Being blocked shouldn’t erase the chat on my side.
If someone blocks me, I also lose all the chat I had with that person. But what if the person has been threatening me and I got proof in the chat about a crime or anything like that... if they block me, I lose it all. It shouldn’t be like that!!!

[Deleted User] commented
This is a serious breach of security to the user base, and one Grindr needs to implement. People should be able to report a conversation or user even after they have been blocked. It's ridiculous and invites mean spirited conversations. Not only that, but if you share an album with them, you cannot unshare it from that account.
Many problems with this practice, and Grindr is inviting lawsuits from people who are assaulted or harmed irl from users
Bruno Cvarak commented
If somebody blocks us, the conversation should absolutely NOT disappear cause then there's not way to report that person anymore - if he/she is the one who should be reported for something! -
chad scott commented
The amounts of times I’ve accidentally deleted a chat by someone and then cannot find them again is insane, so just like having a 7 day or 30 day space where deleted chats sit, and then after that time are permanently deleted would be great. This is stands to like emails and stuff and could be a nice little feature
Luca Dona' commented
Poter eliminare tutte le chat vecchie con un solo pulsante
brad matson commented
It came to me while sitting outside a luxury condo . I was wondering why the process of reporting abuse is truly more painful and scarring I get from my sex troll. Who has been the most consistent person in my life.
Daniel Espinoza commented
Hay personas que te atacan y luego te bloquean.. y al perderse el chat también se pierde la evidencia de la agrecion
Michael Carrion commented
Borre un chat que no quería y ahora no puedo encontrarlo ¿como podría?
ASplendidTime commented
Yes!! This has been a peeve of mine since the first time I got blocked. Users should have the ability to no longer receive your messages. Blocking should mean that you can no longer send messages to that user. That's it! Weeks of conversation and beautiful pics completely disappear just because someone decided I wasn't worth the time. Other services like A4A don't do it this way. It just says 'You've been blocked by this member'. That's it. You can review the conversation to see what you might have done wrong. Much better way of handling things, and they will never hear from you again. (Unless they choose to unblock)
Junior Jr. commented
Make a feature that allows us to delete pictures.. like a picture unlock feature.... So when we send pictures to someone...we can delete the pictures off a person chat.... So they no longer see them.. a lot of people like to collect pictures..and use them
A C commented
Grindr app is auto clearing chats, and blocking profiles. When the profile is unblocked it will show up in favourite list even though the profile was offline for over 2 hours.
Anonymous commented
I agree as set to meet someone a distance away, when arrived it was a vacant house he continued to direct, after few mins. Drove up behind me stepped out and laughed then jumped in his truck and speed off! Plays games, then blocks that msgs disappeared, as went to report! Make it 24hrs chat remains that those that have such events, can report and behaviour banned. That cannot continue to do so. If they can do without report may lead to event where they harm someone!
Roberto Privado commented
Los respaldos de chat al actualizarse automaticamente te borran los chats antiguos y no puedes recuperar los mensajes. Deberian guardarse todos tambien.
Anonymous commented
Have the ability to delete photos sent in previous chats without having to block the other person or having to go onto each chat and delete the pictures individually. Just have an option where you can select the chat history and remove all pics
Anonymous commented
I think it is a HUGE mistake that when someone blocks you the entire chat disappears--alone from the standpoint of safety, especially if you have shared private information with them. Having the conversation & that person's profile disappear makes it impossible to report someone for inappropriate behavior. Being blocked (often for no reason rather than cowardice) is also like a slap in the face and adds to our cynicism about other men and the way we treat each other. At least on Adam4Adam one can still re-read the convo and take appropriate action if necessary, or reflect on what went wrong.
Lando commented
I believe By Grindr’s TOS the chats are owned by the users. When someone blocks you and the chat is no longer visible, grindr is effectively removing our intellectual property without our permission.
MrHarryOtter commented
Vengeful Toaster: there’s the option to unsend messages 😉
Vengeful Toaster commented
what it you gave them your address and felt unsafe
J. Christopher B commented
When getting a negative response from someone
You sent pics and chats to the user should be able to take them
Back without cancelling a persons profile. But not necessarily block
Completely. But blocking and
Unblocking are
Only way how to do it. There should also be more characters in the about section. -
Anonymous commented
We use the app on the same count from 2 differents phone
The chat is not working
Sometime the chat appear on one phone and not on the other
Which is lame.. -
Marko commented
When i block a user, please do not delete chat.
Create a separate section and put all blocked users and all of their chats (available for view and filtrable)