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1044 results found

  1. Enable notifications for when a favorite comes online

    Get notifications when select favorites are online so you have the opportunity to chat and meet up.

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  2. Notifications that are grouped, detailed, and replyable

    Please bundle our new unread messages under one main notification, which can be pulled down (expanded) to view the individual messages grouped under it. Include each sender’s profile picture and display name, and allow us to reply to each sender individually, within the notification.

    (Currently, unpaid users just get a single, generic notification containing a count of their unread messages, while paid users only see their single most recent unread message. Non-grouped, non-detailed, non-replyable notifications like these are extremely outdated, especially for a messaging app.)

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  3. “Not interested” tap option

    Taps. Currently we have the flame, devil and friendly hello tap option. Why don’t we have a “not interested” tap option too? A lot of people have problems with being ignored by others when someone isn’t interested in them. However, people also cannot be bothered to reject others with words - it’s too much effort. This update to the tap mechanism could kill two birds with one stone. It makes it less time/energy consuming to reject people with just a click of a button. AND the guys who feel invalidated when being ignored, can get an answer - instead of…

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  4. Separate section for trans people and their admirers

    I think trans men and trans women along with people who are trans-attracted deserve to have their own separate posting section. That way, trans community members and their admirers can better easily connect with one another. It would be beneficial and make sense to give trans people and their seekers their own platform, connected to the rest of Grindr but as a section within the existing app. You could call it GrindrTrans or something.

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  5. Change notification ringtone

    Please give us the option to change the notification sound. It becomes awkward at times when we receive a notification in public.

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  6. 1,300 votes

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  7. Trans

    Not transphobic but there has to be a fine line between gays looking for gays and guys looking for fem/trans. It seems more than half of the profiles I look at are looking for trans only, and this is very annoying being gay... A new app, or strong filters are necessary. Please don't make me stop using my favorite app due to such a silly reason

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  8. 665 votes

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  9. Reverse age filter update

    So apparently in the new version update (31 January 2022) it’s no longer possible to filter on one age (min. 18 and max. 18). Now it’s only possible to search for ages with a 3/4 year range (min. 18 and max. 21).

    Since this drastically reduces the amount of people you can find from a specific age, I’d like to recommend Grindr to reverse this decision!

    Hope to count on your vote!

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  10. More defined trans tribes

    There needs to be a division of trans woman, trans man, and trans admirer. Lumping everyone together is just annoying. Trans men and trans women are two very different groups. There are well-defined tribes that separate otter from bear, twink from daddy, and so on. But men seeking trans women have no separate tribe; they are just listed with the transsexuals. So it all gets very confusing. We need clearer trans categories.

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  11. Add 'kink' to tribes!

    There is the leather option but that is just 1 kind of kink so it's a very narrow field. A few people use that tribe for kink but alot of people are intimidated by this because they aren't into leather and see it as "too extreme" for them. I'm surprised it hasn't already been made into a tribe if im honest!

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  12. Incluir "Neutro" en los roles o posiciones como la opción de "sin penetración"

    Neutro es el rol de los hombres homosexuales y bisexuales que no practicamos penetración anal. En regiones anglo han incluido a "side" como el rol sin penetración, pero en regiones hispanoablantes solo hay la opción de "sin penetración", habria que cambiar esta opción por "Neutro" que es el equivalente en español para SIDE. Anexo infografias ilustrativas y recomiendo visitar la cuenta de twitter @club_neutro para consultar más información.

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  13. Ethnicity

    Bring back the ethnicity filter.

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  14. Transgender and Admirers Filter/Section

    Too many “straight” dudes looking to meet transgender girls… I think they’ve come far enough in society to have their own app.
    Grindr should be for guys that sleep with guys.

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  15. Gender Filter

    Ability to filter users based on their gender identity; Man/Woman, Trans Man/Trans Woman, Non-binary/Other.

    This would allow gay and straight people to only see users of their preferred gender. It would also make it easier for trans people only looking for other trans people, since the 'Trans' Tribe is full of cis men looking for trans women.

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  16. free Ethnicity filter

    An Ethnicity filter should be added and in the free filters select I might add. I like in an area where there are majority black men but all I see on the nearby page are white men. We definitely should be able to filter out what we are looking for and what we’re not looking for. That options should also be available in the basic filters selection.

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  17. transgender app

    Have a separate tab for transgender people so they can still be a part of grindr but be able to more easily find what they are looking for Without being turned down or embarrassed or continually feel rejected. I know it bums me out when someone says no and my transgender friends say it happens a lot to them and it kinda sucks because it bothers them a lot to where they don’t want to say hi to people. So make a tab for transgender people or people seeking that to better increase their chances of matching, foster a feeling…

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  18. Bring back the ethnicity filter. I will not subscribe until it's back

    This is not about racism it's about a preferences. When I used to subscribe I could filter for Asian guys. This was used to find my preference not to filter out because of racist reasons. In the world of woke and PC, Grindr you have gone too far. Please grow a pair and put this popular filter back. Until then, there is no point me subscribing and I'm sure thousands of others feel the same.

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  19. Bring back ethnicity filter

    As a POC person living in Boston a rather racist city I have to swim through a sea of white and face the ignoring and rejection of the majority. With the ethnicity filter I can locate more welcoming people. That was a wrong approach to minimize “ racism” on Grindr it only benefited white gays because now they have access to everyone ALWAYS whereas POC people have to SCOUT ourselves.. please bring them back

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  20. Race Filter

    Ok, so you're trying to force people to not be racist, was that the idea behind deleting that filter?

    Being racist and sexual preferences are two very different things.

    I am sexually into a specific race and body type. The same reason I wouldn't fuck or date a 400 pound man is the same reason I wouldn't fuck a black guy. PREFERENCES.

    Thats not saying I am not or wouldn't be friends with either one, cuz I have many, but I'm not gonna be fucking them because, why? PREFERENCES. That's the point of filters..
    Come on its 2023.

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