Please disallow female profiles.
This is a gay man’s site. Please disallow female profiles.
Nickolas Rose commented
Trans females are females. And even men who identify as queer enjoy “female” company. Otherwise, as a trans man, I wouldn’t have so many cis men in my dms verbally assaulting me in hopes to treat me like a woman
Jared Schworm commented
Couldn’t agree more! I do not want to see that crap either
Peter Rottger commented
It is somewhat annoying to have a female hit you up on a gay app.that is predominantly for men.. If I am on the app. I am looking for guys only.??
Jessa Sardina commented
Fuck you, man.
Peter Jim commented
I've done this stuff and it's easy to create secondary or further filters. An example would be...
1. Sex at birth
(Please can we avoid gender politics)This then enables further options such as
1a. Looking for
Male and female couple / group
Male couple / group
etc. etc.1b That are
Trans2. For
1:1 Relationship
Hookup Now
Hookup Later
Group Now (Male Only)
Group Now or Later (Mixed)Make each answer available dependant on the previous.
I'd also like to see a more expansive list of vaccinations to include
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Other (Specify)These options could be determined by a survey sent to all members with the most popular in each added as a potential answer.
You can please some of the people... Just an Idea and something that you could use to filter in/out more specifically.
Di Silva commented
ok sweetie, now stop crying and making your drama, you can still find your pussies and couple play out there. zzzz
Eric Fisher commented
Keep female profiles i like being able to find men women and trans man and trans woman your doing just fine grinder keep up the good work your app is loved 100% by me
Eric Fisher commented
Grinder keep the app just the way it is i love it it's a great app I love it so much
Eric Fisher commented
Im bi that means I date men or women this is a LGBTQ app get over you crying ass
Eric Fisher commented
Im Bi it's nice to have a app where a Bi guy can find both men and women to hook up with you guys that want women of Grinder is just asking for Grinder to have a lawsuit for being sexist Grinder can't do that because if Grinder does remove women if no one opens a lawsuit i will
Craig commented
What Di Silva said ++
Di Silva commented
Mr Eric fisher your liberal, swingers etc group, are even more sexist, first of all gay people dont objectifying women, but the same definetely cannot be said about your group, and not to mention your typical veiled homophobia. I know your type well, not all are, but you're the typical bi fool person, who is and who, based on the tone of your comments, thinks that because you can "camouflage" yourself among straight people, the typical heteronormative "polished" behavior, you are "better" than us, you even have the same arrogance and cockiness as them, of thinking you can say or demand something within our own app. Learn something, your group persecute us on other apps, report our profiles, including those of trans girls, which as I said before are never the problem here, in my area many lose access on tinder, badoo etc, their profiles reported, only and simply because of PREJUDICE. NO! YOU stop your drama and crying, cause definitely you and yours cannot demand ANYTHING here.
Rocko Macleod commented
Boooo lol as if bi guys and trans people don't also like straightforward hookups. Don't worry you still have your bathhouses (eye roll)
Ernesto commented
This is a gay man’s app. Full stop. Everyone else should minimum be able to be filtered or create an app for them. ‘Bisexuals’ and trannies should know their place and stop abusing spaces that aren’t even theirs. Shame on grindr for being built by and for us and turning this app from a useful place to meet normal guys into a free for all with all sorts of freaks
Filipe commented
If someone wants to find men AND women, go to Tinder 👋🏻
Eric Fisher commented
Grinder would be Sexist if they took woman profiles of Grinder and they would have a law suit and i would file a lawsuit because me and my girlfriend have a couple profile so yes I will open up a lawsuit on grindr for being sexist and other people will to i don't think grinder wants this issue i have a degree in law i know the laws
Eric Fisher commented
I like being able to have a app i can find men women and trans im bi you gay guys stop your whining and gas baggin about women and trans be on grinder if I'm going to pay a outrageous price for a app I want women and trans and men stop crying
Kyle commented
This is a good idea, but Grindr removed the ethnicity filter to fight racism. Banning women would mean they are sexist… I don’t make the dumb woke rules, but this is the silly self immolation that comes with it. Besides… what’s a female?
Will Bathersby commented
Grindr was always a site for gay men until recently when it was “rebranded” as being inclusive and made into an LGBTI app.
Annoying and frustrating because Bi people and Trans people have their own apps similar to Grindr and we will never see gay men using them because those spaces are for them not us.
Anonymous commented
Females clogging up the already ridiculously low viewable profiles. I can meet females at church if I wanted to