Grindr Feedback
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11375 results found
Only what I fill on my profile I can see on others
Users who have a blank profile with no pic or any data, also only see blank profiles.
If I share my age and height, I see it also everywhere.
If I, for example don’t fill the sexual preferences like Position safer sex/bb or so, I can’t see this on any other profile.
Only what I fill i also can see….2 votes -
1 vote -
No puedo realizar taps
No puedo realizar taps
3 votes -
Who blocked you list
Separate list other the profiles you blocked there should be a list of people who’ve blocked you
19 votes -
WhatsApp scam ask numbers
Some profiles direct send pictures and ask for whatsapp number! Think it's a scam and people must to be careful ! Sorry for my bad english !
3 votes -
Many incorrect or misleading Japanese translations
Hi, I’m a Japanese user living in Tokyo.
There are so many wrong or misleading translations in Japanese. That is one of the reason Japanese gays hardly use this app.
Unfortunately many visitors from foreign countries often ask me where Japanese gays are. So I need to recommend them to install other apps. In fact, there are dozens of times more Japanese on other apps.
Even translation of Top, Bottom, Versatile are wrong. Hookups is translated to “dating” lol
You should hire a translator. Or send me excel file of translation.2 votes -
The Word Ficadas
You changed the designation "Agora" to "Ficadas". This word is rarely used in the Portuguese language and is the plural of the act of staying. It doesn't mean anything like what you want to give it in this context. It is not used in Portugal, Angola, Mozambique, Guinea Bissau, Cape Verde, S.Tomé and Principe, Timor and Macau, and I have never heard any Brazilian use it. They use "Transar". Based on the above, I hope you go back to "Agora" that means Now in all portuguese speaking contries and everybody knows what it means in this context
4 votes -
2 votes -
Good apk
1 vote -
2 votes
Japanese translation for "hookup"
Japanese translation for "hookup" is misleading. 付き合う means going out or dating. It doesn't mean hookup.
2 votes -
No me deja enviar mensajes me pone que el mensaje no se a enviado
Básicamente que quiero contestar a alguien o enviar un mensaje i me dice que el mensaje no se a enviado
12 votes -
New tag
Add throuple as a tag option
1 vote -
Only show users that are online
Only those users that are currently online, or whoever online in the last 15 minutes should appear on the grids. It’s bad enough that this app cost so much, it’s even worse when 2/3 of the people on your grid are no longer online.
4 votes -
1 vote
You should be able to ‘mark’ profiles you have already read, but ruled out for some reason
Being older, I get frustrated when going in to profiles to see ‘no old guys’ or ‘under 25 only’, etc. It is fine for guys to say this, but you can’t always remember who they are and waste time going back into their profiles. An easy tick or cross identification mark on your phone could remind you not to go back there.
10 votes -
Working app
Have a Grindr app that actually works properly for more than a day
Unless I'm on WiFi I'm very lucky if I can view pictures on people's profiles14 votes -
Change in filters
I would like the option to choose which filter I do not want that person to have, when I search for someone who wants a relationship I get all those who are looking for a relationship but they may also be looking for something casual, I would like to be able to not see those that I do not want to see For example, choosing that I don't want to see those who are only looking for something casual and that way I would only see people who want something more serious
2 votes -
Conversas apagadas
Eu tinha tinha várias conversar ali, e gostaria muito de recuperar todas. Viajó muito em vários países e conheci uma pessoa muito interessante e perdi a conversa e não consigo encontrar essa pessoa.
Impossível perder todas as conversas assim, alguém sabe se e possível recuperar tudo ?4 votes -
4 votes
- Don't see your idea?