action is taken is one thing. But your justification for wanting this feature is laughable.
Josh Becker commented
This makes no sense. Nudes are a part of the game...
Daniel commented
Taking action against people who send nude pics? Sorry but nudes are part of the game in this app. I would be annoyed if someone DIDN'T send them.
NoMoreFish commented
Revenge only hurts yourself. When someone reports that is taking recourse and trust Grindr is permanently banned trigger happy. They will ban this person permanently. They evaluate every single complaint and if found to be in violation of the TOS Grindr will investigate further and take proper actions. If they allow an appeal, IF, the investigation is revisited except by a new CSR not the one who originally investigated. Leave it to them you shouldn’t stress out anymore than they already made you.
Josh commented
Yes, I would love to know about this. There have been times where I've reported users who are either harassers or even underage and for some reason I always see them back on the app. So it makes me wonder if grindr truly is trying to make the app a safe place.
Anonymous commented
this is a HOOKUP app for GAY your 'complaint' is pointless. If you can't expect to see nudes on a hookup...BUH BYE
Jet commented
Well “Sarah” maybe you would prefer Facebook if you tried it.
Seeing as grindr is a hookup app for Gay. Men. Your sense of entitlement is—-ERROR