Separate section for trans people and their admirers
I think trans men and trans women along with people who are trans-attracted deserve to have their own separate posting section. That way, trans community members and their admirers can better easily connect with one another. It would be beneficial and make sense to give trans people and their seekers their own platform, connected to the rest of Grindr but as a section within the existing app. You could call it GrindrTrans or something.

𝙽𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝙾𝚏 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙱𝚎𝚎𝚜𝚠𝚊𝚡! commented
you wanna know what makes me sad?
(like, sadder than i already am?)
that, at this current trajectory, we'll still be bickering-and-bitching about this very subject well into 2054, and beyond
i fail to grasp what's so difficult to apprehend here:
1.) all of us, instead of in-fighting with each other over this stupid shit, should be uniting to take a stand against the monolith that is grindr
2.) charlie, i'm wondering when did you join grindr?
and, whether you have tried other venues which cater to transwomen and queer men (like yourself) before settling here
the gay community was never about "acceptance"
there is no "community" to speak of
at the end of the day, we (the ones with whom you had been engaging, recently) are still humans who just so happen to prefer other *masculine* cis-men
it's a particular kind of sting, thusly, every time we find out that a handsome, presumably-masculine man (like yourself) absolutely loathes the thought of being sexual with another man....if i am being forthcoming, thusly: just as it is true, we'd rather not see "women," because we can never be attracted to them, we'd rather not see you on our grid, because you will never be attracted to men like me
you suggest, "block" and "ignore"
charlie, we've had this very discussion, and have already bandied these very "solutions" about, years ago — we homos have already explained why Ignore & Block doesn't work, on grindr
at the end of the day, guapo, grindr's core audience is cis-men who seek cis-men;
sufferers of gender dysphoria (fortunately) are smaller-in-number than us gay men..
..i imagine, queer men (like yourself) who seek only "women" are an even-smaller minorityi point that out because, with the way grindr is configured right now, it's *gotta* be difficult for you to find what you're looking for
it's gotta be difficult to find "women" whose mental issues / emotional disturbances aren't so severe, that they preclude any chance of a semi-normal, meaningful, on-going interaction
(unless, you *prefer* "women" who aren't entirely right in their head..
..then, in that case, i can only tell ya, _have at it_)
do you preëmptively block all masc-presenting cis-men?
(in a vein, that's similar to how many of us homos preëmptively block as many "women" {and queer men} as we can)this would make sense, and i wouldn't be mad at you for that charlie — ´saves us the heartbreak and headache of dealing with someone we can't suck on
i am curious, though:
why don't you like the idea of making sex with another man?and, do you consider yourself a part of the lgbtqabcdefgh community?
(by-the-by, i've simplified that taxonomy already — "not hetero / not cis", or "NH/NC"there is only one definition of heterosexual
{one which i should not need to explain, here}it's simple
and, like me, you're not heterosexual either, charlie
bigoted religious zealots {the ones who make people like you scared to be with a real man} only wish to recognize cis-women and cis-men
if you're someone who goes against that status quo?
to the bigot, you're automatically on "the outs."thus, my feeling justified to simplify that alphabet soup down to NH/NC.)
Charlie Triana commented
I agree it only they could do that. One can hope
Eric Cord commented
Charlie T., I respect your stance and you are correct about the changes in the LBGTQ community and being accepted. Grindr is an app following a Line of other apps, built upon the shoulders of gay men. Before it, reigned until making a decision in their format which led to its decline. The website which allowed the chat format to include a large number of individuals to chat in regional and distinct fragmented categories which Manhunt and Romeo ( formerly PlanetRomeo ) gathered up most of its members was faded away before telephone apps rose to popularity, but it was a cool place to chat (even better when implemented cams into chatrooms) plus it had a public name, partnered with real brick & mortar bars/clubs as well as companies like Absolut, Instinct Magazine, even Amazon. Even AOL and Chat IBQ, before, allowed chat and yet also separated LBGTQ into individual groups/rooms to allow individuals to actually communicate with the individuals which they wanted to communicate.
You say to just accept the influx as being inclusive, to accept the unwanted chats, to be the unwanted chatter. The point I am making is, allowing a free filter, or an option not to be viewed will seem to be discrimination/segregation.Truth is, it is exactly that. Yet, the same thing some of us are pushing for in regards to members we see on Grindr’s grid can be said as to why we are on Grindr, rather than Tinder. And if I were on Tinder, I should mention, Gay men would seem to the intruder on an app/site.
How’s wanting the filter/opt out.function really any different than choosing to enter a forum that was started with the intention for gay and bi men to meet gay and bi men. Just allowing those who came to Grindrr for its initial purpose to enjoy the app without intrusion.
I am aware, Grindr will not impliment something beneficial to its users, just as it allows profiles to be create with no photos and/or lacking simple BASIc information regarding the member, which is actually a contributing factor to the large number of scammers, AI/AdBots, and criminal elements to prey on members. -
Charlie Triana commented
I completely understand bud I get it. The App Store specifically describes app as open to LGBTQ. Meaning I am welcome as a bisexual male to chase FTM. I even went as far as to contact Grindr using my paid account to ask this very question. I was informed I was welcomed as all members with open arms. I have been attacked by men. It’s not right. I’ve done nothing to no one. I am on there just as everyone else looking for FTM men. And cause I love pus I don’t discriminate what you hate pussy looks like. It’s easy to compare what once was and is now. Should Grindr create a new space. NO. The gay community is all about acceptance. If you pick and choose who you accept it’s not better than the oppressors of years gone by. What is is not a what once was. Just like everyone who blocks what they don’t like it’s just as easy to do same for us. Just move past it and look for a gay man your into. This isn’t hard. Best of luck to all. GRINDR isn’t a safe space btw. It’s filled with angry gay men.
Jimmy Warde commented
Charlie they are creating a space by removing and forcing out the original space holders. A second app designed for trans and trans seekers is the solution here. Grindr needs to be a fay space for gay men
Charlie Triana commented
Well put Jimmy. Grindr however was an app for gay men. It has stated many times it’s changed and now accepts all members of the Lgbtqabcdefh community. It takes no effort to just moved past people that aren’t what someone is looking for. Yes hate exists and I’ve seen it more than anywhere else on Grindr. People who have been marginalized by society for too long are creating a space where those others in community are objectified ridiculed and their self esteem destroyed. Not everyone is like this but we need to look at the bigger picture. Not everyone is for everyone. It’s ok to just ignore
Jimmy Warde commented
Charlie Triana it's not that we hate anyone. We need our space tho. For example if you tried to join a trans for trans dating site you wouldn't be accepted.
This app was a gay man for gay men app and it, like many of our spaces, has been totally taken over. Now if it was a simple case of saying oh hi no I'm not interested thanks and everyone moved on it would be fine or even have filters. But what happens is the minute we say no or not interested to trans or even put "only interested in men", "M4M" or "no trans or women" we get banned. These trans accounts are allowed to put "no men" "no gays" "women and trans only". It's an unfair playing field. Not to mention how hateful the trans people are on here. They will drop the f slur, threaten you and your job and get extremely nasty to you I you say no to them.Tinder exists and I think it's the better option for anyone that is not a gay man.
Charlie Triana commented
I don’t understand. The gay community is about acceptance. All I see is hatred and disgust. Look it’s simple. If a male like me is looking for FTM aren’t I part of the community. I state it right on my profile. If this bothers someone scroll on. It’s the adult thing to do. If don’t like. Block. It’s not very hard. I don’t understand the commotion. Grow up. Ignore. Move on.
Allan Boyce commented
This is the worst site Evel
Tim Tim commented
Grindr has grinded to a halt for me. Profile deleted, app deleted. Grindr is now GrindHer, go ahead, please just change your name already.
EB commented
RE: Jaymes
ABSOLUTELY phuk’n correct!
I’ve been saying this for years on this blog.
1. This filter would be behind a paywall. (OVERPRICED PAYWALL)
2. Humans. They lie, they sneak. Filters wouldn’t work because filter required info has never been mandatory or possible to verify. Profiles are inaccurate.
3. Enforce mandatory minimum profile info. Warn then ban those who cheat the minimum info requirements. List you’re a male but present as a female..NO. List you’re a male but identify as she/her..NOJust create a separate app for each orientation. Let those who want whoever in their life join the app they desire that hosts their type. Remind those that wander they are on the wrong app.
Look around in nature at some things and you’ll notice certain creatures, types and so on, simply don’t mingle when forced to.
If you want to find bisexuals, there are bisexual apps
Want to find trans, trans apps.
Swinger apps..
Apps for all orientations! But you go look on those apps if that’s your interest. Fine if trans look on these apps as well, even on a gay men’s app, because yes, there are gay trans!
But if it was just one central monster mingle app in the world where everyone was forced to go to find the desired one, we’d hate in a minute!
Trans and their admirers demand respect and to be allowed on all the M4M apps and they’ve gotten it. But respect comes with respect. We gay men have tolerated enough and now we are telling trans folk that it’s getting out of control and our apps are changing against us. So show some respect trans folks and try to entertain our wants for once and be open to some change in the apps we once enjoyed. This is called mutual respect.
Because no one should be allowed to become a squatter and when that happens someone is always on the outside looking in and that goes both ways. Time to communicate, time to respect one another. -
Jaymes commented
To anyone saying oh trans belong her just filter them. Yea then what happens when they don't put their gender in their info?
No trans shouldn't be on here. Neither should women or straight men and straight couples. Men only. Real men. -
Stuart McClain commented
there are Trans MEN - that are Gay. I don't know if we need a separate section necessarily - but but be able to filter - so you don't see what you don't want to see. right now you can identify - but not search for Trans Men or Women.
btw - many trans women still have a penis and like to have anal intercourse with men. so why exclude them from the site? that is not necessary if you can filter them out to get what you want. What Jaymes has written is hateful. -
Jaymes commented
This is a major issue because to appease the trannies and the they/them non binary wacko they want to see Homosexual/homosexuality be seen as hateful language and want us to be referred to as same sex attracted people rather than just gay/Homosexual. There was a time when queer was a slur now it's "preffered" language. I'm sorry I don't want to see trannies and women. This is an app for GAY HOMOSEXUAL MEN
Matthew Moczygemba commented
My problem is that when one writes to me and I politely respond saying that they're not my type however they are lovely to wish this chick responds that I'm a bigot and a transphobic and a misogynist all in one sentence. Listen bitch I didn't say I didn't like you I just said I didn't want to fuck you and I'm the asshole here when you're the one trying to shame me in the fucking you let's not get confused here this is the kind of bullshit going on because of all this crap
Matthew Moczygemba commented
When I come on Grindr I'm looking for masculinity not men dressed up as women with dicks it's totally counterintuitive and makes no sense to me and I'll be damned if I'm going to have to readjust my preferences so that I don't get called a goddamn bigot so yeah they should have their own section just like us gay guys should have our own section just like every preference or part of this whole sexual community should have their own section segregation is made for a reason you know sometimes and I'm not going to adjust it the way you suggest it because that's just a lazy way to say oh brother just do it
Luigi Contrini commented
Inoltre cercate di stare attenti molte della trans usano l'applicazione x distribuire chems soprattutto quelle chiamata PV o PAVIA. cercate di verificare di solito compare nel nik.
De Craker commented
A trans person must have ask this, I say that be cause it is so complicated and counter intuitive. There is somthing to taking the path of least restance. But no Transgender person is going to travel that path they insist on the path least traveled, no mater how long it takes or where they end up. I understand it's not their fault, but at the same time I don't believe it's my fault either. It's simple, fix the bio, to ask verifiable questions, then ad in all the search options anyone might like, the results will be that every one will be happy.
EB commented
Explain what kind of men (dick) you say you’re getting from Translr?
Straight, bi, gay dick or is it trans dick?
Think we all on here prefer one of the first three.. -
AJ commented
My advice is: if you can’t beat them, join them! I recently set-up a profile as a gay male on the transgender dating siteTranslr a while ago. At first the moderators gave me a lot of hassle and wanted me off the site but they refused to say why out of concern for being seen as discriminatory against an LGBT person who just happens to identify as cis male (get over it man haters!). Anyway it’s a great way to get dick, it’s a very untapped market. More gay men should join it.