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  1. Grindr violates Consumer Rights (REPORT THEM)

    The Consumer Protection Agency just assisted me in filing a report against Grindr. They CAN NOT keep your subscription money if they banned you and won't tell you why. They have to tell you or give you prorated money back. Apple is also on board with me. If this happens to you, REPORT THEM. They are stealing money. I would only do a monthly subscription. They stole 5 months of my subscription without a reason. Apple wants to be informed as well.

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  2. Be Unvisible

    I wanna be unvisible for men in special age groups. I'm tired of blocking them all.

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  3. Cover Photo - I’d like to know WHY a picture of myself in swimming trunks was rejected (see attached) yet A fully nude ass pic was accepted?

    Stop rejecting people because they want to post photos in swimming shorts that arent even nudes (see snapshot #2) in their cover photo, then turn-around and allow nude cover photos by others (see example snapshot #1). Its hypocritical & unfair!

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  4. Actualizacion del General

    Desde esta última actualizacion, cada vez que uno entra a ver un perfil y vuelve hacia atras a la pantalla general te actualiza todos los perfiles, dejándote arriba nuevamente, y uno tiene que volver a bajar hasta encontrar el lugar donde había quedado la última vez. Un desastre! No sé por qué hacen modificaciones a la app todos los días. Se la pasan rompiéndola!

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  5. Snafu

    The app page returns to the start contantly after looking at profile. Its been doing this since a recent update. Very annoying.

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  6. Actualizacion de colores de fondo para la app

    Hacer una actualizacion del fondo de aplicacion, que no solamente se vea Negra sino también blanca o cambiar el color a otros, tambien la incorporación de nuevos Enlaces hacia tus REDES sociales o pagina, con inovacion por ejemplo al clickear en el icono de Facebook te lleve automaticamente al Facebook de esa persona, opcionalmente si asi lo quiere poner la otra persona para visualization en el perfil.

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  7. Better picture protection

    to keep people from taking screenshots of any pictures being sent not just the ones in albums to Keep people from pretending to be other people and to protect our identities and to have the undo send button for everybody, not just for people who buy subscriptions

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  8. The ban procedure impacts people lives and it’s taken too lightly, whilst limited support is provided.

    Dear @Grindr, I am writing to you with a heavy heart and great sadness. As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I have been a loyal user of Grindr for over 10 years. The app has been an integral part of my life and has allowed me to connect with like-minded people and form meaningful connections.

    However, I was devastated to find out that my account has been banned without any explanation or warning. It has been several days since I last used the app, and I was simply trying to log in to check it when I found out…

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  9. 3 votes

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  10. Viewing a profile after the first screen of profiles, exciting the profile grinder goes to the first screen. How to i go back i profile?

    After viewing a profile can, go back to last page viewed, not to the first page of profiles.

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  11. 2 votes

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  12. Fui banido injustamente

    Uma pessoa me denunciou injustamente, imagino que ela tenha feito isso por causa do que falei, no caso foi que eu não estava interessado nela. E por algum motivo o Grindr efetivou essa denúncia.
    Mas Imagino que eu saiba o por quê. Acho que isto aconteceu pelo fato de que eu e meu irmão usamos está conta. Eu tenho 18 e ele 16, mas não conversávamos com os mesmos caras. Sei que não deveria ter emprestado minha conta para ele usar, já que ele é menor de idade. Só que não sou assumido para meus pais, e ele ameaçou contar…

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  13. No more searching on favourites And no more refreshing

    It’s not possible to search favourites using notes.
    It’s not possible to update favourites When changing location.
    This happens starting 5-6 months ago.
    So i am paying for what?!

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  14. switching profile verbiage from “undetectable” to simply “untransmittable”

    Ad resources are being spent, by grindr itself even, to educate the consumer base about what “undetectable” means, and I find that great. To me though, these resources do seem kinda nonperformative—like you’re telling us, but not exactly embracing it yourself. One thing that could be meaningful to the HIV+ Community you serve is to embrace that language you’re standing behind and change the status options to include “untransmittable” as the status instead of “undetectable.” To protect your company, you could have an extra screen pop up to ask them to verify that their status is in fact undetectable, but…

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  15. “Fresh Meat” notification/popup

    What if at the top of the page, whenever someone signed onto Grindr everyone in a 5k radius gets a notification

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  16. Mejorar info del perfil y búsqueda

    Agregar en el perfil un apartado que diga "soy" y luego poder buscar los que cumplen esa característica

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  17. Allow a one time New Account using the same

    Allow a one time delete and re create a new account using the same phone number. Not asking for a second account just the opportunity to start over now that I understand how the community works.

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  18. Radar gay

    Oi, boa noite!
    Tenho uma idéia extraordinária para o app, uma atualização q permita o celular vibrar perto de outra pessoa q esteja usando o aplicativo, isso sem q os usuários abram o app, permitindo aos mesmos q percebam q tem gay bem aí lado deles!
    Essa função seria ativada pela pessoa, permitindo q outras pessoas às detectam ao passarem por ela, seja em festas ou andando na rua...!

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  19. 2 votes

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