Mark as unread
Sometimes we receive messages, we read it and we’re not able to reply immediately, the messages are marked as read and then they get lost when we receive new messages from others users and we forget. It would be great a feature “mark as unread” so we can get back to them later filtering unread messages.

Husk Iepup commented
Just respond to the message if you are reading my message then you time to respond and respect my time and not waste it waiting for you to " have time" while wasting my time waiting for you to respond
Mark commented
This would defeat the purpose of having a xtra or unlimited account. Don’t be a lzybtm and just pin the conversation.
daniel laborico commented
Shobhan commented
last month i received few messages. but at that time i'm unable to read. now when i'm checking its not getting properly. i have to scroll down for many messages. how can i get those unread messages option. It would be great feature “mark as unread” so we can get back to them later filtering unread messages.
Oscar GB commented
So we can return to the message later
Anonymous commented
Ability to mark a message as unread