Grindr Feedback
Thanks for using Grindr! We’re constantly looking to improve your experience and would love to hear how we can achieve that.
1114 results found
Bring back favorites tab
Bring back the old Favorites tab!
Switching Favorites to a filter means that every time I want to look at my favorites, I have to add the Favorite filter to my search screen. If I have other filters on, I have to reset them in order to see profiles I’ve favorited that meet those filters, forcing me to reset all my filters just to look at my favorites. This is so annoying!
368 votes -
Get rid of new favorites filter
The new favorites filter that moves the favorites button to the filters bar and applies active filters to favorites is hard to use.
It’s slower. I can’t filter by notes anymore, which sucks. And I don’t like that my active filters are applied to my favorites— I use active filters to find new guys. Guys that I’ve already added to favorites don’t need to be filtered.
72 votes -
Tag for scat
Have a tag for guys into scat.
214 votes -
Grindr Gay vs Grindr Other Genders
Have a toggle so that people can select the genders they are attracted to. This is primarily a gay dating app. Frankly there should be an app that can house those that are looking for CD / Trans / MF Couples. Until then, add the toggle so I don’t have to waste my time blocking people to free up space bc your Xtra memberships are too expensive to just scroll & ignore.
54 votes -
Filtering by race
Allow filtering by race once again. I have a ton of friends of different ethnicities. I’m not a bigot. But I’m physically attracted to certain things. We all are. It’s an animalistic nature. We are animals. It’s learned in our science class when we are tiny kids. Allow us to search for what we are looking for. This app is the most expensive app most of us use. By far. Make it worth it!!!
64 votes -
Ethnicity filter
We need an ethnicity filter
135 votes -
A filter to remove trans women and femmes from one’s grid. This is a huge component of functionality. Right now I consider a grid full of w
A filter to remove trans women and femmes from one’s grid. This is a huge component of functionality. Right now I consider a grid full of women and femmes an issue of functionality. I have dozens of people in my grid taking up space that have no business being in my grid. I’m gay. I downloaded Grindr because I’m gay. I am not interested in women and femmes otherwise I would have downloaded tinder. now provide a filter to purge these women from my grid permanently or quit marketing to gay men. You have abandoned us. Scruff, Adam4Adam, Growlr, and…
67 votes -
Not being able to browse very many profiles without paying for it
You should have a little more freedom to browse more profiles without having to pay for the app, you can only browse a very limited amount of profiles without having to pay for the app
31 votes -
Fillter required for Favourites
Hi after update now i disappointed with my favorite tab change. Now i have no fillter for my favorite, like online or notes
I request to please add fillter for favorite15 votes -
Can you guys please put favorite back in its original place please and thank you
12 votes -
Please restore Favorites to how it worked before and restore the search function for Favorites. Since you shifted Favorites to the top, the function does not work as well and is not useful since you made the change.
12 votes -
Not transphobic but there has to be a fine line between gays looking for gays and guys looking for fem/trans. It seems more than half of the profiles I look at are looking for trans only, and this is very annoying being gay... A new app, or strong filters are necessary. Please don't make me stop using my favorite app due to such a silly reason
998 votes -
Remove For You feature
Just remove it. I have filters set so I see what i want. There is no obvious learning tech put into it because it is suggesting men completely the opposite of how my filters are set. There is no reason to show me profiles I dont want to see unless the intention is simply to annoy someone
14 votes -
"For You" grid is useless at the moment
"For You" grid should take into account hashtags and filters. I have my age filter set to 40+ because I have zero interest in younger but every single profile highlighted in the "For You" grid is under 30. As it is right now, it's just noise and another block to ignore like inline ads.
13 votes -
Ethnicity filter
Please bring back the ethnicity filter - this was something previously offered on this app for many years and it made things easier for finding the right person you’re looking for. It’s not at all racist, we all have our own types that we are attracted to. It would save abuse and people being blocked and then feeling upset about it after. Please bring this filter back!
32 votes -
Bring the ethnicity filter back please
99 votes -
9 votes
Keep the search option
Keeping the search option enables users to search any specific texts or numbers exchanged with someone but forgot others ids or if they dint keep them in favourite
33 votes -
Shop showing guys over a locally that is 100 miles away from me
Stop showing guys 100 miles away from me like they are local, because I don't see near as many potential guys for me to pick from that are actually close to me, that takes away how many locals I can meet that I can't get to because of that reasoning
7 votes -
Allow filtering by hiv status to allow poz guys find other poz guys
It would make such a huge difference to poz guys if you could let us find other poz guys. This won’t get many upvotes because it doesn’t affect most users but for those of us who are poz it would be a huge improvement to our lives to be able to find other poz guys, so please please implement this 🙏. Perhaps the filter can only be visible to guys who have their hiv status as poz on their profile if you’re worried about prejudiced people abusing the filter. The filter could also be only for finding poz guys instead…
91 votes
- Don't see your idea?