Grindr Feedback
Thanks for using Grindr! We’re constantly looking to improve your experience and would love to hear how we can achieve that.
11375 results found
Can we please have untap option
Can we have untap option
5 votes -
Valor e segurança dss informações
Que seja verificado talvez extensões para maior segurança no aplicativo
1 vote -
Opción de poder ver quien te bloquea
Si alguien me bloquea poder ver quien es y escribirle en el plan xtra
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1 vote
The app bugs a lot
On top of my head: location not updating, chats not loading, delay in answers, notifications sent multiple times for a same message or tap, online/offline status not correct, photos appear as black background, etc etc. v24.6.1 iPhone 14 Pro.
1 vote -
In italiano SEX e INCONTRI hanno due significati diversi, ma ora per entrambi c'è solo l'opzione INCONTRO e crea confusione, non va bene .
Sex o incontro ora nell' app hanno (in italiano) la stessa declinazione, ovvero INCONTRO, ma sono due cose differenti e crea confusione. Chiediamo due parole distinte PROPRIO ORA = SEX , INCONTRO= USCIRE PER UN DRINK
1 vote -
Please add a easy way for payment. I cant buy from store. When moving from one coubtry to another the paynent system is not wirking properly
Please add easy payment system for store purchase. When moving from country to country it is failed allways for purchase. Last 3 month i face the issue. I cant able to purchase.
1 vote -
Avoir la possibilité de trier les chats par distance et le plus récent
1 vote -
Same notifications OVER AND OVER
In 2019 this app started getting really good for the first time ever. In the past 6-8 months it feels like no one is beta or even alpha testing anything. Take notifications. I’m getting notifications for the same messages over and over and over. I’ve been notified of the same single message, “hey,” 13 times in the last 10 minutes. For the last few weeks I’ve been getting notifications late or duplicated or duplicated etc. but not usually this quickly. It’s really getting to the point that it feels unusable. And when you write into support, they don’t read the…
1 vote -
Kenny Delgado
Venezuela 🇻🇪
1 vote -
1 vote
Seriously need to stop pushing all these new features and fix what’s broken. I’m tired of getting the same message notifications over and over again any time I open the app. It’s ridiculous. And here yall expect people to pay for this crap?
1 vote -
Make this a free service. Generate greater revenue by charging any government or law enforcement agency an appropriate fee for each and every record they request. They will gladly pay, this is a common expense for any entity executing that sort of operation. And they will pay even if it seems exorbitant. If you still want to include ads, make them only show when the app is first opened or in very small and unobtrusive ways.
Grindr doesn’t need to be so feature-laden, nor does it need to be political. It can just be free and work well and simply.…
1 vote -
Add filter to filter out transgender
Add a filter to restore the option for gay men to use Grindr. Trans need either thier own app or Grindr shoulr alow men seeking men, which was the basis for Grindr, to filter our trans profiles. Trans people profiles would still show for those that are interested in Trans.
57 votes -
Make Grindr gay again please
When Grindr first started off it was just for gay men and now you got so many different things on the app trans women trans men selling their self you guys should put a stop to that and make grinder gay there's other apps for them to be on not on gay grinder
8 votes -
Take Action on Reported Profiles
Your CG says hate is unacceptable yet when antisemitic profiles are reported, nothing happens. Is some hate more acceptable than others? Shouldn't that be public information in your guidelines? Shouldn't we know exactly which hate you will allow? I should think that your paying customers would like to know who you think should be exterminated.
2 votes -
Do something my profile pic is now uploading
Why my profile pic is not uploading
Why taking this much time to upload my profile pic???4 votes -
App not working like it should
Viewed me eye is not working. Nothing there. I haven't turned anything off
6 votes -
Stop making other races making dominance in free section
I feel that the Grindr app is sabotaging other races from interacting between people of the same race.
It's really disgusting to see the Malays dominating this application because, if we filter anything, this race must be too much in the free section and it's very difficult to meet the same race.
moreover, most of the Malays in this application are racist.I suggest Grindr Management update the Filter section with another Nation search button.
so it's easy for us to find who we want. For example, Chinese can search for Chinese, Tamil can search for Tamil, Malay can search…9 votes -
Go back to the previous and version and don't update. While we say goodbye to losing chat, this version is particularly hard to use and leav
Go back to the previous and version and don't update. While we say goodbye to losing chat, this version is particularly hard to use and leaves a lot to be desired, you should talk to your programmer about his expertise.
3 votes
- Don't see your idea?