More sophisticated profile
Even if it’s a hookup, most times you are going to want something to talk about before you unzip. Profiles are always loaded with user’s ridiculously rules, qualifications and expectations. Having a place to connect with someone on the basis of sports, education, jobs, interest would be a plus

Anonymous commented
Put the letter T, B, V or VB or VT and O for oral in the top corner of photos to let others know what position the other person is instead of having to click on photo and then read profile data. Quicker to look for the guys you want.
Anonymous commented
More characters in description.
Anonymous commented
Add an educational level search option: accedemic, applied sciences, practicum school etc. People Can talk better with someone of their OWN wavelength.
Tyler Naze commented
extend character in profile information and trxt up to 350 characters or more characters
Jason commented
it's fine to limit the number of filters you can have active at one time based on levels of service but you should be use some from each category so that you have a better user experience the free users makeup more than 50% of your Bass and you need more and more of them to make the ones you pay for the convenience to have more value and more people to the left from and you also make money off all your ridiculous ads from the free ones as well there's no reason to limit them as much as you do look at Adam4Adam everybody can do everything without this need to pay you should at least be closer to that cuz Adam4Adam is constantly moving closer to you and if you don't compete back they're Benji going to take you over, stop limiting blocks if you want to block somebody because you don't want to talk to them you don't want them taking up spots on your screen for the harassing you there should be no limit on who you have to or don't have to talk to.
Anonymous commented
We need more space to be able to offer more information about who we are and what we are seeking. The current space is extremely limited
Anonymous commented
More narrative space in the profile. Especially for paying customers.
Jim commented
There needs to be more space available for the profile information. For example the taps, I would like to state that if you are going to tap me, then chat. The tap really is a bit of a pain especially when there's no conversation.
Bad Dog commented
ten times more characters as a limit for profile text... now it is ridiculously short and it makes people sound ridiculous by overusing ridiculous phrases and emoticons all over... everyone looks the same, no space for personal touch.
Anonymous commented
Add additional characters for profile and don't limit to 250 only.