Mass-select profiles from feed to block (or hide) all at once
Ability to select multiple profiles on the cascade to be blocked or hidden at one time.

Jason & Daryus commented
Is anyione care actually about grinder? People paying a lot for the subscription but they does not do anything about the commuting literally this post is here for 5 years, nobody cares at Grindr.... Why don't you guys care about the community and also, make better the app? I guess you have staff for that, cause you probably earning really well!
AJ commented
Yes please, this is LONG overdue!
Danny Yates commented
Yes again...and again... c'mon Grindr. Its a real put-off having to block each account seperately - ugh!
Scott Larson commented
There have been a dozen, possibly two dozen or more separate requests for this feature.
Conservatively, the vote tally should be over 5000. I am an unlimited member. Though I think all should have this service, the amount I pay for unlimited should include this option. I block a lot of people for valid reasons: (1) the number of fake accounts (on you, Grindr); (2) accounts clearly soliciting massages or drug use (good policing, Grindr); (3) accounts that blatantly engage in conduct or make comments I have asked they stop; (4) blocking a person—again and sometimes again and again—after they’ve made yet another profile (where are you on that, Grindr?). Manually completing a 3-5 step process to block each person is exhausting and by the time it’s done, I usually just get off Grindr because *It. Is. Work.* Even if I try to return to normal browsing, my desire to find or respond to guys I’m actually interested in plummets. This is not a technologically impossible ask. We’re not asking for group reporting, which is a very different thing. We’re simply asking to curate our Grindr experience in an easier way that doesn’t make us want to get off the app and metaphorically throw it at the wall. Even a swipe left/right (or triple tap, hold for three seconds, whatever) to block followed by an “are you sure” sequence on the main chat page would be better. This shouldn’t be that hard. -
Dylan Scott commented
You could also do the same thing with one of the dozens of auto-clickers on Android or iPhone.
You shouldn't have to, but you could.
Henry Cockcroft commented
Well yes! have only tops and refine your selection more wothout a filter.
Jan commented
More like choose from the blocked to unblock, AND to have the ability to access the blocked profiles before you unblock them, for instance you blocked someone when you are abroad and he isn't in your favorite, so when you unblock him how you supposed to find him? if he is abroad (back to his homeland?)
Not necessary commented
Yes. So we can do a search for all women, trans, straight men and block them all if you’re not going to provide a filter so we don’t have to look at them on our feed. SUCH A TURN OFF
achilles commented
i would like you to watch my livestream when i kill myself because grindr banned my account for no reason.they took away my happiness.
Anonymous commented
Being able to block (select in the grid) several profiles at once and the option to block when we press and hold our finger in the profile, without having to open the photo to be able to block someone.
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
You can directly select from the main screen to lock multiple profiles at once. It's terrible to have to block each one within the profile that doesn't matter.
Gianni commented
Apoyemos esta idea tuiteándola
Gianni commented
An option to simultaneously block an indeterminate number of users should be allowed, in itself, the blocking process involves 2 or 3 steps. In the same way, if you create a new account, you must block the same people one by one, it is cumbersome and time is wasted.
Christian Figuroa commented
Picking multiple people at once and blocking all at once
Cody Joseph commented
Create a feature where we can select multiple profiles on the home page to block. To be able to block blank profiles or profiles that are looking for just sx.
Andre Allen Mattus commented
If you’re like me and have used Grindr for years, your favorites list might be full of Offline profiles. It would be great if there was an easier way to mass select and remove favorites to make it easier to update and manage your favorites list.
deepestrancer commented
Be able to mass delete all messages, except for the starred profiles/messages.
Charlie Hampton commented
Totally. It takes too long to block profiles you’re not interested in 1 by 1 and why see profiles you’ll never be interested in?
vlcnc commented
As it says in title. Blocking is not user friendly and frequently when you double tap it taos report user instead.