Separate section for trans people and their admirers
I think trans men and trans women along with people who are trans-attracted deserve to have their own separate posting section. That way, trans community members and their admirers can better easily connect with one another. It would be beneficial and make sense to give trans people and their seekers their own platform, connected to the rest of Grindr but as a section within the existing app. You could call it GrindrTrans or something.

Roberto Rojas commented
A ver se están peleando por algo tan ordinario , que es tan fácil como usar simplemente la lógica.... Todas las personas que se dicen ofendidas porque creen que no se le respetan sus derechos al no aceptarlas o aceptarlos tal y como se definen en su mente. Y que intentan aparentar su acto justificándolo con palabras y entendimientos muy adornados pero que para el caso significa solamente una cosa: no podemos tapar el sol con un dedo y aquí y en China existen nada más dos géneros femenino y masculino un hombre jamás podrá ser una mujer y viceversa por más que lo intente por más que se opere jamás lo va a poder conseguir jamás podrá reproducir un ser humano.. se puede percibir como sea mujer animal etcétera y es válido lo que no es justo es que intente obligar mi criterio y mi voluntad a esforzarme a percibirla tal y como ella quiere cuando tanto la genética como la ciencia como lo lógico dice que es lo contrario... Porque entonces si se sienten tan mujeres en vez de crearse un perfil en grinder porque no se lo hacen en tinder digo ahí encajan perfectamente bien tal y como ella se perciben.. pero en lo personal como en la mayoría no me van a dejar mentir entramos a esta aplicación para conocer a gente con nuestra misma afición con los mismos gustos y es desagradable ver tantos perfiles que no encajan con esta ideología con la que se construyó esta aplicación porque entonces hasta nosotros mismos estamos transformando y devaluando lo que viene siendo nuestra comunidad... Porque sí antes había aplicaciones o grupos para encuentro entre mujeres y otras para hombres como lo que es viene siendo grinder por qué ahora dentro de este mismo bloque se le tiene que dar paso a esta distorsión de género que honestamente a la mayoría no nos gusta si soy gay es porque me gustan los hombres porque es mi bandera y porque mi comunidad así lo definió y crecí con ese sello Pero porque me tengo que ajustar a lo que una minoría por tendencias y modas pasajeras se aferran a creer y a obligarnos a hacernos creer cosas que no son y que nunca van a pasar... Pedimos respeto ante la sociedad pero no lo faltamos entre nosotros mismos y yo pienso que también debería de existir el respeto entre espacios en lo que queremos y en lo que somos si yo me considero gay deberían de respetar mi espacio mi entorno a lo que ya se venía planteando y conocido como un espacio gay si quieren construir hacer implementar o simplemente crear otro espacio a su manera y a su forma de pensar pues construyenlo pero no no invadan porque no todos los que piensan de esa forma comulgamos con sus ideologías y si eso fuera una democracia pues somos más los que pensamos de esta forma..
Tim Tim commented
Filters would be utterly useless, as the pay wall would be absurdly high.
𝙽𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝙾𝚏 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙱𝚎𝚎𝚜𝚠𝚊𝚡! commented
i am sure, what i am about to tell you seems rather counter-intuitive..
..but, i still need you to hear me out:in spite of how it appears, on the surface?
the reality is, no Members of Leadership from grindr pays attention to this boardit is not my intent to be "flippant" adam; i just wonder, if you're leaving that suggestion for the decision makers of grindr, or for us?
you're not the first one (and, sadly, you won't be the last one) to bring up filters
spend about ten minutes skimming this thread
also, take note of when this specific request post was created: april 8th, 2020
soon to be 5 years
what's happened with grindr in that amount of time?
if you've "been around" a while, like i have. . . . .
Adam Maxwell commented
I think it’s a pretty simple solution.
Now filtering only work if their bio has the information to filter.
Gender descriptions should be mandatory on the app.
And in turn if you filter out women or transwomen (same thing) then it also removes you from their grid as well. You can’t see them and they can’t see you.This prevents unwanted communication while also ensuring everyone has a positive experience.
Tim Tim commented
Expressing sexual DISINTEREST is NOT discrimination. Inclusion and acceptance are SOCIAL issues that have no place in a conversation regarding sexual inclinations.
I have no interest in using an app for every orientation, as I only want to connect with other gay men. I don't want to filter and ignore 30 women, just to get to see a single gay member. Female and trans profiles on a gay app is like adding bacon to a vegan meal: it might add some flavor, but it still ruins the purpose of being vegan. It still ruins the intended experience.
𝙽𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝙾𝚏 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙱𝚎𝚎𝚜𝚠𝚊𝚡! commented
the best advice i can give ya on that matter is, we *all* are going to have to do more than just "support" those who pursue the change we desire:
considering, clearly, there is no one undertaking Cogent Action on that front—
—we cannot continue wishing on stars, hoping some Knight In Shyning Armour shall intervene on our behalvesbitching, bickering, and in-fighting on uservoice for another decade isn't gonna accomplish much of anything
*we* have to step up, as a collective, to stand up to the Corporate Millionaires of
GrindR who only see us as commas-and-zerosthe millionaire c-suites who have consistently demonstrated for over a decade now,
they can and *will* continue degrading our grindr experience,
in perpetuity,
because they feel assured that,
no one is ever going to stop them from dicking us around
we also have to be prepared to accept that,
in this wicked, wicked, backwards world,
we *will* face opposition from multiple-fronts,
in our quest to forge our own, exclusive, cis•man-4-cis•man haven
i am obliged to point out, there remains a "sticky territory" regarding our femme•but•cis brothers, and our transman brethren——as i said before, months ago:
while i'm not typically attracted to effeminate dudes either,
(unless they happen to look even more『macho』in the face than i do),
they are still men, not "women"—and i may just be a bit "queer," myself, considering my openness to intimacy with the right transman
Filipe commented
No, I don't have to accept it. I don't have to accept any women or non-binary people seeing my body and sexual informations that I need to put in my profile (considering I'm not and I don't intend to be a ridiculous ghost profile). I don't have to accept it and I will keep supporting who also don't accept it.
Charlie Triana commented
Filipe. I understand you just want to see men and be see by men. Seriously though. It’s not hard. If you see someone else who isn’t into gay men who cares. Just move on. What you’re asking for about only men showing up in your profile isn’t going to happen. Have to
Accept and move on. -
𝙽𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝙾𝚏 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙱𝚎𝚎𝚜𝚠𝚊𝚡! commented
i'm sure fra would concur, with me, that the overall better solution for our quandary involves the words "ditch" and "grindr"
be it, we ditch the "leadership" of grindr, or be it, we ditch grindr wholesale — anon, you *are* aware we've hashed out this same, tired discussion about "women" on grindr, just on uservoice alone, for over 5 years now?
you should know damnéd well, by now, grindr's never going to grant us the filters we so desperately need
be sure, by-the-by, to thank our congressional body (and The Don) for 2017's fosta-sesta — that's the legislation which, essentially, shut down all the major venues which transwomen and queer men had for connecting with one another, away from our previously-vaunted, sacred spaces(ironic, that — political ideology *is* involved in this mess..
..but, not in the way you had ascribed it)
i'm not sure why you're talking to me about "social justice movements" and "political ideologies," by the way — i'm not interested in transwomen, and i would prefer they have their own space, away from what i consider my territorybut, also, someone's being a transwoman is no more a "political ideology" than you being (what i assume) a gay man
transwomen aren't in my wheelhouse either, but i'm not going to go out of my way to make them into a boogeyman
Anonymous commented
Easy... FILTERS!!!
There's a time and place for social justice movements and political ideologies, but it's certainly not on a hookup app.
Fra commented
Grindr wants us to pay to have the privilege to scroll. And I'm not paying anymore! Been years now. Without ethnic filter and trans filter there's no point to me to pay to waste time scrolling amongst a zillion users I'm not interested into.
𝙽𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝙾𝚏 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙱𝚎𝚎𝚜𝚠𝚊𝚡! commented
then, let me ask you this:
what solution do you propose, for fixing this problem?
Anonymous commented
You prove my point. Any reference you make to "family, umbrella, fragmenting" is an excuse to veer off into divisive identity politics.
This app is supposed to serve our sexual attractions, not political groupings and agendas.Stop telling us how to think, act and vote.
Filipe commented
I want any women (trans or cis) and non-binary people OUT of Grindr. My profile is made to only be seen by MEN. And I hate any non-man profile taking space of men profiles, including mine. I HATE any non-man profile visiting my profile and seeing informations and photos that I did not made for them, I feel almost raped. It has been more and more difficult to be seen by other men. I started using Grindr because it was only for MEN. I really believe it's not that hard to understand how it should work (as it have always worked before Grindr team decided to disfigure the app).
𝙽𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝙾𝚏 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙱𝚎𝚎𝚜𝚠𝚊𝚡! commented
i don't aim to suggest that you "have to" "accept" transwomen
i am *certainly* not telling you to conjure up an attraction to transwomen
what i do want, is to point some things out:
in every group, there are always a few bad applesthough i cannot speak on the matter definitively, i do feel confident that the gender dysphorics with whom you take issue, are the ones who comprise the "loud minority" — the loud minority who suffer from psychological / emotional comorbidities
the same comorbidities that hit everyone, regardless of gender and orientation
just as it is the case that there are hundreds of millions of cis-gays who will never draw notice from anyone because they (we) are naturally chill, the same disposition is shared by millions of people with bona fide gender divergence — they will never draw *your* notice because they don't try to be in your face with what they are
i bring that up, as a counter to your statement, "They choose to latch onto LGB spaces for political reasons and convenience."
those same bigots who would persecute a trans person for being trans, would have no problem bashing your skull in for being gay — if they, somehow, found out that's what you are
remember that
not hetero.
not cis.NH/NC.
if you're not a cis-gendered heterosexual, those who would pervert Religious Scripture to their own, twisted ends, don't fuck with you.
transfolk are part of "the family."
i consider myself fairly neutral / unbothered, generally — and even i became annoyed by the ever-expanding alphabet soup years ago.
an alphabet soup that i didn't even ask for.
(no more so, than i had asked for the various iterations on the rainbow that started churning out over these last couple of decades.i don't really care enough about all that foolishness; but, if i absolutely had to take a stance on the matter, i'd tell you that the OG Rainbow is fine for encompassing any-and-all under the NH/NC umbrella.
no need for the fragmenting.)
at the end of the day — on the subject of people you're not interested in establishing a connection with, is there really that big of a distinction between a cis-gay you're not attracted to, and a transwoman you're not attracted to? -
Anonymous commented
"Defend those who cannot fight for themselves"
Be honest. They are perfectly capable of fendiing for themselves. They choose to latch onto LGB spaces for political reasons and convenience. Nothing more, nothing less.
𝙽𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝙾𝚏 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙱𝚎𝚎𝚜𝚠𝚊𝚡! commented
i commend you, charlie, for going against the status quo as you are
we can, certainly, benefit from more exemplary citizens who are willing to defend those who cannot fight for themselves
Charlie Triana commented
Honestly bud I can’t tell if I responding to the same person as I am not tech savvy. Yessir I agree I not sure if it was another person that was not very nice on here to my answer. So I don’t think it’s you bud. I think it was someone else that responded. There are not very nice people out there. In many years of law enforcement I myself learned that people deserve kindness empathy and respect. I was trying to respond to someone who said that trans men FTM have a mental health disorder. I defend anyone. Even those I don’t agree with. No one deserves to feel like they are less than. Cause god made us all. All colors races ethnicities. I remember being that kid that sat by and defended while a girl in high school was attacked physically to being obese. Today’s society is so fractured. Just recently I had a pic of me shooting at the range. I had a man on Grindr attack me as disgusting cause I had a lip of chew in. I had another attack me cause they felt an American flag on my truck was racist. Love is love no matter what. And I’ll continue to fight for the rights of anyone even those who disagree with me.
𝙽𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝙾𝚏 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙱𝚎𝚎𝚜𝚠𝚊𝚡! commented
(i appreciate your maintaining a respectful stance with me, in spite of everything that's going on, bruv)
circling back to my suggestion about uniting against grindr, instead of in-fighting:
speaking generally, grindr is a kinda shitty app that only continues getting shittier as the years go on(surely, you've witnessed this yourself
even if, for all those years of your being a part of grindr, you've always been a paying member of some tier, i know you haven't been completely immune to grindr's chicanery)
in case you're not aware (i don't know your situation)..
..when you're not paying grindr's outrageous fees, your experience with the app becomes even shittierfirst and foremost, your grid is so profoundly-small — and it seems to continue getting smaller and smaller as time progresses
those squares on our limited grid are precious
for this reason, i hope you can appreciate why there is a contingent of us who would rather not waste our time
our preference for not wasting our time is not "hate" — no more so, than is your sentiment about your having sex with another man, at least
i bear no hate for you
i'm not sure where you got that fromi bear no hate for you..'s just, if nothing can ever happen between us, as due to your own over-arching preference for "women," why pussyfoot around, as for what the (normal) typical outcome is?
(which is that, functionally, neither of us exists in the other person's life)
"hatred" is when i approach you (on-line or in person) and leave you with some choice words—or Worse—for your being a queer man..
..what's up, though, charlito?
do you feel persecuted?
welcome to the club, if soit seems, a lot of people don't like fucking with me, precisely (and solely) because i am black:
that includes, many latinos and, *especially,* asians — again, for a reason that i should not need to spell out
(but, i *can*, once more, "spell ´er out" fer ya, if need be):-)
at the end of the day — in spite of your being a queer man, and in spite of the.. ..hatred you tell us you face, you're probably doing alright enough for yourself, on the hooking-up front
(certainly, no worse than i am!)(in spite of our nearly decade-long protestations) there seems to be many "women" running around the joint
any hatred you do encounter, i assure you is not unique to just you — maybe, you just have a lot of sore sports who see yer handsome mug and are thusly disappointed they can't be with you?
Charlie Triana commented
I joined Grindr years ago because I could not find what I was looking for on Tinder. I can’t tell you how much more luck I’ve had on Grindr than any other platform.
My sexual desire is no different than yours. I am selective, have my own thoughts on who I want. And I find that in Grindr. No one is infighting. Sometimes when I meet a woman or FTM I like they don’t like me back. It’s same on Grindr. You said you sad when you see a masculine man that your interested not be interested in you. That happens on all sides. It’s important not to take it personal or get infuriated by it. It’s same way as if you see someone on Grindr that isn’t your cup of tea. Do you ignore it them? Most likely yes. So if someone you find attractive isn’t into a particular subsection of the LGBTQ community then what does it matter? I don’t have interest in gay men. I could like gay Trans like I do. It’s not too much to ask. No one has demeaned you as any less human. It’s important to not add to what someone says but listen with respect and an open ear. It’s very sad that in your own post you demeaned a subsection of the gay community. I enjoy engaging and provacative conversation but any further is a waste of time. I am very much a part of the LGBT community as I have sex with men who were born women. That makes me bisexual. I block no one unless they are rude. You are displaying the very hatred behavior towards me when I am just as engaged in finding answers as you are