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11417 results found

  1. A ‘Not today’ function

    A temporary blocking feature for when you want to ‘disappear’ from someone for a day or period of time. Think of all the times your just not in the mood for a certain someone and wish you could hide for a day, you still want to keep them as an option later. Just not now lol.

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  2. “Looking Now” and “Hosting Now” icons

    It would be helpful to have a simple toggle that can be turned on or off if you're actively looking for “right now,” as well as an icon like a little house that indicates you can host and a walking character icon if you cannot. Turning the feature “on” could either highlight your profile in the cascade or add a symbol like a flame next to your display name.
    (Some profiles say they are “Looking For: Right Now” in their profile but may not actually mean it, so this would help with that.)

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    planned  ·  66 comments  ·  XTRA/Unlimited  ·  Admin →
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  3. More defined trans tribes

    There needs to be a division of trans woman, trans man, and trans admirer. Lumping everyone together is just annoying. Trans men and trans women are two very different groups. There are well-defined tribes that separate otter from bear, twink from daddy, and so on. But men seeking trans women have no separate tribe; they are just listed with the transsexuals. So it all gets very confusing. We need clearer trans categories.

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  4. Categorize favorite profiles into folders

    Organize favorite profiles into different buckets (like location, sex position, etc).

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  5. Filter out the people we've messaged before

    Filter out profiles we've chatted with in the past day, past week, past month, past two months, all time, etc. Or, give us a filter that shows us only profiles we've never chatted with. This will help us avoid those who never responded to us, so we can see/connect with only new people.

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  6. Relationship Status

    Add Polyamorous to relationship status. It’s more than just “Open Relationship” or “Partnered”

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  7. Make Grindr a better space for professional networking

    Allow users to select their industry of employment from a list, and/or give users a field to write their occupation. Put professionals in some of your marketing campaigns. Highlight gay-friendly workplaces. Let's promote gainful employment in the gay community!

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  8. #Kindr (More Report options)

    Have reporting options for:
    -Body Shaming
    -Femme Shaming

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  9. Stop automatic refreshing

    Sometimes when I return to the thumbnail feed after viewing a profile or using another app, I see a guy that I want to message, but then the feed automatically refreshes and the guy disappears :( Sometimes, if I am lucky I can find him again after searching carefully, but most of the time he is completely lost. This has caused me SO much frustration. PLEASE end this!
    (A possible alternative to automatic refreshing would be to make a 'refresh' icon hover at the top of the feed/screen when it comes time to refresh, but allow us USERS to click…

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  10. More accurate online status - Go offline when closing the app

    After closing the app, the profile remains online for 10 minutes. It is misleading. People think that you are rude for not answering, when in reality you are not online.

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  11. Destigmatize sex work on the app

    Gay men in the US and around the world have been disenfranchised at varying degrees due to homophobia and other social injustices. Many gay men (especially youth) are struggling to survive and/or may be at constant risk of homelessness. Stop shaming the guys who seek "gen" men, and start facilitating connections between guys who need help and guys who CAN help. After all, NO man is an island, and ALL relationships are essentially an exchange of personal resources, in one way or another.
    Sex workers and masseurs provide comfort, pleasure, and basic human contact to those who need it. Their…

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  12. Delivery & read receipt reliability improvements

    Fix the message delivery status and read receipt bugs. The message status should update to "Delivered" once it has been delivered, and to "Read" once it's been opened.
    The status of a sent message is supposed to change from Sent to Delivered if the recipient has the app open, but many times I’ve seen people online even hours or days later, and my message still shows as Sent, leading me to assume they haven’t got it. So I send another message, which led to one guy telling me I’m impatient. This bug, combined with Grindr often losing messages altogether, keeps…

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  13. Ability to select 2 ethnicities

    Because Middle Easterners can be classified as White, Latinos can be White or Black, and those who are Mixed will be able to specify.

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  14. Unsend taps

    Undo the tap when you tap on someone by mistake.

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  15. Rooms for rent & roommate search

    Housing can be hard to come by for some gay men. Give users a quality way to post rooms for rent and to search for rooms and roommates.

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  16. Color theme change

    It would be great to have a chat background color that looks like your standard iOS or Android messaging window. I’d like to sneak into Grindr without attracting too much attention from snooping peeps around me 😉

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  17. Switch profiles

    I have a "normal" profile on Grindr, with a clear face pic and a vanilla text. But I do have some fetishes, which I'm hesitant to include in my vanilla profile. So, it'd be nice if I could have more than one profile, so I could switch to my kinky profile when I'm looking for more kinky dates and then switch back to my vanilla profile when I'm just looking for "normal" dates. Currently, I use a spare phone to switch to my kinky profile. But this could even be a premium feature. Switching personas. Lots of people play different…

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  18. Chatrooms - Find and join public chat rooms by topic or interest

    See a list of public chat rooms/forums to join, organized by topic, interests, geolocation, etc.

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  19. Mark as unread

    Sometimes we receive messages, we read it and we’re not able to reply immediately, the messages are marked as read and then they get lost when we receive new messages from others users and we forget. It would be great a feature “mark as unread” so we can get back to them later filtering unread messages.

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  20. Let me control who can see me

    Some users might not want to interact with profiles with certain parameters. For example, maybe a University professor doesn't want to be seen by anyone under 21 so they can avoid their students. Or maybe someone looking for strictly friends only doesn't want to be seen by anyone who isn't also looking for new friends. With this kind of control over who can see you, users can avoid unwanted contact with other users.

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