Grindr Feedback
Thanks for using Grindr! We’re constantly looking to improve your experience and would love to hear how we can achieve that.
11375 results found
Polish language (UI)
Please add support of Polish language UI
3 votes -
There should be an option to choose a version of a back up
It’s bad enough as it is that the “back up” button is big given that people back up because they constantly re-download grindr—meaning that when they redownload the app and go to that setting they would accidentally back up the current one and essentially delete a previous back up.
You should, instead, make it so that people can access a version of their back up with the specified time and date. instead of overriding the previous versions, it should just add on to them.
1 vote -
Clearer instructions how to go from xtra to unlimited
Its not crystal clear how to upgrade the xtra 20 bucks to get Unlimited without risking paying for an unlimited but 3 days ago i just paid 20 for xtra then oops now i paid for xtra and unlimitd and over paid by 20 bucks confuse you?
2 votes -
Make it work
1 vote -
review costs
I believe that the cost policy is not adequate to the users' expectations. I believe that a decrease in the cost of about 25, 30% for the monthly or annual would bring many more subscriptions and would greatly exceed your current turnover because you have to focus on quantity since you still have a lot to do on quality. I think it's better to have 1000 subscriptions for 9.99 rather than 100 for 19.99. I also believe that you should differentiate the cost according to the country where the users are located because the purchasing power varies a lot from…
5 votes -
Add directions with Maps
When someone sends you their location, there needs to be a button that redirects you to google or Apple Maps so you can get the necessary directions. It’s so annoying having to zoom in and look for the address manually going back and forth between the app and maps.
10 votes -
Bloquear por dirección de IP
En muchos países latinos usuarios heterosexuales buscan vender drogas. Peor aún, amenazan a los gays que los reportan o no buscan comprar. Chile, mi país, es quizá el caso más delicado y extremo. Casi la mayoría de perfiles son de heterosexuales que incluso ahora buscan relaciones sexuales entre sí. De hecho, escriben expresamente que no buscan gays. ¿por qué los gays debemos desplazarnos por los heterosexuales en nuestra app? Es una app que originalmente era para hombres gays/bi... Ahora es una app de heteros que buscan drogas, sexo y servicios varios. Sé que el bloqueo es una posibilidad, pero el…
16 votes -
Checar los perfiles spam
Los perfiles vacíos /nuevos/ solo con álbum privado/ sin info / la mayoría solo quieren sacar info y ya he visto dos personas que hacen eso y las ubicó como nada recomendables por sus actividades ilícitas !
10 votes -
Fix Banning System
Called out a pretty obvious catfish for being a fake profile (but did not report them yet, which I now regret.) At this accusation, they got very upset and said that I was actually the catfish (I'm clearly not) and that they were reporting me as a fake profile. About 4 hours later, I tried to login and saw that I was banned. Was given no prior warning or opportunity to prove my identity in any way, which, as a paying customer, is completely ridiculous. The moderation team is a complete joke at this company and it's insane that I…
15 votes -
Please open fake gps.
Please open fake gps, it is very easy to connect the more people
15 votes -
Go back
Go back to last update, everything was fine and now my fresh tab isn't working now is my tag one.
3 votes -
Sorry my pain is many people the report direct cause about money but I do massage they force free sex and I d massage is charge I'm afraid
Actually I love this app and I enjoy to use it but I have some pain and scared 😔
Some people they complain or they report about to ask money and it's not true
I do massage as professional so is charge not free so some people they need free massage if you ask or tell I charge they report you ask money and it's not truth
I'm afraid and I'm not happy now is many time I see warning ("U ask money we banned your account") free or fun sex is okay but people the should be to understand…1 vote -
I am a story writer, I have written a story for your app which can be very popular going forward which can make the app more profitable. Ple
I am a story writer, I have written a story for your app which can be very popular going forward which can make the app more profitable. Please contact me so that I can produce this movie. With a little help my phone number is +917508419425 India Punjab
1 vote -
Cada ves hay mas ladropnes personas que escopolaminan agreden y matan en la app debe de haber algupna forma de que protejan a sus usuarios
Ladrones, catfish, prostitución gente mala dentro de la app
2 votes -
Why do people waste time on here, when there not just wasting the genuine profiles time, but ALSO THERE TIME I just don't get it
2 votes -
明顯是假的2 votes -
People are threatening me on Grindr I'd like to have my account back
I would like for them to improve grinder my account has been banned how do I unban my account
4 votes -
Locking my pics/unfavorite
It would be nice to have a feature to know when i've shared pics what's someone and what pics i've shared. And away to mass delete and unfavorite.
10 votes -
3 votes
I am in Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh - India). Guess you guys need to do advertisement more here but for older people above 45+. Because hardly I am getting any profile of my age preference. Like 1/10 profile is the frequency here.
3 votes
- Don't see your idea?