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  1. Autorefresh needs to stop!


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  2. massive block

    the current block function is no user-friendly at all.
    it would be pretty handy and fair to give a mass blocking functionality for the premium users since we are paying it.

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  3. Indigenous

    Would like to see Indigenous added to Ethnicity instead of Native American - as we don’t use this word in Canada a whole lot

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  4. Body Type and Position clear field on every logout

    Every time I logout, i have to re-enter (in "my Type") the Body Type and Position. Everything else stays, but these two clear on EVERY logout. Something is wrong there. Didn't used to do that.

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  5. Add #cuckold tag

    Add #cuckold tag
    Or let users create their own

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  6. Manque la langue en français sur les tags.

    Avant tous les mots en français sur les tags. Après le mise en jour (20/12/22) ça change tout 100% anglais. désolé je ne les comprends pas tout et trop mélanges des mots. Injustement !

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  7. Thank you for fixing refresh

    Thank you for fixing the “too-frequent refresh” problem on the latest update to the Android app.

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  8. Make this a safe space for male identifying bi and gay men. This is no longer a safe space with the curious straight men looking for women

    Make this a safe space for male identifying bi and gay men. This is no longer a safe space with the curious straight men looking for women. In an effort to be “inclusive” you have ostracized the very people this was created for. When I get old enough, I’m totally going to change my name to powers.Please give gay and bi men (male or male identifying) the safe space it once was. I am now surrounded by “straight” men that are looking to experiment with women. Cool the straight men and women have been allowed to take something that was…

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  9. Explorar

    Que siga siendo gratis, ya no se pueden ver los perfiles más recientes y de fotos nuevas, es muy limitado lo que se puede ver

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  10. Allow a "partner account" for separate devices

    We would like to both be able to access chat and pics from both of our devices....

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  11. 7 votes

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  12. Deblocage

    Il faudrait remettre les personnes bloqué dans l'autre de blocage et non comme maintenant faut 10 ans pour retrouver les gens bloqué

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  13. Update

    Just to let you know, after the last update, when i scrool down the list of people, opet a profile and go back to the list, it autimatically returns me to the top of the page, the beginning, not where i stopped with scrolling as was before

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  14. Add new tags

    So within the gay community we have a wide variety of different kinks. In the tags it would be nice to see ABDL, Age-play, and Diapers as a tag.

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  15. Ads

    Fuck you for auto launching my web browser without my permission for an ad

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  16. Verifying every user when they first sign up- too many profiles with NO pictures!

    For verification purposes. Like tinder and MOST other dating/hookup apps have some sort of photo verification system to prove that it’s actually who you say you are. I am SO SICK OF ALL THESE USERS ON GRINDR WITH NO PHOTOS! in my opinion, I think it should be a requirement that if you want to be on Grindr then you need to have a clear, visible unaltered face picture of what you look like, so other members can see who all is in the room AND it’s especially annoying when those exact people with no pictures on their profile go…

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  17. One buttom more

    Hey! Is it possible to add a buttom to album Where you don’t have to select eny persons. Cause deleting 1000 people from seeing my album Is difficult job to do.
    So Is it possible to add ” remove all people to see this album” buttom :))

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  18. Node.js App debugging

    The biggest hurdle that developers who use Node. js face is debugging their applications. If you are facing the same problem as mentioned above hire remote node.js developers from us to help you fix the issues.

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  19. 4 votes

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  20. 9 votes

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