Reverse age filter update
So apparently in the new version update (31 January 2022) it’s no longer possible to filter on one age (min. 18 and max. 18). Now it’s only possible to search for ages with a 3/4 year range (min. 18 and max. 21).
Since this drastically reduces the amount of people you can find from a specific age, I’d like to recommend Grindr to reverse this decision!
Hope to count on your vote!

Aaron Bond commented
I don’t think this is a problem. The issue is 50 year old men trying to hook up with 18 year old making their filter that way to only show 18 year old.
Hassan Hassan commented
فتح الحض
ر -
Pedro commented
Vote please
[Deleted User] commented
Jones commented
It is still on the paid version 11-14-2022 you may need to delete the app and reload grinder and sign back in
Steve J commented
I have paid xtra and this 4 year gap on age filter just started for me on 10/11/22… is this a bug or an update?
Arron commented
In addition to the existing age filter, I would like to be able to filter by only those guys who show their age. It’s annoying if I set my filter to let’s say 21-37 but when I look at a guys profile, it doesn’t show his age. I know he’s in the range (I think?) but I want to be able to see just those who show age.
There’s already a “show age” option in everyone’s profile settings, so this could be used for the new filter.
John Doe commented
I want to limit what age range can view my profile. As a young male it is revolting to be messaged by mature men. I know there’s a block button, but I’d like further control over my privacy and only allow my profile to be viewed by my specified age range.
Michael Baugh commented
I’m not able to turn “show age” off. Even when I click the toggle to off it still shows. An you help me fix this?
Carl Wambu commented
apparently in the new version update (31 January 2022) it’s no longer possible to filter on one age (min. 18 and max. 18). Now it’s only possible to search for ages with a 3/4 year range (min. 18 and max. 21).
It’s annoying , I’d like to recommend Grindr to reverse this decision!
Hope to count on your vote!
Anonymous commented
Yes! Got up here to request a similar feature. So glad that I’m not the only that wants this. It’s tiresome to always check the profile and see the age and have to polity reject that person.
Most users don’t even display or “forgot to update” it, that’s how you end up with a 25 something guy only for him to be 35 irl. 🤦🏻♂️
Combine that with profiles that are blank and unverified, you get a fuck fest of shady people with other interests than actually meeting and knowing a person. -
Tyler John Almgren commented
Possibly zodiacs would be a good contribution as an alternative to ages, both times now I have had to make new accounts , I put in my correct birthdate and one year is always added to it. My birthday is Dec 11 1993, when the age number pops up this appears as 29, so I am not 29 until December
kevin commented
Seem like if you’re using an Apple iOS device, the age filter section doesn’t allow you to search one certain age but instead it’s filter by 3 years increment. So Age 18 - age 21, age 22 - age 25. This is really annoying. PLEASE CAN YOU REVERSE IT BACK TO HOW IT WAS BEFORE.
Raul Izquierdo commented
Age group block under searches as someone that works for the city and public sector i can barely cruise because anyone under 21 can see me even if i do an age filter my job and personal life is put at risk. It should automatically block certain age groups after you select your criteria. .make this a safe app for all users. Tired of getting taps from 18 - 21. Please implement this already incognito is not a option either it makes you not apppear.
N commented
I am unable to filter unless the age is 3 years apart. This never used to happen but for example if someone was looking for someone 21-22, they would have to put 21-24 because the grindr app makes you put 3 years in between the range. It never used to do this and I would really like it if they reversed this feature!
PaulT commented
This one has never been an issue for me. I've always been able to set the minimum age and maximum age to the same to find people who are specifically that age e.g. 24. Just set the max date to the age you want, then set the minimum. I have the iOS version of the app and it works every time (and it's not restricted to paying members either)
Kára V. Norwood commented
I’m 54 and I I don’t like to sleep with people that are too younger for my taste. My cut off age at the youngest is usually 35 with a maximum of 70. I am tired of 18, 19, 20-year-old kids who can’t even drink legally trying to hook up with me when I have a kid of my own who is 32yo. Any younger than 35 creeps me out yet these kids will not leave me alone but these kids will not leave me alone. I would like to be able to put in my profile preferences that I do not want to hear from anybody who is under the age of 35 and if the system prevent those people in the age group from contacting me. This needs to be flexible So that older people who are good with younger adults can do their thing. I should not have to block them individually. I have over 400 “kids” blocked that should not of seen my profile in the first place. As they get older they can age out of my set range And that would be fine. How do you to be able to do this and other people do to
Phillip commented
I would like to be able to show what age range I’m interested in, so guys outside of this don’t message me and vice versa
beggin commented
Please grindr ! reverse this new fucking age filter ! That sucks !
beggin commented
This change really sucks ! It decreases a lot the options of my preference! There is no logical reason to do that if not to restrain people from interacting with much more users !