Allow for tags (interests, fetishes, etc) to better search

AdminCommunity Advocate (Admin, Grindr) commented
Hi everyone,
We have just released a new feature called tags! We have tags that cover a variety of interests and intos and will be releasing more as we hear your feedback!
This feature is currently available in the US, but soon to be worldwide! You can find out more information about the feature here:
Mike B commented
Add the ability to adds “tags” to user profiles. These tags would act like hashtags on other social media platforms that groups together profiles who have also added that tag in their profile. Ideally this would also circumvent the “distance” between users allow greater social function of the app.
Brian Benderson commented
You should create a tags section for what the user is searching for. For example: I might be cleancut, but I'm looking for beard. When I click on a profile, it should match "my tags" with "your tags" to see if the person is a fit for what I am looking for rather than who I am.
Cww commented
Whether people like it or not African American men interested in Caucasian men have a difficult time identifying those interested in meeting African American men or other minorities.
We need a filter to identify those interested in minorities are African American men.
No one is exempt from rejection when it comes to meeting online. However without such a filter minorities experience a higher rate of rejection.
The harsh reality is that the population of Caucasian men interested in minorities such as African American men is much smaller so being able to filter and search for those in question would reduce the guessing game, and Improve the ratio of connection.
It makes the online experience much easier and welcome.
Eric commented
Foot/sox/sneak fetish tribe please
Raphael América commented
Adiconar em Tribos, a opção: Vegs ou Herbívoros para procurar pessoas vegetarianos veganos.
Arthur commented
New Tribe „Queer“ for everyone who does not identify as stereotypical heteronormative and as an addition to the trans tribe 😊
Anonymous commented
Abdl, diapers
Anonymous commented
Could you create a new tribe named «Serious» for people looking for a serious relationship ? Thank you.
Anonymous commented
need to be a sub class selection required "own & where" (ie boots, pants, vest, etc. stating harness is an accessory NOT leather & only a jacket not acceptable) and "Admirer" ... another sub-clasd "Saving Up" or "I’m too cheap/Vegan/Tree Hugger"
Really annoying oh Leather and guy's cock ring isn't even leather or boots or even a fashion jacket?? Yes leather is a dying community but allow the actual prouds members to identify as such .., my identity is leather so according to grindr policy of identity oneself with (sorry don't agree with it) gender pronouns I demand if someone can identify ad more than 2 genders or unhuman Leather Own & Wear be made available. Leather is much an identity as someone who yesh .., keep those comments to myseld.
side note if you can identify yourself by it in your profile leveryone has the right to filter every identity allowed in your profile. Sorry if I’m allowed to identify myself with ethnicity I should be allowed to filter by ethnicity (especially if profile description can say black/asian/etc only sorry to search for only say example black should be allowed). For those screaming "racist" because I have a preference to one culture over another, fine "black lives matter" should be banned as well as being able to select your ethnicity. I respect everyone choice and don't judge but sorry if I’m racist for searching by ethnicity, identify yourself as a specific race is being racist also as you segregated from the crowd. Search by every characteristic to identify oneself or too controversial cannot identify as it ... respect towards each group of beliefs and politically correct bias and ones against, either both or none because respect to everyone even if you disagree is what's right not condemnation & allowing something very very controversial but what the majority feel & believe not allowed ... hmmm my suggestion seems more democratic & public correct & free speech than current allowing/restriction not that's dictatorship & restricting one's free speech, how is that alright?
FYI don't jump the gun crying "horrible" "racist" "bigot" "close minded0 sit back & think of what each "item" mentioned separate new/outdated racist/no race etc .., now what's actual right & fair ... back allowed/not
"your ethnicity" (race) / "specific ethnicity only" (race)
both are race so by all rights identify & searchable but the fact sexually attraction to a race is considered racism (sorry getting a little silly, but "Black Lives Matter" (specific race & signifier of attention ... now if that does look exactly like um identity/searchable I must be going crazy)
AGAIN no ridicule or condemnation don't comment period this is simple show that Grindr if choosing something ad unacceptable for their platform HELLO coin has two sides can't just remove one side the whole coins gotta go ... now with that I believe simple common sense can't have on without the other might get some of you to change your tune & leaps of condemnation reality check,
Anonymous commented
Tags are a great idea as long as you allow everyone to search by tags!!
Anonymous commented
Please add a category for types/tribes/labels guys are interested in. For example, I'm overweight and labeled as "Chub." I'm often prone to rejection and ridicule if I even look at a guy who doesn't want to be seen by someone like myself. I would fond it easier and less humiliating if I can filter men who are into Chubs and avoid those who choose with other types such as "Twinks" "Jocks" "FTM" "MTF" "Gender fluid" etc... Thank you.
JaggRock commented
Biggest pain is there being NO INTEREST CATEGORY. “I’m interested in _____” categories save so much time when we can see it there on their profile. If we’re smooth and skinny but they’re into bears we know not to bother. I’m tired of asking “are you into my type?”
Evan commented
Would love this....Most guys in my area are not into kissing...but I am, so it would be nice to filter out who is and who isn't.
Derek from Michigan, USA commented
Allow users to create whatever hashtag they wish to describe what they want, looking for, get into (or don’t get into) and allow users to search for other users by whatever hashtag they enter in to search by
J commented
If there would be a way to search with a specific set of tags I could find my type better . For instance if I input #high&horny I can see other people that are into it too. Example of other hashtags could be #bigcock, #nipples, #hairy #hairyarmpits or #nodrugs etc. To help choosing the hashtags there should be also a list displaying the most used ones so we don’t end up using one hashtag which is not very popular instead of another one that means the same thing but is used a lot: for example if I want to search for #hairyarmpit but the most used hashtag is actually #hairyarmpits with the s of the plural I should be able to see that and select the most used one. A little like when you put the hashtag on tik toks and it says the amount of videos under that hashtag.
Also the hashtag should be visible on the profile but just used as tools to find a profile. For example if I use the hashtag #hairy on my profile I don’t want people to see that is on my profile but I want people interested in hairy guy to be able to find my profile -
Adam commented
I’m not into guys with piercings anywhere besides the ears. A filter for that would be great!
Reece Griffith commented
Im very into fisting. This is unheard of in my area (smaller city in the south). I dont really want to display this on my profile. It would be cool if we could select kinks and such to match with other guys into the same things, even better if this was only visible in case of matching kinks.
JD commented
Nice to see so many guys asking for the frot option. Too bad Grindr hasn't bothered to address this simple feature yet even though it was first suggested about 3 years back.
Anonymous commented
Agreed. It would help a lot.
Another thing that would help is a way to filter out people who say mind numbing things like “This would promote wrongful body shaming behaviors within the gay culture. We need to put an end to this kind of thing. This idea is inappropriate,”. That would be super helpful!
P.S. Scott F. I flagged your comment. How’s that for inappropriate?