Scams, advertising, fake profiles
Make it a pay only site or add a filter where we can choose to block non paying users to cut down on the scams, fake profiles, advertising messages.

Don Pancho Villa commented
Lower the damnnnnn membership should be 9.99 for a month
Sean Connell commented
I hardly use the app. I probably wont renew. Its not geared toward me anymore. Its hustlers women and fakes.
Vincent Palmieri commented
If Grindr made is a difficult to post my comment then maybe the scammers would have to work harder.
But in any case, I AGREE which is why I switched to ARCHER and DADDYHUNT because of the facial recognition and hand signals required to setup an account more difficult.
EB commented
I agree Matthew!
That’s why I signed off a year ago and canceled my account.
Was a waste of money and time.
Thanks for boycotting this dumpster fire of an app. -
matthew mcnally commented
To be honest I'm refusing to pay now due to the woman prostitutes and the amount of people advertising there onlyfans I'm not paying to see half naked women