Not Interested Button
Not interested button to show not interested after they message you. And also a indicater & reminder that person is not interested.

Kyle commented
Good idea.
Garios commented
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Michael Goulding commented
Ok a “not my cup of tea, but thanks” button instead?
Gunter commented
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Terry Fark commented
Would make it better for all of the app did have a not interested button
Nick commented
You can say whatever you want...people will be upset.
You don't answer. You r a bitch.
You answer and say no gently. You r a bitch and get insulted.
This would be a simple and neutral way to say no and mostly remind the user trying to contact you that s you are not much more interested today than Yesterday the week before or the year before! -
Michael Goulding commented
OUCH. A button causing so much controversy!
Caderyn commented
Or you can just grow up and tell them that you're not interested. It's a shame people are so quick to just ignore someone because they're hiding behind a screen.
M Fanning commented
A "Not interested button" would be for those that don't just want to be an ignorant asshole.
Assholes block ppl they're not interested in. -
Jaques Merde commented
It's called the block button
David commented
A button like that could help not waiting for someone’s reply when you write a message. Ghosting is a mess!
Joe ONeill commented
No reply absolutely is a leading indicator you’re a pretentious asshole.
TG commented
No reply absolutely is a reply. You don't have to humor someone you have zero rapport with. The only time ghosting is unacceptable is after you've started chatting with someone/leading them on but to not reply to start with gets the message across. A "not interested" button will most likely result in the same kind of reaction as replying point blank with "not interested" -- a grown man whining that you aren't interested.
Joe ONeill commented
To all the “no reply is a reply” dbags out there: no reply is a passive, lazy, rude form of communication. Just use the block button if you won’t take the time to say “not interested”. You don’t even have to type it out every time either: Use the Saved Phrases feature.
FitTop commented
Agreed. So many times I get messages from people who don’t read the profile. And send message after message and just don’t get the hint. No reply is a reply!
And then the ones you do tell you’re not interested who constantly message you days later in case you changed your mind or something. A “not a match” or “you don’t float my boat” or “not my cup of tea” button would go down well!
Ideas for the icon:
A cuppa with a no entry symbol over itor
a sinking ship icon
Sonny Redwood commented
That way they will know that your "NOT INTERESTED"
Moon Beam commented
❌not interested ❌ @WF
W F commented
To be honest the words “Not Interested” are not a good choice. You can say it in a nicer way, for example, I have it saved in my saved phrases, and it says , and even if I don’t find them cute at all. It says “ very cute and thank you very much, but unfortunately we are not a match. I wish you all the best and happy hunting” this way you’re not downgrading the person and you’re not making him feel that you’re superior when using the word not interested or you’re not my type.
Thank you