Fix Banning System
Called out a pretty obvious catfish for being a fake profile (but did not report them yet, which I now regret.) At this accusation, they got very upset and said that I was actually the catfish (I'm clearly not) and that they were reporting me as a fake profile. About 4 hours later, I tried to login and saw that I was banned. Was given no prior warning or opportunity to prove my identity in any way, which, as a paying customer, is completely ridiculous. The moderation team is a complete joke at this company and it's insane that I got booted off the platform as a real person, while this actual catfish is presumably still using the app and probably reporting anyone else who accuses them of being a fake. As a recently out person in a non-LGBT area this is devastating and extremely frustrating, and I feel like there's nothing I can do to resolve this. Fix your shitty app, Grindr!