True unlimited blocks on Xtra
Grindr advertises Xtra as having "unlimited blocks," however this is not accurate. Once the max limit of 10,000 is met, new blocks override older ones and those profiles become visible again. Thanks to quarantine I finally had the time to figure out the exact limit. So please stop falsely advertising unlimited blocks or actually make it possible.

Chad chadd commented
Agree. Too many women, Trans, trannies, frauds and scammers here.
Unlimited blocks or build a filter to hide women trans trannies non-binary and blank profiles.
Shawn Guy commented
Unlimited blocks are definitely not working. I've been blocking some of the profiles over and over each day, sometimes even multiple times a day.
EB commented
Doesn’t seem to be accurate. It doesn’t unblock the older blocks but the new blocks you make just cancel and the profiles return minutes later.
I tested this and all my original blocks remained unchanged and new ones I instituted didn’t work.
And I was a full paid member ($49.99 a month). Was advertised as having unlimited blocks for my plan. How can Grindr get away with this fraud?! I didn’t receive a notice of this block change and I didn’t receive a credit for this lost feature.
This is one of the many reasons I’m leaving this failing app and the people who run it.
Dougo commented
Blocking does not work with repeated recent blocks turning up again and the block disappeared from the lists - see the same profile blocked in different positions showing that they are magically unblocked current rather than old blocked profiles
cody mccaffrey commented
I'm tired of getting banned. Then check my account they say got banned from one anti-spam blocking because send multiple messages out In short amount time. First Pay for grindr and second should not have worry about getting banned cuz send out multiple text messages in short amount time. Three spam Still get through. Fourth none of my social media that I use don't block you for send out multiple messages in short amount time. Think we just get rid of it and just let people block and report when something happen. Don't want worry about banned because trigger anti-spam blocking because message to many guys
JorEl EastCoast commented
As headline says
Robert commented
Almost every day I see people back on my screen that I have blocked previously. I don't call that blocked
Anonymous commented
Keep the people I blocked... blocked! I don't understand why you would unblock people I have for good reason blocked. Why is that?
Anonymous commented
Make blocking permanent ! If you block someone they should stay blocked! Forever! Also if A ********** profile is reported more than twice it’s a ********** get rid of them.
Howard commented
Those I blocked showing up on my nearby search again and again. Annoying
Anonymous commented
Stop unlocking guys I've blocked. It's very sneaky.
Chris commented
I’ve seen people I’ve blocked before randomly be unblocked. I know for a fact they haven’t gotten a new account.
Ego commented
To make sure when users are blocked by me That they really are blocked and not able to show up again at a later time