Unsend feature
The unsend feature should be available for EVERYONE being that this is a dating app we sometimes send our address for a meeting imagine sending your address to someone and you find out something wild in the same time what do you do mr/ms Grindr?

Peter Gatt commented
Make unsend pics/vids for all with no cut off time or make view once photos unlimited
Jones commented
You don't need to send your address you just send your GPS location that's all you need to do
Guy-Maxime commented
Byte Me! Communications commented
Started using Grindr as a non-paying member then got suckered into becoming an Xtra member believing the ‘features’ I was paying for were a given, only to find that some of those ‘features’ had been shifted over to a newer subscription model (i.e. UNSEND) costing considerably more $ again…what a bloody liberty! Add to this the ever increasing number of SPAM msgs and FAKE profiles redirecting members to external links not to mention the noticeable influx of trans/fem/tranny profiles clogging up the available number of seeable profiles to wade through, the overall Grindr ‘experience is fast becoming an utter insult for which members are paying for the privilege, especially when there are other social media platforms catering for those specifically seeking alternative gender types. If Grindr is to be seen as a genuinely gay male platform and not synically as just another grab for the gay dollar if not any dollar business model it would be well advised to consider the issues raised here, as polling of other Grindr members is showing that I am not the only member with these concerns/
Jayden Levit commented
Location data or sharing should auto delete after a day or hour.
Istros Arren commented
Sometimes we regret what we did last night. An option to unsend all pics sent in the previous day would be great.
People are seeking firstly Photo/image for initiating conversation for dating an all. Which option is already available but option not usefull to maintain privacy.
If I send my picture once then I can't unsend my picture again from the destination. Or Photo/Picture sharing should be fix with 5 second privacy including option: no one can screen short my picture and after second deleted automatically from the system.Free Feature should be permanent for every users security & privacy
For instance: an example of app which I shared an attachment of screen shot.Grindr need to update kind of free feature for everyone.
Rigo commented
For safety reasons, the “unsend message” option should be a feature available to free users, too. Allows us to remove our location/address from users who may potentially be dangerous and/or harassing.
J R commented
I don’t love getting or sending disappearing pics. BUT sometimes weeks go by and I want to unsend them. Let us please. :)
Anonymous commented
Ability to select several or all images or messages in a chat and Unsend them.
Anonymous commented
Unsending photos should be a free feature
Anonymous commented
I have sent to someone my location.
When driving I can see on my messages sent my location changing.
Meaning the receiver potentially can know all my movements.
The location sent should be a one off ( or expiring) message and not life that receivers can track me. -
[Deleted User] commented
Poder borrar las fotos que se almacenan como disponibles para enviar en el buzón
Delete pictures for free -
Sebastián Cruz commented
Unsend messages and pictures should be standard as they are part of a good communication.