Notifications that are grouped, detailed, and replyable
Please bundle our new unread messages under one main notification, which can be pulled down (expanded) to view the individual messages grouped under it. Include each sender’s profile picture and display name, and allow us to reply to each sender individually, within the notification.
(Currently, unpaid users just get a single, generic notification containing a count of their unread messages, while paid users only see their single most recent unread message. Non-grouped, non-detailed, non-replyable notifications like these are extremely outdated, especially for a messaging app.)

BP19 commented
Please do this right away 🙏 it would make the user experience much more interactive with the additional ease of access.
Ramesh commented
Have a facility in replying to the chat in Notification instead of going to the chat and reply.
HaveWeSpokenBefore commented
New Browse Filter: Recently Chatted (filter out people you haven’t chatted to in the grid based distance view) — make it easier than the list view in chats to keep conversations going, so you can see a grid of only people you’ve spoken to (who have replied!) combine with existing filters like “online now” so you can actually maintain connections and don’t lose people in the list.
Edward Smith commented
Is there a way to disable receiving taps? In theory someone thought it was a good idea, but really, it's very annoying. Moreover, it just makes you feel objectified and taps usually never go well. Please disable taps or give people the option to disable receiving taps.
Anonymous commented
We need to be able to turn off taps. The only persons using it lately are advertised asking us to go to another site.
Anonymous commented
Notifications that are grouped, detailed, and replyable
Joah Will commented
no do not Bundle
Anonymous commented
At one time my message notifications have the option of quick reply through the notification without opening the app to view the message. For whatever reason that function is no longer working
Anonymous commented
So when you see a notification come in through a quick bubble at the top of your screen you should be able to pull down on it to open up like a small reply box where you can read their message and send a quick message back without having to reopen grindr fully. Just could save a set and be faster
Anonymous commented
Please allow users to reply from notifications instead of having to go in the app all the time. Other apps have been doing this for years
mk commented
Notification should show profile pic along with message like on scruff. It’s annoying when all notification says ‘someone’ tapped you ? I want to see before opening Grindr whether the person has a pic or not.
Anonymous commented
Please add some features to Grindr that are extremely useful on Scruff, like:
-reply via notifications
-view sent pics/ profile pic via notifications without having to go into the app
-long press on a profile to view profile in pop-up
They are very handy and speed communication up immensely. -
Rob commented
Can I get an amen in here?
JH commented
Show us our incoming messages (notifications) in an expandable/collapsible group, with the sender's profile picture visible.
Also called bundled/stacked notifications
Anonymous commented
Since now we're getting notification when someone sends a tap, it would be a good idea to disable it, since the app only allows to disable chat notification.
Anonymous commented
Since now we're getting notification when someone sends a tap, it would be a good idea to disable it, since the app only allows to disable chat notification.
Spencer commented
Generally on the iPhone when Messages (Facebook, Text. etc) pop up and you’re on a different app or screen you can tap the notification and do a quick reply versus having to go back into the app
Duane commented
Like Hornet when getting a notification message it could say the name of the person instead of received a message
Anonymous commented
allow every message to have push notifications
Anonymous commented
iOS has native rich notifications and with iOS 12 this is expanding even more. Grindr needs to adopt them so that users can reply directly from the notification.