Grinder needs to make profile face pics mandatory to have a profile
Grinder needs to make profile face pics mandatory. To have a grinder profile
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Drew commented
Do we have the option to stop no pic profiles from looking at our profiles?
Jones commented
I'm DL I refuse to have a face pic on my profile won't happen I will send my face pic in my album
Matthew Jordan commented
I think that it is mandatory that a picture should be shown no blank profiles and I think that also it should be verified with an email address or Facebook account with real name and phone number to have a Grindr account I find that discrimination is ridiculous and these people should have to respond and say sorry not interested or say something nice that blank profiles and no responses should not be allowed because too much homophobic stuff goes on and I have found that officers are on here and I think it's not right that a person should have a chance that they may get caught for hooking up and ended up being arrested I know a few that have been done that way so it's very important to me that we are protected why we're using this app make changes make it safer for people that are gay and keep women and men separated on the app it's too confusing but I think that profile should be verified
Ramon Angel Saldamando Axpe commented
Estamos en 2024. Escribo desde España que es uno de los pocos países con las leyes más duras contra la HOMOFOBIA. Bien, aún así, hace dos días recibí insultos y vejaciones desde UN PERFIL EN NEGRO!. Ya basta! Grindr debe prohibir a los usuarios que no muestren su cara VERIFICADA, como en otras apps de contactos LGTB. Mientras se permitan los perfiles en NEGRO, los monstruos.homofobos, edadistas y falsos gays nos insultaran amparándose en el anonimato. Desde hace mucho Grindr nos dice que REPORTEMOS al perfil y nos da una serie de opciones por lo cual denunciamos. Esto no sirve de nada. Respeto a todos los hombres que por cualquier razón tienen miedo de dar la cara, pero eso no es excusa para que con ello nos intenten destruir el día. Grindr ha de ser mucho más DURA cuando ocurren estos hechos. Cómo por ejemplo dar parte a las autoridades del país correspondiente. Y avisar de antemano que todo aquel que incumpla con esta norma tan elemental, será puesto a disposición policial.
Espero con ansiedad CAMBIOS EN LA POLÍTICA DE GRINDR, que tantos momentos gratos me da y me seguirá dando.
Les envío un cordial saludo desde Bilbao Euskadi España. -
Anonymous commented
Exactly! It works fine on Scruff and plenty of other apps that require a face image. At the very least, it would weed out the people who play the "I'll send you my pic only if I'm interested" game. I'm not gonna go through the work of trying to get you interested, only to never see a face pic.
And for those people who think they have to remain anonymous, "on the down low," "discreet," whatever you want to call it, get real. It's now 2023, that "in the closet" crap should be done and over with.
Graham Tandy commented
Everyone should have a profile picture, I like to see a person before I have sex
𝙽𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝙾𝚏 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙱𝚎𝚎𝚜𝚠𝚊𝚡! commented
that's all fine and good, annon
as long as you stick to only chatting up other picless people, be assured that none of this applies to you
the actual issue stems from anonymous folks going around demanding in-person-meets from those of us who do take on the risk of showing ourselves to the rest of the world — and then give us shit (or / and play games) when we ask to see what you look like, as you are able to see us(are we 'patsies' too?)
if someone wants to gaybash you, they'll find a way—
—trust me on thatalso, you can never really know when someone is out there targeting you 'anonymous' folks
you never know if you're being recorded, specifically so you can be outed later
you may fancy yourselves ᴄʀᴀꜰᴛʏ or 𝙨𝙣𝙚𝙖𝙠𝙮; but there's always someone bigger and badder than you are
annon commented
Get real! Closet guys have a right to safe play! You desperate aholes wanna post my pic due to my discretion!! Nfw get a life. I suck dick and enjoy, you want to make me your Patsy if I don't let you blow me?? Get real. Be honest set real meets not bs get a fn life!
Anonymous commented
Too many fake profiles on Grindr. We need mandatory profile photos and verified identities.
Graham Tandy commented
I always want to see a picture, because I like to see whom I'm having sex with
louis goss commented
Does anyone actually monitor photos these days? There are so many blatant rule breakers and yet when you upload a piece of art it gets rejected. Come on guys, too many that are not adhering to the guide lines and getting away with it
annon commented
if many say scruff and other sites have face requirment, well then use that site and take a hike!! many use this site for what they want, and it works how it works!! I have not had much luck as find many blank profiles. it is what it is cant always get what you want! deal with it or leave easy!
Anonymous commented
You now require paid membership to see most pictures people send. Is this really necessary when you already have so much locked down for free members?
Cthul commented
Ill drop this shit right now. If im forced to post my face on the internet I won't be there, and wont consider it my loss
𝙽𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝙾𝚏 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙱𝚎𝚎𝚜𝚠𝚊𝚡! commented
the compromise to this suggestion is Verified Profiles
like scruff already hasthis wouldn't affect the "i need my discretion" folk (we can still shun them like we always had been)..
..but this would allow us to give a justified side eye to whoever elects to remain unverifiedone caveat: grindR MUST make this nudge to verify identity, both, highly visible and persistent until / unless a user accepts or rejects the proposal; and, grindR must make it difficult to accidentally dismiss the prompt
basically, all the common sense shit that we know grindR runs contrary against in its day to day operations
Graham Tandy commented
That's a great idea,also this should apply to other dating apps
Dart commented
If you make face shots mandatory, people will just use other people's face shots. This is hard to do.
The only way I've seen to make this work:
* User is requested to send 3 face shots in different settings.
* User is given a code.
* User has to write down the code, and hold it beside their face and send a selfie.
* Facial recognition verifies that the pic with the code matches the 3 previous pics. -
[Deleted User] commented
"Unbelievable", you ARE unbelievable. What a coincidence! Stop with the tired excuses. If you have issues requiring that much privacy then find another outlet. This is why these apps suck. Too many of you come with baggage.
bernard rizzo commented
Allow X/U subscribers to not receive any communication, taps, etc… from unstarred profiles that have no profile pics or are mostly blank. While we might miss a gem or two in the process, it would weed out those who give no info and only send a cock pic with a single line message like “Sup” or “Suck it”. That will save us time dealing with unwanted profiles and it will incentivize those to fill out the minimum on their profile. Perhaps these blank profiles can “override” the opt out by sending a message with a minimum of characters and access to their album.
Manolo HerAlc commented
Easier research, clear point, less bullsht, no more wasted time or basic questions.
They must fill properly the profile, otherwise not to be able to use the account.