Allow shirtless & underwear profile pictures

Chris commented
Why is this still an issue? We’re 2022 and all my pics in underwear or shorts are removed and classified as “bullying” really?! What the hell is going on here!
Peter Vega commented
Your picture moderators are ridiculous! This is a HOOK-UP app! A pic in my underwear shouldn’t be an issue!
Anonymous commented
stop blocking photos on profiles. Just showing people's chest
Stefan commented
Your photo zensoring is embarrassing and anti-gay ! A nacked half torso without genital area should be visible in profile. It’s a sex dating platform and not a parship portal !
Animal pictures without profile owners are allowed ! What’s that ?I cancelled my abo now !
Walker commented
I can't even upload a picture of myself in shorts without it being rejected for "containing nudity". It makes no sense that shirtless pictures aren't allowed. Tinder and Instagram both allow even fully nude shots with your butt exposed to the camera, yet Grindr doesn't so much as allow you to be shirtless wearing shorts? That makes absolutely no sense. The restrictions on these profile pictures need to be reduced.
Micah commented
Allow underwear pics. Models take underwear pictures all the time. Normal everyday people wear underwear everyday. So I dont understand how something so normal is put into a category of inappropriateness. You guys are just making us feel frustrated and unable to Express our bodies on your hook up app.
Antonio Mendivil commented
As well as the ectractiom of the itty bitty thingy.
Anonymous commented
Yeah same here
Morgan Fay commented
Tinder allows all my pics in my underwear and Grindr does not. Blaming it on the Play or App Stores is ********.
Albert Turrigiano commented
Allow users to share provocative pics of themselves in underwear.
john commented
why not we are over 18 on here
Shobhan commented
Please allow photos with underwear. It's not naked. Naked is different from underwears. We will get attracted by more guys if we put underwear photos.
David H. commented
Lots of comments here about Play store and iTunes limiting what's permitted i.e. nudity and questions / assumptions around why other major platforms in these stores allow such pics.
This is a simple solve. Any pictures up to and including full nude and even ****** content is fully permitted and acknowledged as such by simply claiming it is a form of art. This claim is an extremely broad claim where you could post a Stark nude picture of yourself and it only requires your own opinion that it is an expression of artistic display to be fully within the T&C's and EULA of the stores. Platforms such as Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter, etc. all have the default posture that all these photos are artistic content until reported as offensive and inappropriate at which point an investigation is spun up and inquiry engaged with the poster not always resulting in removing the photo.
Again, another easy solve if you are familiar with this type of business.
These threads are riddled with people outside and niiave to the industry making extremely broad assumptions and stating them as facts in these posts. Taking a minimum amount of information and buffering it with a significant amount of assumptions is rediculously dangerous for topics such as these. This topic would be handled internally by Grindr by the people who have ALL OF THE DETAILS around these limitations / or lack thereof. These threads aren't for us to say what is / isn't legal or allowed, but instead whether or not we want it. That's it.
Oralllee commented
Better more ****** profile pics
Anonymous commented
If the issue is about not getting filtered out, that makes no sense given what can be posted on Instagram all the time. I'd think whatever is appropriate for IG is fine for Grindr profile pics.
Terence commented
Not sure why apps on Google play need to be "family friendly"???
Apps should be rated like how movies are, and its the responsibility of the user/parent to control this.
So perhaps Grindr can set the trend in the future with the type of content that can be displayed on profile pics, after all we all know what grindr is used for, it's definitely not dating and job hunting, there are other apps for this.So go Grindr!!! with your footprint around the globe, we can see a change in this space.
John commented
I’m into underwear and nice shorts. I’ve had a pic of me in metallic shorts for months suddenly out the blue it’s banned. Why they are shorts. And then I look around and guys have 5 profile pics of them in jock straps. I was jealous but didn’t report it that would be nasty. How did they get them on Grindr. You can see women’s underwear on bill boards so I believe men should be allowed underwear on Grindr. When I saw the jock guy wearing his 5 times and I was not even allowed 1 pair of shorts on Grindr I was in 2 minds weather to delete the app. If Grindr wasn’t such a **** hot app in other areas and the other dating apps absolutely **** I’d have done it. Grindr don’t tempt me again please just be gay nice
Anonymous commented
The are some jealous guys on gindr get my profile banned 4 no reason at all
Jake commented
Why are people voting for this? Grindr cannot approve s3xually suggestive profile pictures because that would be in violation of App Store and Google Play policies regarding app content...
The App Store's developer policies state, "Apps should not include overtly s3xual or p0rnographic material, defined by Webster’s Dictionary as 'explicit descriptions or displays of s3xual organs or activities intended to stimulate erotic rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings.' Apps with user-generated content or services that end up being used primarily for p0rnographic content do not belong on the App Store and may be removed without notice."
Google Play's developer policies state, "We don't allow apps that contain or promote s3xual content, such as p0rnography, or any content or services intended to be s3xually gratifying. Some examples of common violations include: depictions of nudity in which the subject is nude or minimally clothed, and where the clothing would not be acceptable in an appropriate public context; depictions, animations, or illustrations of s3x acts or s3xually suggestive poses; content that depicts s3xual aids and fetishes."
So stop voting for this! It is out of Grindr's control. They would get kicked off the App Store and Google Play if they allowed users to post erotic or minimally clothed profile pics.
Anonymous commented
How can Google or Apple store be regulating underwear shots as not family friendly when you can post underwear shots all day on your Instagram thread.....????? Have they threatened to remove Instagram? This a an actual hook up app.