Add private note to favorited profiles
When talking with too many guys is difficult to keep up with the pace. Having the ability to create a list of contacts and being able to name it in a personalized way will help to remember the guys I have talked to.
Klara Baison commented
It’s great to see suggestions for improving Grindr’s features, like adding private notes for favorited profiles. In a similar way, having the right tools can improve precision and efficiency in various industries. For instance, explains how a band saw is used for making accurate cuts in food preparation or other tasks, just like how adding private notes could make organizing profiles on Grindr more efficient and tailored to your needs.
Mike commented
When scrolling through messages, you see a star when you added that guy into favourites next to his name. Having also the note there would help immensely, if only first ten letters perhaps.
Anonymous commented
A private mark/rating and also a date stamp of when to set and only viewable by you. Of the people you have dated or been with sexually on Grindr.
This will allow for us to track back for possible STD and HIV infections.
And/or if we would like to see them again. -
Ryan H. commented
This feature has already been implemented.
John Norrell commented
just add a note to the profile
Brandon Cole commented
Have the ability to mark someone you hooked up with and have them in a folder or something. Be able to thumbs up or down on how it was
C commented
add for iOS too please
Bun Pheng commented
Anonymous commented
Is there any link to download the newest iOS app or code files?📍
Ed commented
More interested in Notes (you can save “contacts” via Favorites). If you have Notes, you can make a note with someone’s real name, addy (if you’ve hooked up before), etc. I need to scroll through my msg history if we’ve shared names already!
BarebackSlut commented
I know this already rolled out to Android users as all the new features do first. Would be great to finally see this rolled out to iOS users soon. 🙏🏼
Anonymous commented
this might make it easier to track infections anyway
Alan S commented
An alternative would be an option in "report" for people you've hooked up with and don't remember. If someone gets reported more than once a year, say, remove them from Grindr. Those who are left can remember and don't need the check marks.
W commented
I would like to be able to make notes on each profile. I would use it to write things that I want to remember about the person. For example:
In nursing school
1 older brother
Birthday Mar 31
Does not like Chinese food -
Steele commented
I feel like this could be abused, and someone could mark another profile as a conquest, leave their phone out just to make someone else jealous etc. There is too much room for misuse.
Julius Mays commented
Ummm, those are called Favorites lol
Anonymous commented
Big one right here
Me commented
How about just not being a ****
Brendan commented
Or, just like... remember...
Radath commented
I agree. Some people choose to use a blank profile, but sometimes I've met them and know their name or even the ability to leave yourself a note like "seems interested", "hot pix" or "already met on Oct 22"