Grindr Feedback
Thanks for using Grindr! We’re constantly looking to improve your experience and would love to hear how we can achieve that.
1049 results found
Lgbtq fundamentals
Too many users identify as allies but they know very little about trans competency. I think grindr has an opportunity and responsibility to help inform users about hot to communicate with people they're not used to experiencing. This will help people like myself get misgendered less and help make more meaningful connections.
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Ad to your filters transsexuals so I can filter then out because I have zero interest in that when I come on here.
Trany Filter
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Clarify what tribes are
The app needs to explicit something: tribes are what you are not what you're looking for.
I look for Transwomen and it's filled with cis men also looking for Transwomen! It's annoying!2 votes -
There's alot of murders on here
I'd love to find guys who puff and play but in a safe manor
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No Brasil, não se usa mais o termo soropositivo. O Grindr podia atualizar essa #tag e a tribo para PVHIV (pessoa vivendo com HIV), já temos estigmas demais.
Sugiro que essa situação seja colocada para outras pessoas positivas que usam o app.2 votes -
"Tomorrow" option
There is the option "Now" to indicate what I'm wanting in the app, but there isn't the option TOMORROW. Please, you need to fix this adding the option TOMORROW for "in search of" filter and the tags!
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Muchas gracias
Muchas gracias
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Rapporter le civisme au blocage
Ça donne un bon q-anon black boster
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Play boy
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Add new tribe: BNWO
Add “BNWO” to tribes
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2 votes
Job Search/Hire
There have been plenty of times that I have home projects that I am working on, or home issues that need immediate attention.
I think it would be cool to hire a local gay or bi contractor/trade worker via Grindr, since the app shows distance and allows filtering. This could also be used for any legal for hire service.
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New "Athletic" tribe
Tribe option for "Athletic". Not really any in between options besides twink/jock/bear
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Thourple quad
Options to search for throuples or quads Grindr is quick enough for singles and all the genders that are available but not couples who are looking for others in this new world of relationships
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Filtre ethnicite
les choix proposés pour définir son appartenance ethnique ne sont pas adaptés :
Blanc : pzt exemple au Maghreb vont se définir blanc ceux qui n ont pas la peau mate a´ors que cette catégorie est censée désignée le type europeen/caucasien.
Asiatique : l Iran est en Asie tout comme la Chine l Inde et la Thaïlande et pourtant aucun de ces peuples ne de ressemblent du tout
Homme du Moyen Orient cela fait référence essentiellement aux arabes ses Émirats Arabie Saoudite Qatar etc qui n ont rien a voir non plias ave les maghrébins.Qq suggestions de remplacement…
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Define a top bottom vers and sides are
A little icon like definition information
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Make it easier to find people in your own area
Voice camand
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Improvement/ Getting out of the "only for fuck" ?
I curently see 187 people who click on my grindr each day who see my profile, but very few send a message. Some says, "you are sexy,....." but don't go further into conversation, most people don't have any conversation at all. I always have the feeling i have to go to people, otherwise they just don't speak at all. A lot of people do somth else in the mean-time, not even to mention them to be slow-respondant.....Am I weird ? or is this a common topic. That's really disturbing.
I tend to think people see Grindr as a…2 votes -
Logi in
Need a partner
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Etiquetas que conducen al odio
No me siento identificado con ninguna tribe. Underground, alternativo, por qué no existen? y sin embargo conceptos como macho o discreto que son términos que conducen al odio y por eso después nos matan como a Samuel, sí. Absolutamente hipócrita esta actitud por vuestra parte.
2 votes
- Don't see your idea?