Stop blocks from reappearing!!
Blocking people regardless of reason should not be such a challenge it's bad enough there's tons of men out there lying to themselves and there spouses and then the excessive blank profiles and transgender women which some/most gay men are not interested in... Still have to go through and block so many of them... I literally go through over 50 of them everytime I'm on grindr just to have them reappear and to go through blocking again! Please fix this... Please allow the block button to work appropriately. Thanks in advance!

EB commented
I agree! This can be a safety problem for someone soon. Stalker…being harassed and so on. If the grinder system cannot keep up with large amount of blocks members are generating then fix the issues we are complaining about! IE: females, transgender, etc, the lack of profile enforcement so the filters can work. Also the lack of some filters all together. Attached is a recent block. You can see the block failure for Ms. Thalia and I had to block “her” again. Blocking is supposed to be PERMANENT!