
My feedback

10 results found

  1. Double standards on profile picture

    823 votes
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    Eric commented  · 

    Agree with the comments made.

    I tried almost 2yrs ago to add a full length side-on selfie of me in a jockstrap - where you couldn't see my cock-bulge nor all of my butt and ass, all you saw was my "naked" and to boot, somewhat blurry, leg, thigh, bum-cheek and torso in profile & Was warned by a moderator that if I tried uploading a pic that violated the community guidelines again, I would be blocked and banned from Grindr.

    Since then, i have seen numerous profiles which have pics of:
    * Deliberate views of their Cock bulges in pants/shorts/jocks/swimwear
    * full on visible erections - in some you can clearly tell if the guy is cut or not
    * Underwear / speedo / Lycra tightly "covering" his package
    * visible penis outline - I've seen some where you can trace the shaft, shape of the head, the position of the foreskin - if he is uncut - and even the slit

    As mentioned by the others, the community rules don't apply to the profiles of 20-something GOOD LOOKING, SEXY, HUNG, MUSCULAR guys - only to those of us who are now considered as "geriatrics" in the gay community and as such no longer fall under the BODY PERFECT HUNK category.
    The 20-something STUD's Perfect Hard body will start to soften and sag over the next few decades and he will also be "over-the-hill" when he turns 40.
    You can't spend the rest of your life as the young 20-something GOOD LOOKING, SEXY, HUNG, MUSCULAR guy.

    Let's face it - moderators take note - we are at the end of the day, all here with the same purpose - to connect with like-minded guys for a M2M NSA Hook-up.
    Nude photos and cock pics will ultimately be exchanged by and between everyone.
    What is the point of prohibiting the adding of tasteful and agreed, somewhat censored pics to your profile.
    I'm not saying that close-up pics of a ROCK HARD PRECUM DRIPPING cock should be permitted as a profile pic but what harm does a picture of me in my underwear or jockstrap do.
    The majority of the other hookup apps/sites freely allow these and even the more hardcore pics to be included in a person's profile - I know DUDESNUDE / MANHUNT & BBRT definitely do as I have had accounts with them until recently.

    The rules must either be
    * Applied to each and EVERY PROFILE and PICTURE to the same degree - regardless of the physical attributes of the person in the picture
    * be reviewed and amended taking into account:
    - the purpose of why people make use of the app
    - what is permitted by the comparable apps available to people.

    Until such time when the moderators apply the rules equally to all profiles, I will continue to report every profile where a pic that violates the community guidelines has been allowed.
    It seems as though the moderators need to have assessors which review and evaluate the way in which they have applied the T's & C's - which every person agreed to comply with and abide by when opening an account - to each profile.

    Eric supported this idea  · 
  2. 684 votes
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    Eric supported this idea  · 
  3. 2,742 votes
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    Eric supported this idea  · 
  4. 461 votes
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    Eric supported this idea  · 
  5. Have a way to filter out bots solicitation and scams

    24,898 votes
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  6. 1,074 votes
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    Eric supported this idea  · 
  7. 1,560 votes
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    Eric supported this idea  · 
  8. 4,189 votes
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  9. 2,400 votes
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    Eric supported this idea  · 
  10. 9,431 votes
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    Eric supported this idea  · 
    An error occurred while saving the comment
    Eric commented  · 

    Reading the latest comments, it's almost as if my email sent mid-2020 to the Grindr team was a prediction.
    The below is my response to the explanation given by Grindr for having removed the ethnicity filter - 4 months later and NO reaponse has been received.

    Hi Dan.

    Thanks for the feedback.

    While I can appreciate the good intentions behind the decision that Grindr and the management team made to remove "Ethnicity" from the Profile Filter, I cannot say that I agree with nor fully support it.

    I have spent several days reading the numerous comments posted in response to your tweet as well as the great many ideas posted on the uservoice idea board on your website.

    I get the impression from what I have read, that the removal of Ethnicity as a search function has had the complete opposite outcome to what you had in mind with regards to preventing/minimizing racism.

    There is a vast number of blatant derogatory and defamatory comments posted on both TWITTER and GRINDR'S website, from people of different races/nationalities, that perpetuate racism by the manner and tone in which they are voicing their opinion on "Anti-Racism".
    Some comments are outright and deliberate attacks on European/Caucasian people as a race, ultimately insinuating that our skin colour predetermines racist behaviour, with little to no regard of the fact that the policemen involved in the inhuman incident that gave rise to the BLM movement are but a extremely minute percentage of the total number "white" people living on Earth.

    These comments need to be removed by yourselves on both platforms as by leaving them up, it shows your tacit acceptance/support in what has been said by the person that posted it. I'm not going to be petty and go flag each and every comment as inappropriate.

    That being said, having the option to select the traits that match one's preferences in a partner cannot be classed or labeled as racism - it is purely what you like. Nearly every country's legislation makes provisions for - through Acts of Law / The Bill of Rights / The Country's Constitution - the freedom of choice, opinion and of association. We should therefore have the ability to choose which profiles we see when logging in to Grindr.
    Unless I am mistaken, when using filters to choose the profiles that are visible, your selections are not posted on your profile or broadcasted to other online users, so how can the use of the filter be construed as Racist.

    I hope that my email is received with the same sincere consideration in which I have written it - we are all united in our wish to see racism, on a global level, come to an end - after all, each and every single human life matters.

    I also implore you to read and seriously consider the many comments posted by your subscribers requesting that you reinstate the Ethnicity filter.


    I agree with the majority of the comments and objections raised.

    We pay a premium for Xtra and substantially more for the latest "Unlimited" account yet do not have the benefit of choosing which profiles we see when we log-in & go on the prowl.

    I fully agree that, from the lack of a response, this board is purely for the subscribers of Grindr to vent to eachother.

    With almost 3,000 comments/votes in this chain alone, surely someone from Grindr could have read our comments and responded in some way or form to us.

    Surely if the majority of subscribers are in total agreement that a feature change has been counterproductive and has had the complete opposite effect to what was intended by it - PUT IT BACK TO THE WAY IT WAS BEFORE.

    You can't prevent racism towards one ethnic group when your actions, even though your intentions are good, disregard or deny the rights of every other ethnic group.
    This in actuality perpetuates and intensifies racist tendencies.

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