Grindr Feedback
Thanks for using Grindr! We’re constantly looking to improve your experience and would love to hear how we can achieve that.
730 results found
Remove auto refresh feature
Ever since the last update every time I click on a profile then go back, the screen automatically refreshes and jumps back to the top of the list. It's infuriating to navigate the app now and makes me want to delete it which would cause me to lose money I've already paid for the ultimate package.
31 votes -
Face Verified Photos w/ an option to still hide the face
Requiring people to set a profile picture with their face on it just to get verified can be too much for a lot of private guys.
To still provide them the privacy while allowing them to show that their profile pictures are theirs to some extent, Grindr could enable face verification by:
- Have users upload a photo with face
- Verify if the photo has their face through proper selfie verification
- Allow users to only display the cropped version of the verified photo for privacy
- Display a verification mark for each verified photos (regardless whether the user opted to crop the…
31 votes -
Stop banning without reason
Do I have to explain more? Stop banning accounts for nothing. I can’t use no more the app 🙄
30 votes -
replace blocking with a simple ignore , let’s be a community not segragate each other
Replace blocking with ignore instead let’s try to interact and stop blocking others let’s be a community.
29 votes -
Delete taps! This function as "hi" and 😈 + 🔥 is bad for communication. Before this feature the app used to be pretty social and you could talk to people. Please, erase this function from the app. ✌️
28 votes -
Be able to change the sound of the notification
I must’ve been to be able to change the sound of the notification so people don’t know it’s from that app
28 votes -
Group chats
We need group chats back.. it was much easier when we had group chats.... bring them back....
27 votes -
Profile pic
Everyday I see profile pics of guys literally butt naked on my main page. When I try to update my pic wearing lingerie, it says it is against guidelines. Get this shit together!!
27 votes -
Mayor filtro para drogas
Cada dia al entrar en la app es ver diversidad de vendedores de drogas de todo tipo en donde usan palabras claves y/o imagenes como 🍀🍃🍇🔋, deberia existir la forma en bloqueo definitivo, ya que muchas veces deshanilitan cuentas solo por que alguien reporto sin haber infringido alguna norma y aca aparecen cada 2 segundos, y agota ya que la app perdió el rumbo al estar lleno de heterosexuales vendiendo drogas o mujeres ofreciendo pornografia.
27 votes -
Stop rejecting profile pics
Follow ur own moderation guidelines rather than continuously rejecting pics within your own moderation policy. Ridiculous
26 votes -
Show general distance for ppl that don’t share distance
People who hide their distance should still show like a 20 mile or so range so you can tell when messages are from people who are far away and scammers
24 votes -
Tag Request: Tickling
Hi there. I'm a member of both the feet and tickling fetish community.
The addition of the "Feet" tag has been revolutionary for our ability to connect and is extremely appreciated. I no longer need other apps/websites to find foot fetish guys.
The tickling community, while not as large as the feet community, is still valid and widespread enough to justify a "Tickling" tag.
We have in group meetup events such as: Ticklefest, Nathan Justice Tickling (NTK) and NYC Tickle Parties. Many kink-oriented gay clubs feature tickling nights, and there are dozens of porn sites dedicated to this fetish.
23 votes -
Better Grindr Customer Support
Grindr should have better customer support. When users are banned, it should not take a long time for a support member to reach out to them and help them and they should handle ban issues quicker, a few hours at the most, but less than 1 day. Grindr support should tell the user why exactly they are being banned and proof as well. They should have valid reasoning for banning or suspending user accounts and explain exactly how they are violating Grindr community guidelines. Grindr support should have virtual chat support as well instead of just reaching out through emails.…
23 votes -
A lot of robo profiles sending messages to other users suggesting other gay websites possibly phishing and users profiles that wont load.
Prevent robo profiles from send messages of paid services and phishing gat sites to other visible member profiles.
23 votes -
Stop 'disconnected' when it is clearly not a network issue
Getting really bored of the 'disconnected' ******** now. 6 months, 3 different phones and multiple wifi connections but that BS ststus message keeps appearing. Therefore it's a grindr issue. Fix it.
23 votes -
Blank profiles by gps
GPS location sets which profiles I see. 50% of those profiles are Blank. Thus I block them so I can only view those which have a profile picture.
I dont wish to permanently block these people. They could be great, but shy, individuals. Yet without a paying membership I do not wish to take up my contactable peeps with those blanks....
See what im saying? I'm blocking 10-20 people per day..permanently blocking... thats not right.
There should be a feature to remove blank profiles from the list of those in your area.. and to disable blank profiles from contacting you…22 votes -
Expiring photo spam
Simply fix this problem! Require that a conversation must take place... At a minimum, two to three lines... Something like: "Hey!" "What's up?" "I'd like to send you this expiring photo spam" Before an expiring photo can be sent. Better yet, consent is sexy... Gain permission to send an expiring photo message first!
22 votes -
Reg pics
I've seen many guys main profile pics w under wear and you can clearly see the outline of there Cock so I don't understand why my pic got denied
22 votes -
Only allow verified profiles
To avoid harassment and extortion, only verified profiles should be allowed in the app.
21 votes -
Dual account and account information option
Please add dual account option it will help if someone want to operate 2 accounts I will also enhance app
Secondly Please add clear information about account details like Gmail phone number or password21 votes
- Don't see your idea?