Grindr Feedback
Thanks for using Grindr! We’re constantly looking to improve your experience and would love to hear how we can achieve that.
11416 results found
Enable use of GPS (phone only) for location
Currently, Grindr stupidly insists you have you location settings on the battery draining "high" accuracy setting, which is GPS plus the Google data gathering machine of Wi-Fi. This needs to be changed to allow GPS only. GPS gives high accuracy anyway so there is no need for anything more which offers no improvement except for Google's finances. Having your location data from an app such as this move outside Grindr's or your phone's realm is a terrible risk, particularly in countries where homosexuality is illegal. We also have the right to determine how location is determined, this should not be…
61 votes -
What’s with all the false profiles. Isn’t there something you can do to block these?
Isn’t there a way for you to limit the robot profiles so I don’t get them. The Fresh Faces section is just a string of the same false profiles. And now they tap as well.
Please find a way to stop or at least limit this146 votes -
Distance at top bar was a great idea.
Even though users wouldn't allow distance to be seen, you could get an idea of distance with the general distance bar that was encorporated into the beta version. With the update it disappeared.
29 votes -
Making it so you appear offline to individual profiles
I would love it if I could make myself appear offline for individual people but remain online for other people.
140 votes -
Age filter
There's an age filter that filters the age I'm looking for. There should be an age filter of the age the others are looking for. It's easier to find someone looking for my age range.
5,035 votes -
Trackers need to be Abolished
Stop using 500 trackers when you pay large amounts of money for paid membership. It’s a huge invasion of privacy. Despicable. If people really understood what their data I was being used for not a single person would be on this platform.
35 votes -
Be able to speak with Grindr Reps
2 weeks ago another person verbally attacked me saying I was going to get what I deserved “you old fucking faggot”! Then he said “you’re a dead man”. He was 4 miles away and his profile header was J and he was 24 I think. I think he blocked me because he and the comments disappeared. Last week he basically did the same thing saying I thought I was better than everyone, would get what I deserved and to enjoy my awakening. These are very serious crimes- hate crime, death threat, stalking,,etc. I reported it to you but have not…
12 votes -
Option to Disable Video chat requests
Coz people don't have the decency to ask if it is okay to see you at their whim.
Repeated requests are annoying.15 votes -
messages not going through
This is happening more and more and it's very frustrating I actually paid to use Grindr but this happens more than usual! Messages not going through 4 hours two fellow Grindr users as if mywifi is down and that's not true because I've actually tested it with other apps and other forms of communication and emails and messages go through fine but on Grindr they don't go through! Also your filter app part of Grindr is missing vital Parts like race? And other features that help locate an individual sometimes it's there sometimes it's not I'm really considering not paying…
56 votes -
View who I’ve tapped.
Have a screen to show who we’ve tapped, similar to how we can see who we have favorited. I think this would be great to see especially when traveling and being able to get back home and reconnect with those we tapped.
745 votes -
The option not to have music played when you open Grindr
It’s hard to be discreet when the music starts playing when you open Grindr. Please have an option to disable the music being played.
76 votes -
Block someone after they block you
A lot of users play games, then block you. How about an option to block them as well, AFTER they block you? This way they can't unblock you and then start again with a new pic or profile.
461 votes -
Save the Unit System Choice
When I log back in after logging out, my choice for unit system in settings has been reset. I use metric and it defaults back to imperial. There should be a way of saving this in a user's profile.
64 votes -
Profile videos
Just like private pictures you are able to share with others, you should be able to have a few private personal videos that you can share with another chatter if you want to, of course private pictures and videos by permission only.
46 votes -
Hide pinned Messages filter
In the messages Filters allow an option to hide pinned messages, unless you receive a new unread message. So your pins would be otherwise in their usual place in chronological order, and when you deactivated this setting, your pins would be displayed at the top of the list.
Activate the setting and the pins disperse, leaving you an easy to view space at the top of the screen to view the inbox.
Also. Give us a “mark as unread” capability. In case we open a message but don’t have time to respond.26 votes -
Inbetween friends, and ***.
Add a FWB (Friends With Benefits) tag to the "looking for" section. Not all of us want simple one night flings, OR a serious relationship. It would be nice to be able to find people who want to be friends and hang out, but without the immediate requirement of **, but to know that it's an option without having to wade through hundreds/thousands of users who are only interested in ** only or PG-13 only. FWB would be a great middle ground for users like us.
21 votes -
Deliver my messages! You are more than happy to take my money but you can’t even get my messages where i want them to go!!
47 votes -
349 votes
True unlimited blocks on Xtra
Grindr advertises Xtra as having "unlimited blocks," however this is not accurate. Once the max limit of 10,000 is met, new blocks override older ones and those profiles become visible again. Thanks to quarantine I finally had the time to figure out the exact limit. So please stop falsely advertising unlimited blocks or actually make it possible.
85 votes -
High resolution pictures
High resolution pictures please. We have phones capable of taking pictures in 8K now and Grindr still violently compresses pictures. They look so muddled. Thanks 👍🏻
45 votes
- Don't see your idea?