Grindr Feedback
Thanks for using Grindr! We’re constantly looking to improve your experience and would love to hear how we can achieve that.
11048 results found
Can’t silence the sounds with IOS
Please create a setting to turn off the sounds (tap & messages) for IOS. The app cannot be used discreetly!
Someone from your team sent me instructions but they do not work.
7 votes -
You need a
hashtag for Ukraine. Support.Ukraine. or@RussiaOutofUkraine. The Russian Bots can see@them.
1 vote -
I don't like having my name visible and I changed it!!
Take my name off! Let me go by what I want!!!
1 vote -
Oral Sex Should Be A Preference
Not every gay man fits into that box of top bottom or versatile. Some of us prefer oral sex or masturbation over penetration sex. I'm not judging others and personally am not opposed to anal sex but it would be nice to hage the option added into a person's profile if they would rather not include penetrative sex as their identity.
42 votes -
Frequently Used Photos
Create algorithm to push frequently used photos to to the top of your photo grid. I use the same photos a lot but they are toward the bottom of the grid which requires a lot of scrolling. Thanks!
6 votes -
Oculus (vr headset)
Using a vr headset ( oculus quest 2) to chat and do video calls is a most interesting idea.
2 votes -
Berteman sangatlah menyenangkan
1 vote -
Add an icon for read messages outside of chat
I think it would be nice just to have an icon so we can tell if someone has read our message without having to actually click into their chat
7 votes -
Quiero cambiar de categoría
Quiero comprar el otro nivel y no me deja
1 vote -
Allow grindr to be used without having to turn ur GPS on every single time....dnt always want to be in my neighborhood
9 votes -
Video Profile Icon/Media
Would be nice if a short video could be substituted for a profile picture at least for Xtra users if not for all profiles. The option is available in virtually every other social media platform who's name rings a bell. A section to upload videos into a gallery would be acceptable also. Grindr has come a long way and I know this feature would increase user satisfaction and overall appeal of the app to new comers and old timers alike. Please consider this proposal with the others requesting the same feature.
14 votes -
Dear my mesaage is not going towards new freinds side whg i am using vpn plz slove my problems
Plz solve my problem apps is not working
2 votes -
New tab for animal allergy on profile.
You should add a new tab under the profile, that allows you to notate whether you have an allergies to pets. I had an encounter and unfortunately this gentleman had an allergy to dogs, that was quite severe. I think this would be a beneficial addition to the Grindr platform.
2 votes -
2 votes -
Let's please ban people posing with wild animals!
Lets please ban people posing with wild animals such as elephants, tigres, pangolins and other wild animals. These animals are often being exploited and drugged for the the human market to keep them docile. Grinder is endorcing that by allowing people to post these pictures. Other people see these pictures and want to have the same experience, thus creating a market for that. Wild animals should be free!!!
3 votes -
The option not to have music played when you open Grindr
It’s hard to be discreet when the music starts playing when you open Grindr. Please have an option to disable the music being played.
76 votes -
1 vote
Podria colaborarme con los chat del dia 1de marzo es necesario para encontrar un ladron se lo agradeceria
Es de carácter urgente
1 vote -
Please allow us to send more than 1 expiry picture daily
1 vote -
Disable "who has seen your profile"
I don't want to see who was on my profile. Make an option to disable this
2 votes
- Don't see your idea?