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Grindr Feedback

Thanks for using Grindr! We’re constantly looking to improve your experience and would love to hear how we can achieve that.

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6 results found

  1. Grindr for 15 to 17 years old

    Gridr for 15 to 17 years old would be different it would be age to age and then when you turn 18 you get the normal app

    2 votes
  2. Only Gays

    This isn’t to bash anyone or discriminate against any gender or gender identity, but this used to be an app where gays could come to meet, hookup, chat, etc. But now with trans and CD’s making profiles on a site that wasn’t created for them, they’re taking away from the grid space that gays would otherwise have to interact. I also don’t believe that straight guys should be allowed to make profiles on grindr because I honestly believe that half of those profiles are fake and used to extract personal information from the gays that attempt to interact with them.…

    121 votes
    declined  ·  7 comments  ·  Admin →
  3. Nudity allowed in avatars

    We’re all swapping nudes anyway. It doesn’t make things any more classy on Grindr (which we’re all logging onto to fuck) to restrict nudity. If I’m looking for dick or ass I want to see it. Not some dumbass anime picture

    16 votes
    declined  ·  Alice Hunsberger responded

    Unfortunately due to Apple and Google app store guidelines, we cannot allow full nudity on the app.

  4. Add profile fields for dick size and dick cut

    Allow users to specify length in inches/cm (or by S/M/L/XL), and girth by thin/average/thick, and a selection for cut/uncut. Give users the ability to filter by this criteria, and that would make Grindr 1000x more fun.

    3,271 votes
    declined  ·  199 comments  ·  Admin →
  5. Grindr kids for +15

    Grindr normal est une application intéressante mais là plus part des profils sont des personnes au-dessus des 30 ans, pour quoi pas une version pour les adolescents avec des profils 100% vérifiés avec une carte d’identité pour éviter des possibles tromperies
    et à partir de 15 ans car c’est la majorité sexuel et max de 18 ans cela aiderait énormément d’adolescents qui sont en difficulté pour assumer leurs sexualités

    2 votes
  6. 585 votes
    declined  ·  45 comments  ·  Moderation  ·  Admin →
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