The block function is broken currently having to block the same users every time I open the app it's become unusable and will have to delete soon as too many creepy people I can't block.
Please fix the block function it's a safety feature not a paid feature and it's illegal to not allow unlimited blocks on all accounts.
Ringo commented
Grindr's Unresolved Issues: Time for User Action
The ongoing problems with Grindr's app have persisted despite numerous user complaints. Their lack of response and engagement with the community suggests a disregard for user concerns.
Consider the case of Sonos, which faced significant backlash and financial consequences after launching a problematic app redesign last year. This demonstrates the potential impact of user dissatisfaction on a company's success.
As users, we have the power to influence change. By continuing to use the app despite its flaws, we may be inadvertently enabling Grindr's inaction. To prompt meaningful improvements, we might need to reconsider our usage and explore alternatives.
Remember, our collective actions can send a powerful message. If we want Grindr to address these issues seriously, we may need to speak with our choices and, potentially, our wallets.
This is not the first time that Grindr has shown contempt for our community: and it won't be the last unless we take a stance!
T Stewart commented
It is amazing to me that we need to ask for a real block function again. Who asked for hide functionality? It is completely useless.
Richard commented
Seems like excessive number of Grindr apologists. The rules say no AI pics but Grindr is using AI to generate profiles.
The only way any app can honestly say they are concerned about fairness as and safety is to allow unlimited blocks and only ban if real laws are broken and the person used Grindr to facilitate or is convicted of the crime in court of law. Anyone should be able to block anyone for any or no reason, but no one should be able to fabricate some claim that they're made to feel unsafe to have someone banned. Grindr doesn't give a shit about safety or privacy, it's all about political ideology.
Chaz Thompson commented
Improvements: 1. Maintain chat content so you can refer to chat log when you’re tempted to unblock a user. 2. Track users to their IP address, and allow blocking to apply to all users associated with that IP. 3. Eliminate free/unpaid accounts to discourage spam accounts created for to circumvent the block.
zareth Garcia commented
EB commented
Seriously? the user faq’s!
Grindr, like all other apps, has a limited number of blocks they give you!! Doesn’t matter if you are a paid or free member or an android user or an iOS user!
Yes, the trolls cheat and sign back up with a different email when they get banned or know when someone they are stalking blocked them but they cant know how many people blocked them in general. So think about it, how would they know you just blocked them and then make them recreate their account to just show back up on YOUR grid? They can’t know.
Answer is simple, you reached your block limit and Grindr didn’t let you know you have.
When you’re at block limit, a block will reappear shortly after you block it. If you are at block limit and clear your block list, Grindr’s system doesn’t update your clearing immediately and can treat you as if you’re still at limit for up to a few days.This was proven over a year ago and confirmed happening to other members and based on the same renewed complaints, things haven’t changed. They don’t seem to police this blog and the IT crew hasn’t gotten any smarter.
AJ commented
Agreed, the block function is defunct. I have reported the issue to Grindr on numerous occasions but they are unresponsive.
JH V. Gnoicni commented
You have no mercy for banned my account
Shawn commented
I'm an android user and can confirm that the feature doesn't work fully here either. I'm also not at any limit, which I didn't know was a thing until now, as I just unblocked my whole list to give everyone I'd blocked a 2nd chance.I know that's weird, but I did, so starting with no one blocked, I still had to block one individual 3 days in a row before it "took". Please fix this!
EB commented
You’ve reached your block limit. Everyone only gets so many blocks to use and Grndr has admitted this. Just like Scruff and Jack’d have limits on the number of blocks you get.
I’m on android and I have reached the block limit and regardless if I use my Apple devices or not the limit makes the people I block re-appear minutes later. Doesn’t matter what OS you use, that’s a myth.One difference between the other apps and Grindr is that the other apps kindly remind you that you have reached the max number of blocks for your account if you keep trying to block people after the limit. But not Grindr!
woofwolf commented
I can back up the fact that the block function does not work correctly on iPhones, I blocked people just to see the on my grid the next day it doesn't work at all on iPhone.
Jones, I am glad you pointed this issue out. -
Jones commented
It's working fine for guys with android phones for some reason all the guys I have talked to about it it's only a problem with guys with apple iPhone I have an Android and the block button is working fine for me
Alfonso Dela Cruz commented
Pls add Andy in my unblocked list. Can not see his face picture. He is from Cooroy, Noosa. Ive made a report on this attaching his photo but reply or action yet...
rob commented
In the name of safety there should be unlimited blocks... There are some scary people on this place .. if you don't have any blocks left there could be trouble
rob commented
I've had this happen to block someone and then a refresh or close and open.the app and they are back... Beta testers should get as many blocks as they need... The app should be open
Open for testers so we can test .. c'mon get it together -
Ryan R commented
Make blocking easier too. Like Editing photos in your phone. Put a check box on a bunch of them and mass block.
Jeff S commented
What I don't understand is that when someone blocks me, I can still see their profile online and it let's me "message" them even though it's not going through. If I'm blocked, they should immediately disappear from my grid and chats
Ringo commented
Grindr hasn't shown any intention to fix this issue all they seem to care about is people boosting or upgrading their profiles! MONEY!
Mike G commented
Grindr is. It interested in our safety, it’s all about $
Ringo commented
According to this fulfilled request, everyone should be able to block an unlimited number of profiles:
However, what's the point of being able to block any number of profiles if the blocking is only temporary?
Blocking is an essential safety feature which Grindr can't be bothered to fix because, let's face it, we are nothing more than a cash cow for them! For this reason, the most effective way to get Grindr to fix this for us is to hit them in the pocket, where it hurts! If you haven't already done so, cancel your subscription at the earliest opportunity.