Verification Badges
Please add the option to allow users to go through a Verification process and add a “Verified” badge to their profile to confirm we are communication with a real person and not someone that is attempting to catfish. Competitors like Tinder have had this feature for years, Grindr really needs this!
Dr Geespot Findeer commented
Also get rid of people being able to see within feet of where I am if I’m using precise they shouldn’t. Be able to see that there within a 1000 feet from me unless I give them my actual address because this is unsafe and will be grounds for possible future lawsuits if you think about it if someone gets hurt
Dr Geespot Findeer commented
This is perfect for getting rid of the fake profile money askers and data collection profiles. Without this I will never purchase this app again
anjel 824824 commented
Verified pics visible only to Grindr Support, verified profiles, verified locations, and verification badges are GREAT ideas!!!
rob commented
There are so many people that catfish .. get a conversation going and then after feeling comfortable give a meeting place or address and then they go ghost .. meanwhile your info is out there
s hsd commented
Yeah like i am verified by id it would be cool if i could have like a badge for that or smth
bobo commented
Tiboy commented