My feedback
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9,431 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment BP19 commented
My light switch is either on or off, I don't strattle fences or mince words and the E at the end of my smoke stands for EVERYBODY!
My stance is on freedom for ALL communities!
This has nothing to do with race or the "gay community".
This is about freedom of choice for everyone.
An error occurred while saving the comment BP19 commented
You're so done and I'm done exposing you.
You're talking in circles and not making any sense whatsoever.
Your sense of confidence and reassurance is obviously false.
You're emplying that I'm wasting my time on this forum however, if you actually believed your own words YOU wouldn't even be here!
Instead you've posted more comments in this thread than anyone else!
An error occurred while saving the comment BP19 commented
Fragile, really! Well you're clearly at a lost for words but name calling won't shut me up.
The fact that you think you're entitled to a "point" is what's wrong with the world! You don't get to have a point, say, or opinion about someone else's life or any business that does not concern YOU.
I wouldn't even know who's not interested in me because I only focus on who is! If you're a desired person it doesn't matter what your race is you'll still be desired with or without an ethnicity filter.
The ethnicity filter is an OPTIONAL FEATURE for those who know who they are and what they want in life!
It isn't forced on anyone if you don't like it don't use it.
The only people who'd complain about a ethnicity filter are the stalkers and the mentally challenged predators that can't deal with rejection!
Those are the facts there is no sane nor intelligent rebuttal to be had.
An error occurred while saving the comment BP19 commented
Hey Anonymous I don't want to see Whites, Asians, or any kind of Latino EVER not as a friend buddy or pal and absolutely NEVER sexually. I'm not racist I know what I want and I shouldn't be subjected to you nor others that I have ZERO interest in just because you can't deal with rejection. Seeing the profile of someone who is not interested you is pointless it facilitates unsolicited attention and advances from undesirables and it enables stalking and harassment. Shit like #blm and #stopasianhate shouldn't be allowed on Grindr this isn't grade school we don't all have to get along or like each other there are too many other forums and platforms dedicated to people who want to kumbaya but with an app dedicated to connecting people for romantic interests an ethnic/race filter is certainly necessary no matter which race or group feels disproportionately rejected you can't make people like something they don't and forcing yourself on people is desperate tacky and arrogant and it'll definitely get you reported and blocked anyway! This is not about race its about freedom of choice and preference just like they/them people! Live and let live if you like or want something or someone that doesn't want you that is YOUR OWN SELF ESTEEM ISSUE please don't make it mine.
BP19 supported this idea ·
3,143 votes
BP19 supported this idea ·
1,452 votes
BP19 supported this idea ·
1,971 votes
BP19 supported this idea ·
745 votes
BP19 supported this idea ·
2,400 votes
BP19 supported this idea ·
2,742 votes
BP19 supported this idea ·
2,800 votes
BP19 supported this idea ·
1,742 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment BP19 commented
Please add a Looking For Right Now feature so guys can see who's Looking For Right Now versus who's online! A lot of potential connections are being ruined as a direct result of this missing feature. Members looking for right now waste valuable time courting members that aren't often times resulting with members that would have connected deleting or blocking each other. Not having this feature available causes a lot of unnecessary frustration and negative experiences for members on both sides. Please make a Looking For Right Now feature available to all members as soon as possible.
BP19 supported this idea ·
3,976 votes
BP19 supported this idea ·
5,036 votes
BP19 supported this idea ·
3,732 votes
BP19 supported this idea ·
603 votes
BP19 supported this idea ·
1,155 votes
BP19 supported this idea ·
2,451 votes
BP19 supported this idea ·
3,427 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment BP19 commented
Please do this right away 🙏 it would make the user experience much more interactive with the additional ease of access.
BP19 supported this idea ·
2,474 votes
BP19 supported this idea ·
46 votes
BP19 supported this idea ·
700 votes
BP19 supported this idea ·
65 votes
BP19 supported this idea ·
Your slip is showing again!