Please create a section geared for dating. I want a life partner and Grindr is the most popular and best LGBTQ+ app imo. Please have a free ad supported level among your paid levels. Also, Grindr’s costs are excessive. At minimum please make the dating section more cost effective than xtra/unlimited for the consumer. Maybe offer bundles for the guys that want to have their cake and cum on it too. I’m sincerely asking for help. Thank you for listening.
Side note. The glitching is excessive. Y’all need an update stat!!

Dima Golub commented
Supporting LGBT+ love is a step towards creating a society where everyone is free to be themselves without fear of judgment or discrimination. Accepting diversity helps to break stereotypes and create a more tolerant and fair environment. It's not only about equality, but also about human dignity, the right to love and happiness. Small gestures, such as using the right pronouns, supporting initiatives of LGBT+ organizations or simply speaking out for them, make a big difference. True love has no boundaries and our common goal is to make the world a place where everyone can love and be loved without fear or prejudice.
Antonymous Q commented
Wouldn't make a difference. If there's one thing I'm learning is that these closet cases that are always "looking" will seek you out like a moth to a flame knowing full well they have nothing to offer you..You can spell it out in no uncertain terms that you're only looking for real shit and the dl sex pests will still be in your face. Until there is a serious backlash against the trashy dudes on this platform, it won't matter how compartmentalized things are. They will find a way to ruin your experience.
John Doe commented
🙋 That's what I use Scruff for if haven't heard of it.well shame whoever showed you Grindr.
The idea of saying you should be like those other apps. Just go to the other app!
How the hell do you think Farmersonly or Ashley Madison every existed. It was a differentiating factor you're asking them to get rid of that it's by design not exactly meant to Foster long-term relationships and look at the name.
That's like glee. Just be yourself but do it more like them
Vikram Raghu commented
Very very valid one. Have a price tier if they match. Even Facebook has started matching and it’s free. And I should say that it is very effective. Shouldn’t Grindr have taken that initiative because they already have gay guys only on their member list, so match them according to tastes easily. Wasting development time on boost was a bad idea. 80% of the guys who view me are in my locality and keep viewing me just like that. Boost will consider it nevertheless.
AudreytheWorker commented
Tinder is transphobic too. Grindr can be for all queers, up to and including asexual queers.
Jaques Merde commented
Grindr isn't and will never be for dating. Get on tinder and only search for guys.
Mike Vokal commented
Add a dating account for CD and guys looking for CD bottoms
Daniel Horn commented
I feel you there it would be a more fun experience imo to have a dating section on the app
Brennden Bolden commented
There *needs* to be an option to where you *only* see guys who are looking for a platonic friendship and/or a serious monogamous relationship. I'm sick and tired of seeing and talking to guys who just want sex and hookups.
Zdris Saint Michaels commented
It would be great to have a DATE/LTR shoutout button. Hopefully my idea will set up many more user dates and marriages. Hopefully my idea will win me a free full membership next 3 years.
Thank you for all what you do!
Darren Murphy commented
Want to get on
ابو ميار commented
I want to get acquainted with young people
cvboy commented
Disagree on this. There are already lots of other dating apps. Blurring the focus of this app makes it less functional for its current purpose and will only fracture the audience more. There is already a "looking for" filter that addresses what types of situations users are open to.
Chris commented
Hi, I’m a black guy and all I get is white men telling me I’m not they type and when I ask why they all say. I don’t do Black Men. It’s very hurtful. Put back ethnic choice. It sucks that you have to do it but you taking it down makes it hard for us. Are you being racist for not having ? As a black man I’m going to answer that for you. .Yes...not many apps for Blacks/melanin motivated humans. Step up or pull me in and I will help you build one for us. Be the first or step aside. Because to us your telling us, you get what you get and that’s never going to be fare to us, if your trying to sell love and happiness with a side of smash & dash.
Evan Underwood commented
CW commented
Put more romance in your marketing material to attract more quality gay singles. Too many good guys consider Grindr "trashy." Change that. Advertise in gay magazines. Show support at Pride events. Offer complimentary drinks at gay bars in major cities on certain nights. Transform Grindr into an app of quality and not just "discreet," empty hookups.