Not transphobic but there has to be a fine line between gays looking for gays and guys looking for fem/trans. It seems more than half of the profiles I look at are looking for trans only, and this is very annoying being gay... A new app, or strong filters are necessary. Please don't make me stop using my favorite app due to such a silly reason
Nick commented
the odds you were banned from Grindr for being trans are no-existant.
It has to be something else like... your behaviour on it... or third party tools that can alter security etc (ie. Vpns mock locations etc )
Anyway when you are banned, there must be the reason of your ban in the email.
If you feel like it s a mistake from Grindr, you can also submit to ticket to make appeal for the ban.
You might have to ask yourself what you did wrong instead of calling everyone/everything transphobic.
Cody commented
Grindr has a “Trans” tribe that you can identify as and filter by. I find it hard to believe they would ban members of a group that they created a tribe for, members of a group that they have advertisements from. Grindr does all users to report others for fake profiles, harassment, hate speech, trying to sell things, underage users, underage pictures, open discussion about illegal activity. So did you identify as a gay male top when you do not have a penis and so you are not physically equipped to top? If you did that would be a fake profile, similar to someone identifying as a runner who is paralyzed from the waste down. How can someone identify as someone who performs an action that they are not physically capable of performing?
Erin commented
That’s why I get banned from Grindr just for being trans. Completely transphobic. You got it completely backwards.
Cody commented
There are adds on grindr specifically targeting trans people. That is why grindr will ignore any comments or concerns about limiting grindr to gay men. Money talks and bullsh*t walks. It’s like politics, unless your giving them money they don’t care what you think.
Terry Fark commented
I hate to agree with someone here like this but it's true
Nick commented
Critical problem with simple solution. Hard filters.
Being part of the LGBT community doesn't imply being turned on by every side of this community.
This is the same bullshit as removing the origins specification as before...a black dude, will still be a black dude. People will still have racial fetishism. You can't do anything against.
If we go this way...age filter...Weight filter are as much discriminating...
Come on...we are still free to choose with who we want to be and fuck with.
Thinking that leaving the situation as it is, is ridiculous.
A dude not willing a trans won't talk to the said trans. And will cockblock them anyway.
If I don't want effeminate, trans, chubs, non binary, and prefer this or s my business.
No one can make me change my point of view, and all the woke propaganda is just lame as fuck. That s the cancer dividing us instead of cohabiting peacefully.
If you are shocked about this proposal. You are the problem. Not us.
Grindr has always been a men dating app.
MEN app. Not lesbian nor trans or non binary. -
Donald Raver lll commented
I'm tired of seeing these half men half women on the app. Why would a man think he's straight when he wants a women with a dick? He says in his profile"no men" yet wants a dick. You're contributing to people who have a real mental problem and sexual hang up. Not too mention all the scammers that are on the app now. Which are most likely run by the mafia. Clean up your site. I've even asked some young guys their age and they tell me they are under 18. I pay for unlimited and I expect to be protected which you are not doing which is your fiduciary responsibility. And these are the people that are always on line taking up all the space. You need to educate yourselves on slang words and letters, what they mean. People are selling and buying drugs on your site and you don't even know it. Grindr has become the gutter of the gay men meet up sites.
Tim Tim commented
Grindr has grinded to a halt for me. Profile deleted, app deleted. Grindr is now GrindHer, go ahead, please just change your name already.
Cody commented
I feel like labeling people and putting them in groups has been a political tool used in the past. Oh that’s right Nazi Germany, the Spanish Inquisition, the crusades, England under Bloody Mary, segregation, Salem witch trials, the United States civil war, currently in the Middle East and China. Most people believe that everyone has the right to be themselves, but they don’t have the right to invade the space of others. You have the right to practice your religion but you do not have the right to go into some else’s religious building and practice your religion there. Depending inclusion is disrespecting the people Grindr was created for. If you identify as a woman, regardless of your chromosomes are xx, xy, xxy, xxx, xxxy or anything else Grindr was created for gay men, not straight women why do you even want to be on it? The simple fact is if you don’t have the full male anatomy and physiology, meaning it functions including erection and ejaculation you are not physically qualified for certain gay sex acts. It’s not about who you are but what you can do.
Tim Tim commented
Truly, I think this boils down to one thing. The lgbtqia banner is great for politics, and allowing everybody to gain equal rights. Like the equal right to a dating app that actually is my dating pool, and not my political pool.
The lgbtqia banner is a political tool, and shouldn't even be a part of the conversation regarding a same-secks dating app.
Jimmy Warde commented
And to say WE have other options like scruff etc is hilarious because you all are there too. Get out of our spaces and stay in your lane. Imagine a trans fir trans app and a biological man who likes other biological men joins. You think he will be protected as a minority? Not a chance.
Jimmy Warde commented
Brandi this app was designed and intended for gay men. But like everything we have you and all your type take it over, barge your way in and ruin it for us. You then claim it was yours to begin with. No it wasn't. You wanna be a woman and you like men? Great go to a straight app like tinder and leave us alone.
Cody commented
Grindr is listed as a gay dating and chat app. There is a bear, twink, daddy, otter filter and yet there is no lesbian or bi or female or queer or mother or non-binary, or third gender or furry or any other label people have tried to create. The filters listed under tribes are directed solo at men like daddy or generic like geek, there are no labels that would only apply to women. So now that we have established Grindr is for guys, the question arises about trans. Well if we are being honest surgery can recreate anatomy but not physiology. How can someone identify as a top when no amount of viagra is going to give them an erection? Surgery can recreate the appearance of a penis but cannot recreate that function which is necessary for sex. Grindr was created as a safe space for gay men who seem to be more likely the victims of hate crimes than lesbians. The Mathew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crime Prevention Act is one of the first and only federal laws to protect the rights of anyone in the LGBT community and that part of the law was because of a hate crime against a gay man. Mathew Shepard was killed after Ellen DeGeneres openly came out on tv and then she was given her own talk show. Friends had a lesbian couple on for years before Mathew Shepard was killed. So there is a difference lesbians were being accepted by mainstream media even getting their own tv shows while gay men were still being killed for being gay.
Tim Tim commented
When this app was first created, it was indeed intended for men only. At some point, the developers chose to change this without actually informing their existing user platform. This is why we are annoyed so vehemently. Brandi, there are plenty of apps for you as well, besides Grindr. Also, pretending that grindr is anything more than a hookup app, is very delusional. It's actually not very common to find people who just want to chat, or just be friends. There are a ton of flakes though. And if you were on this app, just to make friends, you were on the wrong type of app to begin with.
It's a matter of privacy, many gay men do not wish to share certain details with members of the opposite gender. I don't like to take my shirt off in front of women, but I would like to include that sort of image in my gay profile. However, I choose to maintain a blank profile, as the current environment on Grindr is not conducive to my personal preferences.
Filipe commented
Yes, they need to leave Grindr only for men (regardless of them being gay or bi), it is for being a men app that many of us started using this app. Grindr is known as "men searching for men" app. I don't want any women seeing my profile anymore, I want only MEN seeing my profile and sending me messages. It has been so many trans women profiles that this app has been transformed almost into a women trans app. More women trans profiles means less "men searching for men" profiles visible and less views for my profile (because her profiles take the space of men profiles throwing men profiles to the bottom)
Brandi Whaley commented
Also; you have plenty of male only options. You have Scruff, Jack’d, Adam4Adam etc. — playing victim like always because you choose to continue to diminish our existence in a community that is supposed to celebrate ALL of the LGBTQ; by your standards; we would also need to have lesbian and non binary people barred from using Grindr; better yet; anyone who is bisexual too since some bisexual men seek women and men together.
Brandi Whaley commented
Chiming in here because I’m confused. Isn’t this app for LGBTQ? So where did they explicitly say they designed the app for just men and men only? First it’s a separate app; then you will find another thing you aren’t okay with or doesn’t fit with your version of LGBTQ. It’s an app for all walks of life. Stop trying to erase everyone else who isn’t a gay male from the LGBTQ. I said what I said.
Sergio Beltran commented
Dónde puedo conectar mujeres maduras que sea buena app como grinder?
Cody commented
To everyone who wants to scream discrimination,
Shall we discuss the tv channel WE (women’s entertainment), Victoria Secret, the all female clubs, all female schools and colleges, the nonprofits that are only for females like the ones devoted to ovarian cancer, or the flyers I used to see at the hospital for abused women and children (up to 10 years old) at age 11 if you have a penis they no longer care about you. Shall we add in Women’s studies college majors, I believe there was a women’s interest or however they had it labeled in the book store last time I was in and the magazines targeted at women. Yet somehow wanting an app for gay men to meet gay men is considered discriminatory, how ironic
Caderyn commented
Agree 100%. This was meant to be an app for GAY MEN to meet. I really am tired of seeing all the "women" when I'm scrolling looking for a guy. It's a definite turn off, and it's overtaking this app and it's not fair.