Grindr Feedback
Thanks for using Grindr! We’re constantly looking to improve your experience and would love to hear how we can achieve that.
603 results found
There are way too many ads and you have to go through hurdle after hurdle just to get rid of them
Too many ads and you have to go through too many hurdles so that you can get back on Grindr also remove the taps they are annoying they are from people thousands of miles away and these people are fishing for something and grinder is aware of that
113 votes -
Stop aggressive Grindr ads!
Hi, can you please stop bombarding with your aggressive ads every time I open Messages and see Grindr Xtra or ZeroHIVStigmaday! I deleted them million times and every time I close app and reopen they reappear! Stop your algorithm annoying people!!!
36 votes -
Enough with the fucking ads
Jesus fucking Christ this app is unusable with the constant ads. Enough already.
60 votes -
Ads! Too many ads! Hundreds of complaints and you've done nothing but make it worse!
How about just shorter ads. Do you want to go the way of MySpace? Get rid of these long loud ads! Boycotting until this has changed.
29 votes -
Too many ads & apps for games popping up & hard to get tid of....i have just stopped my my ultimate membership & now gettin bombarded with t
Apps for games x 2 all the time popping up & bloody hard to get rid if unless u ho out of the app & come back in.
I can't believe the annoyance this creates especially after bein an ultimate member for months & months & now can understand frustration free members get on the free version.
Lo único que vais a conseguir con anuncios tan continuos y tan largos, NO, son mas suscriptores, sino que la borremos y vayamos a otras apps
Anuncios….. nos iremos todos. Y cada vez más largos
7 votes -
7 votes
Please please open my id please
Please open my id please 🥺 open my grinder id
5 votes -
For you
How do you turn off the “for you” popping up on my screen?
5 votes -
Favourite tab
The new deign for favourites is awful. Please change it back to the way it was before
4 votes -
Noisy ads
Mute all ads!
I get it…free usage means ads. But that Evony ad echoes across the hills! I can’t always keep my sound off, and then my location is revealed to cock hounds in close range when I’m subtly checking my messages to confirm a railing appointment. The grunting men sound effects aren’t exactly subtle, either. Apply your commitment to discretion to your ads, and problem will be solved! …almost. Get rid of ads. But then capitalism fails, and then they start rounding up the gays.
Ads are fine. Silent ads.
24 votes -
Que solo exista para android bloquear perfiles no ocultar que no funciona
Que solo exista para android bloquear perfiles no ocultar que ademas no funciona bien. Solo deberia existir bloquear como siempre a mi no me deja bloquear perfiles.
6 votes -
U are really ruining your app with so much annoying adds
3 votes -
Too many ads
I understand the need for ads. But there is way too many. Way overwhelming. The ad rate is more frequent than the ability of actually using the app
4 votes -
excesiva publicidad
Podrían para los que no pagamos membresía, bajar un poco el nivel de publicidad que ponen . Es un poco fastidioso usar la app así.
4 votes -
Can I Hire Someone to Write My Essay?
You can surely hire someone to write your essays for you. There are lots of professional essay writing services in Australia that are helping students in crafting top quality essays for them. You can find the Best Essay Roo Australia for your essays and make sure that you are writing a good one for you. These services have a team of top-rated essay writers who are experts in crafting top-quality essays. They can deal with all kinds of essays and can help you write a good essay for you. They are experts, so make sure that they deliver your essays…
2 votes -
So many adds, I can'y enjoy this app like a would,
Should have control about adds, when I open like 3 chats , the app show me add, then, I go out to app and back, the same, opnes 3 chats and the app show me add, and those adds show's when I'm searching persons in home app.24 votes -
Stop force pushing ad messages after we have deleted it!!
If I open and read an ad message from Grindr, such as the ad message for Monkeypox, LET ME DELETE THE AD!
I’m constantly deleting ad messages from Grindr because they are resent after I delete them.
4 votes -
there is too much advertising!
It is very stressful trying to chat with someone. Every time I open a chat, I get an ad, no matter how many times I close and open the app, even when I see the full ad. The last time I wanted to see an ephemeral photo, and when I opened it I got an advertisement and I couldn't see the photo. Please fix this, it really doesn't make me want to continue using the app, and on top of that the cost of "Xtra" is too expensive. I can't pay that much. Make Grindr great again!
3 votes -
Ads way too obtrusive
Ads are just way to obtrusive and intrusive, popping up while you're typing a message and because you're typing it registers a click and takes you straight to the app store, as soon as you open the app, nearly every time you click off a profile.
Ads on a free account is pretty reasonable, but tone them down and not right while you're typing out a message or scrolling photos. And banners that are constantly covering up information.
3 votes
- Don't see your idea?