Grindr Feedback
Thanks for using Grindr! We’re constantly looking to improve your experience and would love to hear how we can achieve that.
1076 results found
New Tribes Categories
I think you are missing out on a big community of people. The chub and chaser community. I know their are other apps out there but if you could just add chub and chaser to the tribes section you may get a lot more people interested in the app that are from the chub/chaser community. On occasion (as a chubby guy) I get lucky and find a guy who is into chubby guys. But a majority of the time I’m not so lucky. I see you added Bear and that is great but how do you find the people…390 votes -
Unsend feature
The unsend feature should be available for EVERYONE being that this is a dating app we sometimes send our address for a meeting imagine sending your address to someone and you find out something wild in the same time what do you do mr/ms Grindr?
349 votes -
Ability to select 2 ethnicities
Because Middle Easterners can be classified as White, Latinos can be White or Black, and those who are Mixed will be able to specify.
348 votes -
The unlimited subscription is way too expensive.
Paying almost half of $100 every month for a mobile app has become too expensive. With respect, the monthly fee is similar to what most other paid apps charge annually for a subscription. The cost of a Grindr subscription for a year is $519.48, which is exorbitant. The cost of Xtra is still high, but comparatively reasonable. It would be great to have a single subscription option with all the features at a decent price. With inflation and the increasing cost of living, it has become challenging to justify spending $519.48 annually on top of all other expenses for a…
333 votes -
The cost of unlimited is rediculously too high.
I don’t think the pricing of the app it’s fair at all. It’s extremely way too high compared to other apps and it feels like a monopoly with your price gouging. It really should be free- Extra $5- Unlimited $10
People are struggling to eat and chatting 39.95 a month is absolute insanity.317 votes -
Who has me on his favorite list
It would be really nice to know who has me on his favorite list, like a checkmark on the profiles or something that, so I could identify them. Or at least who has me on their favorite list from my favorite list
308 votes -
Search bar
Why would you remove the search bar? It should be optional or something. You need it.
306 votes -
Fake profiles
Grindr needs a complete re-think.
It needs to start by avoiding fake profiles which is a plague. It will stop people being nasty and use the anonymity to do all sorts. If you can misbehave and restart whenever you want it is not really right!
Return to being a sex app and this where I am going.
You be able to have some sort of rating in your profile ( like airb&b for example)
Starting with honesty about the pictures
Following by the if you are seriously meeting people or just wasting time
How likely you are to meet
Link…246 votes -
220 votes -
hide instead of block
I want to ‘hide’ profiles. Not every profile is a binary decision of block entirely. A lot of times, the same profiles are nearest to me and they take up real estate in my grid. They might be friend material, or I might be interested at some point but not now. So if I could hide profiles and then toggle hidden profiles on and off with a filter that would be ideal.
196 votes -
And now you have to pay extra for the “fresh section” when you used to get a whole page for free. 6 profiles is not even allowing options. Grinder should also have an option to have your account on incognito mode for FREE to reduce harassment… some people want to get online without having to be texted by men who pry.
188 votes -
Grindr continues to reduce size of free grid
You may have more dudes join XTRA by making free grid larger, not continue to make smaller & smaller. There's other shows in town these days. Grindr limiting people will just make them search elsewhere. Your tactic is blatantly selfish & greedy. Why any consumer would find that tactic appealing is beyond me.
185 votes -
Free grinder
I think paying for grinder is a waste of time there’s a lot of people up here wasting people time in plain a lot of games I pay for grinder and I finally such a waste of time or if you guys want to charge people for a grinder charge 7 or $10 you guys are charging way too much and there’s people up here with fake profiles wasting your time and you guys are not doing anything to fix that please make grinder free again. It was a lot of fun when it was free. Every month I am…
180 votes -
More profiles for free users
More profiles available for free users
164 votes -
Unshare all
Hi theee. We need an “unshare all” option within sharing albums. I have an unlimited account and I just hit a 500 share limit with my album but now I have to manually unshare it?! That’s crazy! Please make this unshare all option available asap!
157 votes -
Making it so you appear offline to individual profiles
I would love it if I could make myself appear offline for individual people but remain online for other people.
139 votes -
If you pay for the app, there should be a lot more features you get especially if you’re paying $40/mo. There are other apps that cost a lot less and you get more features
132 votes -
Stop charging ridiculous subscription fee
Nothing but druggie upon druggies. Probably have diseases you guys charge ridiculous fees, but how are you even protecting your customers health. you guys act like you guys are doing some kind of medical screening or putting things in place so that people aren't spreading their nasty diseases around so the people that don't pay for the subscriptions get limited on who they can talk to but for my experiences, you're just paying to talk to druggies. For the price that you guys charge you would think that you guys would care about peoples health more so than you care…
120 votes -
Be able to log into Grindr in a Browser via website or link..
Be able to log into Grindr in a Browser via website or link..
110 votes -
Android/IOS price difference
I have a question that bothers me a lot... why is grindr for android lower priced than grindr for apple?
If I log into my grindr account IOS its a lot more expensive than when I log in from my android device?
Yes IOS is expensive and you pay for 90% of apps BUT when everyone pays for the same app I would think it would have the same price tag???
And why is grindr so expensive?, if I think of all the adds that drives me crazy, why do we have to pay such high subscription fees?
You are…96 votes
- Don't see your idea?