Distance Controls
Allow a user to be able to set distance parameter for whom they are seeing. Meaning that I only want to see users who are within a set distance from me. And likewise for users who see me so we don’t waste our time viewing people outside of our desired location radius.

Anonymous commented
Why is this still not a thing? I’d love it if I could limit the range to 20 miles from my location. I don’t care what guys are doing 100 miles away.
ME commented
Couldn’t translate?
Ming Wong commented
Yes! This is something that should be brought back!
Johnathan Cooper commented
Yea bro y’all need to fix that shit, it’s the only thing that makes this app trash.
Sj commented
Or add something like walking distance.
Mario Fournier commented
Can you please help me change my location from 0 to 20 miles around Manchester New Hampshire only please I need help thank you
Anonymous commented
Not sure I really understand this suggestion. Users are shown in order by distance...so once you see someone is X miles away, you know everyone shown after them in the grid is farther away.
Anonymous commented
Yes! This is something that should be brought back!
Video Et Taceo commented
Request for user profile grid display filter option for exclude users within and beyond a certain range of distances. (i.e. Only show users between 1 and 20 miles).
Video Et Taceo commented
Request for grid display feature that clusters user profiles in a range of distances (i.e. 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, etc miles).
Video Et Taceo commented
Request for privacy option to automatically not appear in the grids of users within a specified distance
Phil commented
How can I change settings to show only within 50 miles radius. Im pissed all the profiles are from 500 miles up!
GymGuyMtl commented
I agree ... It would help weed out the faceless profiles with no distance that live 20km away in the suburbs
Plus I don't want to meet a guy 10km away and I don't want to tap on random guys just to see if they enabled distance and then tlhey can see me looking at them just to find out their distance
Or enforce mandatory distance on all profiles
This was part of the top unlimited infinity subscription and should be restored
Anonymous commented
You should add in a distance filter so you can set it up to see profile up to a certain distance away and anyone out of that range will not show up cause I’m an unlimited user and see barely anyone within 15 miles of me but people up to 100 miles away for what.
Anonymous commented
This feature is not wanted, it's is NEEDED! It's super frustrating seeing the vast majority of people on the app are 500+ km away from me. And the fact that you can't filter those profiles out by distance is even worse because you're only shown a limited amount of profiles. Grindr please add a distance filter!
Wayne commented
Put this feature back.
I paid good money for this feature. Probably won't renew if not restored!!! -
Anonymous commented
The distance marker feature needs to be reinstalled on the main search page. This is a primary benefit of using this app, especially for paying customers!
Per you product support: your distance will not be shown at the top of your app window while you’re scrolling through other profiles.
DanielM commented
I also posted about this (didn’t see this post). Mocked up a screen they could mimic.
DanielM commented
Revert the cascade back to seeing distance as you scroll.
Not sure what prompted you to keep distance visible on the favorites page and profiles (if user has it enabled) but remove it from the cascade in 7.11.1. It was helpful to visually see when I went from profiles a distance away of 10 miles to 45 miles.
Why not put the distance in a container in the left side of the screen across from the up button? This would add symmetry to the cascade and balance it out.
Christopher Coy commented
Please show the distance again on the top of the grid. Thank you.