Block users need to be blocked permanently
I’m being harassed and stalked by the same person who just keeps making new profiles and pretending to be someone else. I am literally deleting grindr because of this issue, there has gotta be a way to prevent this from happening.

Anonymous commented
Blocking profiles should be based on registration data, like email address and phone numbers.
Similar features as Instagram does
Also a new registration shall be validated
You should take necessary countermeasures to protect this community.
Take this seriously. -
Chas Wint commented
I'm not experiencing issues with the same person creating profiles and harassing me, but this app is terrible at identifying bots who create fake new accounts by the hundreds. There simply can't be that many new 20-30 year-olds within 3 miles of my house. They follow the same pattern - no profile picture, newly created, always same age range and generally very sparse profile data completed. They also like to use "heyy" or "right now" for some reason. I block dozens per day, hoping Grindr will somehow analyze the patterns for blocked users. They never do. Scruff does not have this problem to the same degree. I do not pay for premium, so I get the limited number of profiles to view near me. It's annoying when half of them are taken up by fake posts. I have to block them daily to free up room for legitimate profiles.
B T commented
I completely agree I had someone creat 4 profiles to troll me. I think their IP address should be permanently blocked to avoid them being able to ever create a new profile or even access their old one. If you're gonna be rude to users on this app you shouldn't be able to use this app in general just my opinion
Robert Gutierrez commented
This is a problem, I’ve had people create new accounts because I’ve blocked older ones
Robert Gutierrez commented
When you block someone one it also blocks their ip, not allowing them to just create a new profile to harass you again.
ああ commented
They're people that I blocked a while ago because they were harassing me but they make a new profile and start sending me messages. They find me easily because they're living in my area. There's this guy I have blocked 5 times so far and I got messages from him today again.
Please make a regulation to stop them from making new profiles over and over again or to have them wait for a certain period of time after they delete their profiles. -
Nelson Santiago commented
I just wanna to knowsway grinder block me
Ahmed X Gamer02 commented
when some one blocks you don’t Remove everything, i lost someone by accident and he blocked me i don’t know why.. so for next update make it when someone blocks me i can still see his account name. thanks
jaunee commented
Most of the accounts aren't actually fake but maybe you think that, you have a choice of who you communicate with on here, simple as that!
Nombre Nombre Apellido commented
I want to be able to ban my contacts from seeing me in grindr to avoid them knowing I'm gay. I would like to have the option to ban people I know
Vander Martin commented
people who use the app, strike up a conversation and get a no when they ask for more photos. Rude messages and techniques for determining user report mentions send this type of message. When will the app take any action in relation to this, allowing you to report the last conversations made even after being blocked by these rude people?
marou commented
Many users make a new account every week. Like on Instagram we should be able to block a user and all the accounts they will make in the future.
JaymeCD commented
I think when someone block other both side should see all previuse comunication but from that point they should not be able to comunicate together. Why I am suggesting this.
1. Because it is a common practice in many other social media like texting, like emailing, like many otheres.
2. Your comunication is your right no one should delete it only you can.
3. Both side must have equal opportunity but the person who wants to block someone has opportunity to screenshot all communications and pictures without other side knows what is going on and suddenly he is out. -
Daniel Nascimento commented
Cansei de bloquear e essa mesma pessoa faz várias contas para me irritar e me perseguir. Deve ter algum mecanismo, uma vez bloqueado, nunca mais verá esta conta. São tantas contas falsas que nem consigo mais falar com ninguém. Sempre suspeito.
Jorge A Rivera commented
Agree. Blocking someone or getting blocked does not equal erasing the messages, especially if the reason for blocking was a threat or any information that needs to be documented.
Anonymous commented
There are people on here that I and others may know personally which is why it is so inappropriate that blocks are temporary... Please consider fixing this for our privacy and or safety!! Thanks in advance!
Glaurent commented
That’s because the product isn’t Grindr. YOU are like all social media.
The only thing that matters to Grindr is eyeballs looking at ads or buying subscriptions.
Anonymous commented
If you’re uninterested now the probability is very high, if other than certain, that you’ll also be uninterested later. i’m not friends with the profiles that am blocking so wondering why anyone would want to unblock?
J commented
When you block someone sometimes they will just create a new account. Grindr need to add the option to allow you to block future accounts they’ll create like Instagram does. I think this can be achieved by the app by taking in consideration the email address the account is created with or maybe the device. However is done Instagram can do that so it’s something doable and if Grindr will do that it will really give hard time to people who try to catfish people and pretend to be someone else
John Christianson commented
Allow me to block on your overpriced spam filled app. My bit defender goes off every few minutes. Lawsuit