Grindr Feedback
Thanks for using Grindr! We’re constantly looking to improve your experience and would love to hear how we can achieve that.
1366 results found
Perfiles bloqueados
Por error bloque a un perfil, ahora que quiero ingresar a la opción "Desbloquear usuarios" no me aparece ninguno
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I want grindr
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Getting my data
Host the data on your servers so that losing s phone etc doesn't get in the way
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picture appears in chat outside of album
i don’t think if i show someone my private album when they hit the like button they shouldnt appear anywhere other than in my private album. it’s private for a reason then people can snap pics and such of the pictures and it’s like your allowing them to save your private pictures ! it pisses me off every time you show someone your private pics then they go thru n like them all and they’re saved
all up on their chat log for them to do with as they please ! it totally defeats the purpose of a private album4 votes -
Do not require anyone to post their HIV status
People should be allowed to post WHEN they were last tested without being required to indicate the results of the test. The emphasis should be on taking an HIV test, and there should be less value given to sharing the results of the HIV test. HIV test results are a very personal matter.
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Recibí una advertencia de acoso
Opción 2 y 3 sería bueno que ustedes señalen de que forma he acosado para que me envíen esa advertencia. Uno recibe puteadas y uno les informa y no hacen nada
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Disable read receipt
If I pay for the app, shouldn’t I be able to disable read receipts? Sometimes I accidentally tap the notifications and they take me straight to a message i would not have opened to avoid them knowing I read their message.
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Permanent block
Grindr retains the telephone number and MAC address of accounts so users should be able request to block via these details associated with accounts to prevent people from endlessly creating new accounts to harras and stalk
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Solicitud de mensajes
La aplicación permitirá a los usuarios filtrar mensajes a través de solicitudes, así podremos aceptar o declinar chats para evitar mensajes indebidos o conversaciones con personas que no son de nuestro agrado.
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The App is to easily being manipulated by hackers.
What frustrates me the most is when Users appear to be within a few thousand feet away from my location only to find out - once you engage in the conversation with such individuals - that they are in the Philippines or Ghana. How the hell they do that? Better security is required.
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Liars and flakes. They chat and say they are on their way to meet and then don’t show.
Far to many guys chat up a good story and then say they are on their way to meet. However, in spite of providing them with a phone number to contact me, there is no call and a no-show. This is happened to me so many times I am considering just canceling my Grindr account and forgetting about it too many of these guys are just assholes
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Fakers abound!
Here’s my idea…use facial recognition software to root out fake profiles! They are rampant! Fortunately, they’re also pretty stupid and easy to spot. But, I guess as long as the app is making money, nobody cares.
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Show distance to tapped profiles
I would like for people that I'm not interested in to not know my distance and when I tap someone, it would appear. That would at least make it a bit more safe in countries where lgbt discrimination is truly awful and hunter profiles exist
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access my personal data
feedback my data gribdr
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Issues from people who are not actual gay or bi on grindr
There are number of people who are not actual gay or bisexual
They just use this app to use gays to get sucked or finding the wives of bi or gays
Which makes uncomfort to homosexual community to be open on this app as well
Make some options to report those accounts or prohibit some words such as girl,lady, wife, straightIt's request i hope your team will do something to combat this issue to bring independent for us
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Please can you get rid of the "gear" tag on Grindr. This tag is endagaring and putting at risk anyone who uses the app
If you have a tag specifically for drug use and Chemsex, surely that violates Grindrs safety guidlens. By having this tag you are not only making it not a safe space you are actually encouraging drug use yes you Grindr! Targeting an already vulnerable community. I'm beyond fucked off at this major slip up.
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Face pics to trade.
Face pics to trade at the same time on both sides. Some guys block you after looking at your private album? it's not fair!. “ they don’t fulfill our trade agreement“
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Profile verification
To avoid potentially meeting someone that doesn't exist the ammount of times Iv douched shaved ect to meet someone and they just end up ghosting you
4 votes
- Don't see your idea?