Know who visits our profile
Have the option to check a list of the users who have visited our profiles.

Irina Makovetskaya commented
In fact, we are always interested in what a stranger in our profile is doing, for example, I am interested in what my girlfriend is doing, so I went to I was looking for a program to track my child's mobile phone and came across this site. I found their reviews and ratings very helpful in understanding which program to choose
Anonymous commented
This idea was terrible
Anonymous commented
So, you’re proudly declaring this “COMPLETED” but it is probably one of the stupidest features you’ve added to the app. There is no option to hide your visits. So, when I swipe through the profiles (because it’s maddening to try to squint at the thumbnails) I have a million people hitting me up with: “Why are you visiting my profile so many times?” “You aren’t gonna say hi?” “I don’t know what the deal is.” “Why are you stalking me?” Half the time, it is some idiot with a landscape pic who thinks I’ve figured out who they are and I’m tracking them for their ex. You may think this feature is a great addition. (Now, you’re adding red eyes or something.) But, it has made my life hell. Please undo this or add something that allows me to switch off my visits.
Anonymous commented
I'm just confused. As a person who doesn't care about this, what is the reasoning for caring who sees your profile? People go through profiles all day. If the person went onto my profile but didn't say anything to me, then why should I care? Also, my profile is public...anyone can see it. My mother or grandmother could make a Grindr account and see it. I just don't get this.
Anonymous commented
This feature already exists.
Leo commented
Prefer not, in either direction.
R M commented
For at least a week or more.
Ryan H. commented
Already implemented.
Ryan H. commented
Already implemented.
Anonymous commented
I don't see why people want this. If you visit but don't talk...ohwell.
Anonymous commented
This made me delete my profile. This feature is horrible for shyer guys who don't want to accidently hit on someone they know or otherwise send the wrong impression. I have used Grindr on and off for many years between relationships. It took me a while to realise the feature was added, and I was so embarrassed that guys may have seen me view them multiple times. Moving to another app.
cR commented
What a horrible, horrible implementation. Worst idea ever. Shame on Grindr.
Agree it should be taken away in the next update.
Has prevented me from further using the app. Grindr is dead. -
Leo commented
Leo agrees. €28 per month to disable the option does not shine a good light on Gr: is it just a ruse to make more money?
Please do not bring the app into disrepute. I does not sit well with you. So please reconsider. -
Andrew commented
Worst idea ever. And to pay €28 a month for Unlimited just to disable the option is a crime.
Anonymous commented
Just when you thought Grindr couldn't get any worse.
Anonymous commented
I would suggest if we change some of the term for this idea. As, we all know we dont even want the person knows that we are visiting their profile.
Petter Jakob commented
How the **** is this the highest voted idea? It's beyond stupid, and terrible for privacy. What do the idiots that voted this in, achieve by this? Aggressively messaging their ghosters? Jesus Christ.
Anonymous commented
Remove this ****. Now you cant view profiles at all since they will know you were there. Terrible idea and completely idiotic. At least make me able to block this feature for both me and others otherwise there are other apps...
John commented
Please get rid of the 'Viewed me' function. It's not needed, and all it does is it makes gays more anxious. Anxious because we can see we are being ignored, but we don't know why. And anxious because if we don't respond to someone quickly, we get angry messages because we've seen and ignored. I haven't ignored, i just don't want to respond to everyone immediately! Terrible function, please remove!! Gays don't need more things to feel anxious about!! Common Grindr, do something positive!
Limiting_my_time_on_grindr commented
I paid for the Extra subscription so shouldn't your team finds other ways to stick the new Unlimited subscription in our faces other than making it an advert itself and having it appear as an extra tab in the app. And while you are at it, please re-consider the exccessive amount of money you charge for the Unlimited subscription. After conversion of currency, I won't be surprised if you don't any support for it in my country.