Add COVID Vaccination status and/or quarantine status
There should be an option to add your COVID vaccination status for the safety of all of the community, especially essential workers and personnel. A resource page could be added to help direct people to a page where they can find info on vaccination availability in their area and time frame. Options could be "Vaccinated", "Partially Vaccinated", "Plan to vaccinate", and "No plan to vaccinate".

Hi there,
With our new "Tags" feature, we have added a "vaccinated" tag so that you can find users who are also vaccinated!
Andrew Gonzales commented
I worked at a COVID testing center for four months and have an academic background in public health and my 60 page senior thesis on HIV policy won an award from the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities. A white person accused me of causing the pandemic in the app and this person should be banned.
Anonymous commented
This covid bullshit needs to stop...It's just the flu...If you idiots actually paid any attention at all...You'd know that it doesn't matter if you're vaccinated or not you can still catch it,and pass it...It's not a matter of if but when you get it...I don't care if you have covid I care if have herpes, and HIV...But I can't go around asking that, because it's a violation of HIPPA...One last thing when it's your time to go it's your time to go...So to all of y'all in the covid cult please stay away from me!
Willis Hernandez commented
Michael Cameron commented
Add a field to allow users the option to indicate they are "Covid vaccinated" in their profile.
Anonymous commented
Frankly, I would much rather have sex with someone who was HIV+ and honest about it (particularly if they were U+U but even if they were not as I never fuck bare anyway) than with someone who chose to go against science and not get vaccinated for Covid. But, just like listing one's HIV status, the Covid vaccine status would be OPTIONAL,not mandatory, as it is on Adam. Frankly, I say, let's listen to the man who is a cell biologist, and has his PhD, as perhaps his opinion carries more weight that that of someone with zero scientific background...
Hugh commented
Fully supporting the option to list my Covid19 vaccination and booster. I’m not considering any anti-vaxxers for social interactions. Contrary to earlier comments and misinformation, Covid is different from recent influenzas,which were not pandemics. Covid info could be more important to many people than HIV status, considering that in 2021 it no longer is considered lethal, albeit certainly still to be avoided and prevented by personal behaviors. More people are hospitalized and dying today from Covid than HIV. Recent data (mid-December 2021) indicate the majority of current hospitalizations are by unvaccinated individuals under 65.
Cell Biologist, PhD -
Silvio Gonzalez commented
Completely agree
Anonymous commented
The stupidity in these comments is absurd.
The idea behind this is for them to add an optional section so you can say yes or no. So that us vaccinated don’t have to waste time with those who aren’t. And those who aren’t can mingle with each other as they want. They are not insinuating that Grindr require ACTUAL proof of vaccination.
The people commenting about privacy make their status very clear without saying anything else. Stop being so shook. -
letsgrind commented
Sorry Ajax but that's not correct. Asking isn't a violation of HIPAA, and neither is showing a badge or tag. If they pull your medical records without your knowledge or consent, THAT is a violation of HIPAA. Please read on for what HIPAA actually is, and what it isn't.,the%20patient's%20consent%20or%20knowledge.
Ajax commented
Actually they shouldn’t because this is against HIPAA and the privacy act. Actually any health concerns you may have should just be asked to individual you are chatting with. Just because someone put their response does not make it true and accurate.
Luke commented
Nah fam use your words and ask them like a big boy
Howie commented
No. Don't add this. Frankly, it's no one's damn business if I got vaccinated or not. I did, but I don't see a need to advertise it like it's a qualification for meeting someone. We can all use our own best judgement about who to meet and take the necessary precautions. I do that every year during flu season. Covid is really no different.
Nicholas Nash commented
Cant you just put that info in your bio?
Anonymous commented
Why is this suddenly about HIPPA laws, when the original suggestion (made by many people) was to add the ability to state whether one was vaccinated or not? Adam4Adam has this option--but it is an OPTION, not a mandate, so you get to choose if you reveal this info or not--just like you can CHOOSE to reveal your HIV status and/or whether you have been tested, and when. Science deniers need not post anything, but for the rest of us, this is another helpful piece of info about a potential sex partner.
Anonymous commented
You guys teaching the finer points of the HIPPA laws should read how it works. You are spreading what you think you know and none of it has any truth to it. It’s not about telling people anything about you or someone else. It only applies to healthcare workers. Anyone can tell anyone about their medical history except for healthcare workers. Isn’t that something,?
SDHG3X commented
Vaccination information is classed as PHI and is covered by the HIPAA Rules. However, HIPAA only applies to HIPAA-covered entities – healthcare providers, health plans, and healthcare clearinghouses – and their business associates.It's interesting that you bring up HIPAA in regards to Covid, but not mention Grindr asking about HIV status. In either case, Grindr and other such apps provide a way to share this information IF THE USER CHOOSES to do so. It's not mandatory, but rather a way for one to say if health status in a common area. Doing so is absolutely not a HIPAA violation as Grindr is not a healthcare association.
Anonymous commented
A person’s medical history (this includes vaccination status), records, and its privacy is protected by law for a reason.
HIPAA violations are a federal offense and each violation has a minimum penalty of one year in prison if convicted.
Clearly the OP doesn’t know better or they wouldn’t have proposed an idea that could get Grindr shut down and the people responsible in prison.
If you want to disclose your status, go ahead. But it is illegal for Grindr to ask you to. -
MoirasWigs commented
This need way more votes. Like maybe the most votes of anything right now, given how infectious the delta variant is and the sharply declining number of beds available in hospitals, some of which have no beds at all again. In addition to essential workers, Grindr should also be considerate of users who have family members that are high risk for Covid.
Ask your friends, y'all, to vote on this!
AntiAgeist commented
Oh yes, and flu vaccine status as well and all the medical records.
Anonymous commented
Stat - Covid 19 vaccinated. Yes or No. simple. Discussion can be had from there regarding all the details if required. has it, get with the times Grindr. Unless you are showing your stance regarding the vaccine.