Replace 'Fresh Faces' with a profile matching algorithm
Show us profiles we would most likely be interested in, based on chat metric data like what ages, ethnicities, heights, weights, body types, positions, tribes, etc., that we chat with the most.

Simon commented
I agree fresh tab is pointless it’s just yet another place to check. Put them on the main grid
Userparis75 commented
Grindr needs to upgrade for us to find people that are seeking people like us.
It’s very upsetting to be presented a restricted number of men, and among them 70% will not be interested in me because of my age, position, etc. PLEASE make match making easier. At least giving us the top/bottom for free, or the possibility to filter guys according to what they are into -
Blaq Dark commented
Please make a feature where you can specify what kind of person you looking for or what kind of person you are and matches be made by that. It would be very easy and user friend to have a feature that identifies not just your role but your lifestyle and desires, for example if a transgender woman is looking for a bottom man, and a bottom man looking for a feminine/transgender top. Etc
David Alan Wayne commented
I think it would be a fun and interactive feature if users could play matchmaker and make suggestions to match a user with another user. Maybe on the main grid long hold one users picture/profile (user a) and then long hold a second users picture/profile (user b) followed by a confirmation that you want to "match suggest" then both user a and user b get a notification that they have a "match suggestion" as the user doing the suggestion you should have the caption to remain anonymous or to allow user a and user b to know that you made the suggestion.
Jay Dean commented
Get rid if the "fresh" grid. No one ever looks at those and if you simply change your picture you're stuck on it for a few days and no one e
Jack Hurricane commented
Yes “fresh” is the most useless nebulous category that seems to take dudes off the main grid to populate the ‘fresh’ list
FarkLowBattery commented
So all the blank anonymous profiles will be matched with blank anonymous profiles.. love it lol
D commented
Get rid of this fresh category you do not show up in the grid with everyone else its pointless ppl dont go in fresh to look for ppl they look at the main grid
christ kharbor commented
As of now ,once we upload a new picture to our profile, our profile gets listed on the Fresh grid which is annoying, kindly keep the Fresh grid only for newly joined profiles. Thanks
Giovanni G commented
I don’t like that any time I change my profile pic there’s a sudden influx of profile views. Many of those are from guys who are too far away for me to ever consider meeting. If we can choose whether or not we want our profiles to show up on explore searches, then it only makes sense that we should also be able to choose whether or not we want to show up on the fresh grid as well.
V commented
Fresh faces being on the top of the regular grid was a better user experience than having its own tab/grid.
Sarebbe bello per chi lo volesse fare in modo da avere modo di chattare conoscere persone in base alle caratteristiche tipo
Età range 20/30 40/50 entrambi
Tipologia di fisico es muscoli orsi che cercano ragazzi normali maschili , maturo giovane , twink twink
Anche se esiste il tribes è abbastanza irrilevanteCaratteristiche del carattere tipo: romantico, creativo, dinamico festaiolo timido poco paziente Comunque tutto già precompilato in modo da mettere un flash altrimenti si rischia un caos
Relazione incontri occasionali ( così uno sa già cosa si aspetta però a mio avviso oltre ad essere leggero come modalità potrebbe esserci fonte di guadagno per l'app)
Inoltre renderlo accessibile a tutti gli account grindr per almeno un paio di.match andati a buon fine , uno per farlo provare , due per renderla una cosa continuativa.
È successivamente proporlo ad un prezzo accessibile a tutti tipo 4€ al mese .Tutto ciò per favorire utenti che fanno affidamento all’app gay più innovativa degli store che cercano un’anima gemella chissà , incontri dove il due di picche magari viene messo da parte proprio Perchè vi sono Le caratteristiche dettagliate
Rendiamo grindr un posto migliore 🤗🤗🤗
Jeffrey commented
Answer questions about myself and I get matched with other people who have compatible answers.
Jason commented
Opt out of fresh grid
Chris Diàz commented
How can not more people want this.
I hate that I’m gettin text bombed every time I post a new picture which is almost every week
Felly commented
Fresh sucks big time. We want to see people at the top not us visiting the new fresh accounts. . Cancel that.
Harold Baez commented
While the new update has so many cool stuff, the placement for fresh faces is not right, it should get back to the top of the app where it was before. Easy to see and interact with.
Simon commented
Fresh faces is stupid. I have no idea how close they are if they don’t appear on the grid.
Simon commented
Option to hide fresh faces. Can’t tell if they are close or not being off the grid
Anonymous commented
matching like eharmony where it goes into personality, lifestyle, communication, etc... perhaps team up with eharmony?