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  1. 3 votes

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  2. Gallery to app

    Sending inages from your Gallery or other storage on your device is a big pain.

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  4. I think grinder needs to be changed to hyenas

    I think grinder needs to be changed to hyenas Because this app need some flair, and what better way than hyenas or high anus :-)

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  5. As always profile picture issue

    When will my profile picture issue be resolved, everytime i upload a picture i have to request it. What is that...🤷‍♂️. And im tired requesting every time.

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  6. As always profile picture issue

    When will my profile picture issue be resolved, everytime i upload a picture i have to request it. What is that...🤷‍♂️. And im tired requesting every time.

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  7. Ich kann einzelne Chats nicht wieder herstellen

    Neues Handy,einzelne Kontakte verloren gegangen

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  8. Chats verloren gegangen durch neues Handy

    Neues Handy,Einzelchats verloren gegangen

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  9. Verified users

    Social media sites often offer verification to users to ensure authenticity and safety to other users when connecting.
    Grindr is often used by people that are closeted, shy and discreet, therefore even a profile that is verified without a picture would increase the chances to users to connect.

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  10. Meeting at options

    I believe if the app would have offered more meeting points such as park, outdoors, bath houses would increase the chance to the users to find people that are like minded.
    Additionally, because GrindR is majorly used for hookups it could replace other websites and apps that allows cruiser and exhibitionists to connect, rather than having ‘tags’ which often are misunderstood

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  11. Male and female spot

    Make a male and female spot

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  12. 1 vote

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  13. Limited amount of photos stored in Profile.

    Just what my headline says. It is frustrating when I have to re-upload photos I’ve used in the past.

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  14. Longer use your name

    There should be at least 200 characters for user names because 15 characters is not long enough. It’s just ridiculous.

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  15. Chuyển ngôn ngữ

    Tôi muốn đổi thành tiếng việt

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  16. Cuidado com informações falsas.

    Boa tarde tudo bem? Há alguns anos utilizo a plataforma grindr nunca tive problemas de violação simplesmente pq nunca violei as regras. Sou uma pessoa que respeito sempre regras seja ela qual for. Estou sempre atento pras questões de respeito para com o próximo. A mensagem que recebi de vcs hoje, me deixou além de chateado, fiquei pensando : vcs devem de fato averiguar toda e qualquer denúncia, e confrontar os fatos para terem certeza de que o que mandaram tem alguma verdade,antes mesmo de mandar mensagem ameaçadora para os assinantes. Em uma época em que vivemos muito o mal…

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  17. Why GR admin will not check before delete any bio based on fake complaint, whose is worng

    Hi grinder admin team I do understand you do your job but my concern is here people are complaining and you simply give a warning saying that the user has violated the policy right but don't you check that why the user is violating the policy,
    I will tell you in my vase,
    yes I will threaten the peoples, if I found somebody is using somebody's pictures coming to my profile in your miss behaviour in this vase.
    I will be thrated right because we don't have any opportunity to come with you and just check you are not doing…

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  18. Drop down your prices

    your prices because other applications are charging $16 a month compared to $39 a month for the same service prices need to go down to stay competitive

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  19. User Verifications

    There was an old site years ago that would assign each profile an Internal Number. They requested you to take a selfie with that number written on a sheet of paper. They then verified the user to that account. These catfish profiles are OUT OF HAND!

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  20. Boost

    I pay already, so I expect ZERO ADS, including ads from Grindr. Boost is a really bad idea which facilities the notion that "it's ok for users to cheat/jump to the front of the queue if Grindr can make money." Obviously based on the ever increasing volume of banner and popup ads, boost is not a financially successful idea, so Grindr is doubling down on the bad idea by advertising constantly to paid users rather than abandoning the bad idea. HONEST PEOPLE DO NOT LIKE CHEATERS. Grindr users (originating mainly from the N & S America, W & E Europe,…

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