Grindr Feedback
Thanks for using Grindr! We’re constantly looking to improve your experience and would love to hear how we can achieve that.
11284 results found
Ter um plano mensal mais acessível. Um plano onde cada função Premium tem um preço e o usuário escolheria apenas as que ele quer usar.
O usuário iria selecionar a função Premium que ele quer e assim o preço vai somando. Exemplo Filtro de cor de pelo custa R$3. Ver quem viu meu perfil R$3. Ai o usuário só quer essas duas entre várias funções Premium, então ele pagaria apenas as que ele quer usar, no caso pagaria R$6 neste exemplo.
1 vote -
Ter filtro onde eu pudesse escolher a cor de pele dos usuários. Eu adoro negros e gosto de procurar homens negros.
Com o um filtro de cor eu acharia mais rápido os homens de meu interesse.
4 votes -
New Music Frigay (Apple Music)
Hi Grindr!
Long time blooper, first time writer.
As a gay person, I am naturally a user of That being said, I wanted to reach out to express my appreciation for your New Music Frigay posts! I try hard to consume and support all queer artists as much as I can in all types of media whether that’s movies, TV shows, or especially music.
However, I, along with many of my other queer friends, all happen to be Apple Music subscribers. So, I was wondering if there is any possibility of your New Music Frigay, supporting an Apple Music…
1 vote -
Ethnicity filter. Its not racist. Its a personal sexual preference
The Ethnicity filter should come back. At the end of the day we have a sexual preference we're not everyone's cup of tea. Taking it off has left me with a lot of time wasting because it's leaving me with humans of what I am NOT sexual attracted too taking it off is a way of forcing you to hook up of not attracted to. Isn't that rape. And no it not racist it's a personal preference. At the end of the day you don't see lions and tigers mating which are from the same cat family
6 votes -
People use the block button and all u did was say hello. Dont let people use block unless the have a valid reason provided. Causes ment. ill
People use the block button and all u did was say hello. Dont let people use block unless the have a valid reason provided. Causes mental issues and Lowers self confidence cause they don't know what they did. Blocking someone to try to make yourself feel better is pathetic.
2 votes -
Polyamorous vs polynesian
Poly means polynesian in the Pacific. Making the "poly" tag very confusing.
Add a polyamorous tag.5 votes -
App notification
Please have more options for sent notification sound for tapping and sending messages. Also, more themes for and modifications on the color of the text box messeages like messenger so it wont be awkward using it in public. Thanks. .
7 votes -
this grinder app is becoming trash i just gave it a bad rating on googl app store im tired of it they need to do better it's a poor design
Grindr is getting bad ratings I encourage you guys to go on the Google app store and give them your rating on Grindr if you think it's bad give it a bad rating they need to fix this crap
2 votes -
The biggest pain on the app right now is unless one is a paying subscriber, not being able to see profiles.
Here's an idea, how about allowing users who are not paying subscribers see some profiles. Not allowing access to see profiles is wrong on many levels. The foremost being the inability to see some profiles like before. To deny access now is unjust and cruel. It harms the reputation of Grindr and is a huge disappointment. It reflects poorly on Grindr. So how about it, give access to some profiles. It benefits the user, but more importantly Grindr.
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2 votes
Make grinder a app for men and women and ftm and mtf dont discriminate make it for everybody there are guys on here that like pussy and dick
I would give grinder a five-star rating if they did that
1 vote -
You guys that don't like grinder with all the changes go check out jacked and hornet very good apps
For those of you that don't like the grinder changes go check out hornet and jacked those are very good apps I have been using them there's a lot of people changing from grinder to hornet and Jacked
3 votes -
What's happening to Grindr it was a good app when the app was brand new
What's happening to Grindr Grindr was a good app when it was a brand new app with all the changes and stuff its becoming trash if you go look at the grinder ratings on Google play store they are not good a long time ago Grindr ratings were high
1 vote -
I don't like the new change you can't see the profiles that don't have a age when you but in a age range
I don't like the new change where you but in a age range you can't see the profile that doesn't have a age on the profile that's in that age range that knocks out a lot of the profiles like when you but a age range of 18 to 26 it knocks out a lot of the profiles because there's no age in the profile age need to show profile even with no age i don't like it and I pay for grinder for a year I'm getting to where I don't like grinder anymore grinder was awesome when it…
1 vote -
Please introduce a ‘son’ category in tribes. Atm there is only ‘daddy’ and so sons use it too. It is often hard to differentiate. Thanks.
Tribes; atm we have daddy, but not son. We need both for clarity please. Cheers.
1 vote -
I don't think guys that don't pay for Grindr should not be able to post and have a idea of what grinder should do or change
I don't think guys that are not paying for grinder should not be able to post a idea I think only paid members should only be able to do it free users should not be able to post ideas
1 vote -
You guys have the XTRA/Unlimited tabs shouldn’t pop up every time. If your ablec to hard code the inability to’tap’ a user more 1/24 hr.
You guys have the XTRA/Unlimited tabs shouldn’t pop up every time. If your ablec to hard code the inability to’tap’ a user more once in a 24 hour period, then you can certainly make it that if a user opts out or doesn’t purchase XTRA/unlimitrd,then then those tabs go away!
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3 votes -
Appear "off line" to specific members
Appear "off line" to specific members
1 vote -
Add Kink tag "Frot"
Add another tag to the "My Kinks" call "Frot" for guys who enjoy frot or are looking just for frot.
4 votes
- Don't see your idea?